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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. It seems that AM is more than just a 13 year old lonely kid. I'm counting at least 4 known posting names she's used in addition to AM -- one of which is still active on this board and hasn't been banned. Seems like more trouble than a 13 year old would go to...and why would a 13 year old post HERE? Isn't there some Justin Beiber fan club site they could stalk? ;)
  2. Well some of the other banned posters linked to Anna Marie that have been mentioned (Mom in Michigan, Lauren R, Diana R, Katherine A, etc) have claimed that, in addition to her own brood of children, she has anywhere from 5-7 more children she adopted when her sister / brother died and she picked up their children. That makes it even more similar!
  3. It could be for attention. It could be a kid's idea of fun. It could be a way to potential plea for money or material goods. At the moment, members of this forum are helping 2 -- very real!!!! -- board members. This individual could want a piece of the proverbial action. All he / she needs to do is get folks to believe that she has 17 children and then, oh goodness no, my husband just dropped dead and now I have all these children to support.... Or my big house by the lake just burned down and we only have the clothes on our backs.... Can someone help us?? :glare:
  4. Please explain the Tam in Az thing!!!! When I went to the OP's visitor page, someone had posted a public visitor message, "Hi Tam. Nice to see you again." And I've been wondering ever since what it meant! They've now removed the message and put "NM", so it's gone now.
  5. How would a doctor be home long enough to give his wife 17 children? And would a doctor really WANT his wife to have 17 children, given the risk inherent in that many deliveries? And it seems mighty coincidental that the children's names have all been used by other banned posters. Not to mention all the drama that's been created by someone who just joined August 1st.
  6. You should throw a "Bob" in there, too. Just in honor of your American roots. ;)
  7. 5 bedrooms (one on the main level where my oldest sleeps). 4 bathrooms (2 upstairs, 2 on the main level). Living room, dining room, family room, kitchen, laundry room. Full basement. I'd like to have a castle though! A moat would be very convenient when the solicitors come to call! :lol:
  8. And, if you are really bored like me, you can search for their posts. All 3 posters had lots of kids, with lots of unusual names and unusual birth dates, and were moving to big houses (7 bedrooms and the like). Does seem to be a theme, doesn't it?
  9. And who would have an 11,000 sqft house to sell and then back out of the sale?? Our last house was large..it was owned by a custom builder who couldn't stop building! LOL We bought it as a foreclosure when he lost his business and it had 9 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. It took us over 6 months to sell it and that was at the hayday of the housing market in 2006 because .. who needs a 9 bedroom house? We were lucky to finally sell it to an extended family (mom & dad - 4 kids - and in-laws living with them). Certainly in this housing market, a seller would jump at the opportunity.
  10. My youngest is Kathryn and we call her Kate. :)
  11. We'll be staying at Windsor Hills for the first time this coming March! I can't wait! I first heard about Windsor Hills from the fine folks on this board and we booked our vacation last month. 223 days left to go! :lol:
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