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Julie of KY

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Everything posted by Julie of KY

  1. I heard about it here and just emailed and asked. He told me how to request it and then just sent all the solutions after I registered. We have access to all the videos, homework, and tests. I do the grading and answering questions. Yes, he still offers as we are currently doing it.
  2. I submitted a mid-year report. It appears to be the same as you describe from last year.
  3. There's a big difference between prepping him for test taking skills going into middle school and prepping him for college entrance exams. At this age, I'd pick something that's not too easy or too hard. Do a few questions at a time and go over them together. Are the missed questions due to not knowing the material or not knowing how to test. Talk through how to read the questions and answers and how the tests sometimes try to trick you. Don't do too much at a time. When it comes to learning how to take timed tests, I give the test to my kids with unlimited time. I also record how long it took to take the test. I first want a baseline of what is possible with no time limit. Also a big factor in improving speed is being familiar with the test style. As you learn what to expect and how to approach the test, your time will improve. Eventually I do some with actual time limits, but my focus is on teaching the material and how to approach the test - not how to improve the time. Don't spend too much time on test prep. Do it for awhile and then set it aside.
  4. One of my boys did Derek Owens and loved it. We did the half price option with me doing all the support and grading (he supplies the answers). It worked great for self-study.
  5. I agree with Kathy - fun, hard book. There are also "easier" Teaching Company videos by the same name and same author.
  6. My son applied to several schools - some very competitive and all accepted his labs just fine. "I" can teach really good labs and many homeschoolers actually come to my home for labs, but of course colleges don't know that. As far as documentation I list science (with lab) on the transcript unless it's an AP course in which labs are already a requirement. I provide a course description with a short add on describing labs done for the course as well as any lab text listed with the course textbook.
  7. I'm looking for people who have done Wilson Hill Academy Literature courses - specifically CS Lewis, Tolkien, or Jane Austin.. Tell me how the course is formatted. Is it discussion based? How much writing is required? Tests? How is it graded? Is it a full credit? What is your experience with the course?
  8. My son's scholarship resume outlined academic highlights and honors, awards, extracurriculars, leadership.
  9. You're not crazy to think about AP classes. Let him follow his passions and do everything to support him along the way. Since AP history or government is likely to be writing heavy, you might be able to back off in writing in other subjects - do you have the choice or are you outsourcing all the classes? Make sure you have some wiggle room in the schedule so that if he's feeling overloaded something else might be able to give. Is there any way to listen to some of the material rather than read it all? This might help cut down on the reading workload.
  10. No experience with WHA, but Carole Matheny at Pennsylvania Homeschoolers is a fantastic AP statistics teacher. Feel free to private message me any specific questions. If you are comparing two great teachers, then I would look harder at how the course is structured and what your son would respond to best.
  11. I don't, but my mother-in-law does. She used to work part-time while she taught. Now she's retired and has a full-time job for a few months of the year.
  12. Nothing scary about chapter 5 at my home. Just take it one step at a time and keep plugging along.
  13. I wouldn't skip the book. If the chapters are "easy" then you can skip to the review problems at the end. There is a lot of content that can not be covered by Alcumus with a simple answer.
  14. As long as you are happy with the options (financially) if accepted and happy with the options if not accepted, then it's fine to apply to one school.
  15. I had a school profile and counselor letter along with transcript and course descriptions. I uploaded it all to the common app as it was required and then I mailed it to everywhere else. I figured it didn't hurt to include extra that they didn't ask for.
  16. Take care. You're not being unreasonable. Good luck finding someone new and patching up this relationship (as it sounds like someone you interact with from church).
  17. I agree with Lori D. Make a separate resume to highlight awards, activities, leadership, honors, work experience, etc.
  18. Did you post the transcript? I don't see it.
  19. I'm using All About Spelling with my teen, but I like several of the suggestions of the previous posters.
  20. That's why "I" am a fan of AoPS. :laugh: However, it's not the best for all my kids so we've mostly done a mix of AoPS and Derek Owens (with me doing the support).
  21. My biggest issue with Foerster's is that it is heavy on problems that are intended to be solved with a calculator. I'd prefer to teach the math concepts without calculators and then show how to use calculators as well.
  22. For high school, I think you need to follow some passions and do those as well as you can. I think it is fine to back off and not do the hardest history or whatever else if that is not your student's interest. Of course I don't think you should back off everything just because they don't like learning though. Follow your instincts of what is best for your son.
  23. I agree that you can't go wrong in strengthening the algebra foundation. If the problems in a chapter are easy, then you can skip to the end of chapter review problems. However, I think you will find AoPS pretty different and challenging.
  24. My kids have done great with Brave Writer online classes. They are expensive, but they are fantastic. It's amazing how far they've taken my kids.
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