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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. emotionally and physically Too many emotions at once Too much to think about Too much to get done...not enough time I was at work staring at the computer screen and I just hit. a. wall. I stood up picked up my purse walked out drove home walked past my family into my bedroom crawled into my bed and slept for three hours I am pretty sure my boss and my family were a little worried but really, I just could not cope and I needed sleep. I feel better now. I also found my sense of humor (it was under the couch) and I posted something funny on my blog. :tongue_smilie: only 23 more days to go until we leave for Malaysia!
  2. I hope not. I am about to go live in 100% humidity. :tongue_smilie:
  3. My kids are taught that everything we say and do should glorify God and swearing does not glorify God. Therefore, they do not swear. When I taught in a ps school, if a student swore in front of me they were required to make a list of 10 words they could have used instead of that swear word.
  4. If you are using BFIAR with your little one, why not use FIAR with your older ones (or even Beyond FIAR or Above and Beyond FIAR?). If you have the whole family doing FIAR for history/lit it might make your planning easier. However, I do think you need a separate science program for the 9th grader...maybe Apologia?
  5. He is doing a little better...he is able to walk around (albeit gingerly) for short periods of time. My brother volunteered to load the boxes and take them to the shipping warehouse for us (he is such a good brother). Biggest concerns right now: -getting an MRI appointment before we leave the country -our 10 hour car ride to NC at the end of next week -our multiple plane flights in less than a month I have never had a back injury before but I can't imagine that car rides and plane flights will be easy on him. Obviously, we have to fly no matter what but we may have to cancel our NC trip if he doesn't get better. Thank you for your prayers and concern. :grouphug:
  6. I was married by a female pastor. :D I think some women make great pastors and would have no problem having one as my pastor.
  7. No I didn't change my mind. I came home at noon to find my dh crippled over in excruciating pain. He did some kind of damage to his back while moving boxes around. Couldn't stand up...couldn't sit....couldn't walk. He sort of half-hobbled, half-crawled his way to the van and I took him to the ER where they did xrays and gave him 3 different meds. Now he needs an MRI. :confused: He is drugged up and asleep right now and I am trying to arrange for my brother to come and do the boxes tomorrow. But I am also worried about my dh not healing in time for us to go? Anyone have experience with back injuries???
  8. Holy Smokes are you serous???? I had no idea. I will have to get that book asap!
  9. NEVER EVER will either of my children darken the doorstep of a public school.
  10. Thank you for your prayers. Ithought the point of no return was when I gave my notice at work...then when dh gave his notice...but now I REALLY know this is it. We won't see our belongings for at least a month and it is far too expensive to have them shipped back so we are going! No turning back! I feel a little faint...
  11. That's us too. And even those are becoming more rare as I do not like the direction this boy is taking and his influence on my ds.
  12. Tomorrow my dh will load up about 50 huge rubbermaid bins and take them to the warehouse that will ship them to Malaysia. We have to send them about a month ahead of us to get them somewhat in time. A. Those bins contain most of our earthly goods minus furniture which is staying in the states. So I am having a meltdown thinking of all the awful things that could happen. What if the boat sinks? What if it gets hijacked by pirates? What if my boxes fall off the ship (like in Madagascar)? OK, I know I am being melodramatic but still. B. Shipping those bins tomorrow is the POINT OF NO RETURN. I am so excited about this new adventure. I can't wait to get there. So why am I hyperventilating??? Please. Talk me off the ledge. :willy_nilly:
  13. I know you probably don't have time for leisure reading right now, but when you can get this book: Just Do Something: How to Make a Decision Without Dreams, Visions, Fleeces, Open Doors, Random Bible Verses, Casting Lots, Liver Shivers, Writing in the Sky, etc. Here is the synopsis: Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung counsels Christians to settle down, make choices, and do the hard work of seeing those choices through. Too often, he writes, God's people tinker around with churches, jobs, and relationships, worrying that they haven't found God's perfect will for their lives. Or—even worse—they do absolutely nothing, stuck in a frustrated state of paralyzed indecision, waiting . . . waiting . . . waiting for clear, direct, unmistakable direction. But God doesn't need to tell us what to do at each fork in the road. He's already revealed his plan for our lives: to love him with our whole hearts, to obey His Word, and after that, to do what we like. DeYoung's understanding of the will of God and God's guidance is very consistent with Friesen and Swavely and a whole host of others. He distinguishes between God's secret will (or will of decree), God's revealed will (will of desire) and God's will for our lives (will of direction). God's will of decree is his secret will, ordained from all of time--a will that is going to come to pass and that no man can thwart. God's will of desire is his will as revealed in Scripture--a will we sometimes obey and at other times disobey. God's will of direction is the one that answers those questions we have about jobs and spouses and houses and all the rest. Here's the real heart of the matter, according to DeYoung. "Does God have a secret will of direction that He expects us to figure out before we do anything? And the answer is no." Though we are free to ask for his direction and though we ought to be devoted to prayer in all matters, God does not burden us with seeking his will of direction ahead of our decisions. "God does have a specific plan for our lives, but it is not one that He expects us to figure out before we make a decision." "Trusting in God's will of decree is good. Following his will of desire is obedient. Waiting for God's will of direction is a mess." The solution is simple: we are to have confidence in God's hidden will, we are to search out and believe and obey God's will as expressed in the Bible, and we are then to use wisdom to make decisions that God will bless. We are to use what Dave Swavely aptly terms "sanctified reasoning." DeYoung leaves the reader to consider this: "If there really is a perfect will of God we are meant to discover, in which we will find tremendous freedom and fulfillment, why does it seem that everyone looking for God's will is in such bondage and confusion?" Here, then, is how we are to live within God's will: "So go marry someone, provided you're equally yoked and you actually like being with each other. Go get a job, provided it's not wicked. Go live somewhere in something with somebody or nobody. But put aside the passivity and the quest for complete fulfillment and the perfectionism and the preoccupation with the future, and for God's sake start making some decisions in your life. Don't wait for the liver-shiver. If you are seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, you will be in God's will, so just go out and do something." God's will for your life is really not as complicated as you may be making it out to be.
  14. MIL- already passed FIL- will live with his daughter My father- gone My mother will absolutely, positively, no matter what I have to do to make it happen, live with me. A. I have nightmares about seeing my dh's great-grandmother in a nursing home. It was terrible. B. I am very close with my mom and would have her live with me now if she would but she's only 59yo and perfectly healthy. C. It is what she wants as well and we have discussed it at length. It's just a family thing...we don't leave the care of our loved ones to others. D. She cared for me when I could not care for myself (throughout infancy and childhood) and I want to return the favor. E. I want to honor her as my mother and make sure her last days are dignified. WHat I have seen at nursing homes is anything but dignified.
  15. I do not take them because it just stresses me out too much. The convention is huge and crowded and I need to be able to concentrate on making some important decisions.
  16. :iagree: All the theaters around here have those signs so we buy there or eat before we go.
  17. :iagree: and AMEN. Adolescence + hormones + opportunity = lots of bad decisions. Ask me how I know. Shut it down, gently but firmly. You have to do what is best for him even if he doesn't agree. I wish my mom had.
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