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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Our lives are lived to the glory of God. Everything we do, whether it is doing chores or lessons or practicing piano, to how we treat each other is done to the glory of God. Are we always successful? Of course not. But it is our life's purpose. If my children are arguing or whining, etc., the question we pose to them is "Is your behavior right now glorifying to God?" Because we want them to live their lives NOT to please people but to please God. We also "shelter" them from too many worldly influences. We know that what they read and watch and listen to affects them, influences them, changes them, becomes part of who they are. So we try to make sure that what we are exposing them to will help them become MORE Christ-like, NOT less. We pray together, read the Bible and talk about it in-depth, and we try to be the best example we can for them. Never underestimate the power of the enemy: "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." I Peter 5:8. We pray a hedge of protection around our children and we teach them to be alert as well. Cute bible stories are nice, but the stories are not for our entertainment. They are there as a directive, a warning, and a comfort. But most of all we continually remind them that no matter how much we love them, God loves them more. We love Him because He first loved us and we teach them to see their life as a way to worship Him in thanksgiving. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  2. I tell ya what...this big move we are facing...and the limited amount we are allowed to ship...has really helped us to focus on the "essentials" of life. I am loving it!
  3. Wow. I had no idea. No wonder English is so difficult to learn! :D I am going to spend some time looking at this. You know what is weird? I never learned any spelling rules when I was a kid in school except "I before E except after C". Seriously. None. All we did was memorize lists of words. So when I see the rules now, I think "oh, of course. That makes sense." But I never knew WHY they were spelled that way. I wonder if it was just the philosophy of the 70's to teach spelling without rules?
  4. This is all really great info. We did the Phonetic Zoo spelling which teaches rules and he could recite the rules but doesn't seem to put them in to use. For instance, he knows that "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking." So if he sees the word "team" he knows it is pronounced "teem" and not "tame". But if you say "spell the word TEAM" how would he know to spell it TEAM and not TEEM? Or TEME (since he also knows that an e on the end makes the vowel say its name)? Am I making any sense? The phonics rules help him read well but don't seem to help with spelling. I am simplifying for an example. He CAN spell TEAM. :D But he cannot spell words that are closer to his grade level. I am wondering, since he can spell simple words, if something like Sequential Spelling would help him learn to spell bigger words? Here is a funny for you...the other night we were watching the Spelling Bee finals on TV. So of course our kids were wanting to spell words so they kept asking us for words to spell. My dh says to ds "spell GIRAFFE". Ds starts spelling "G-E-R..." Dh stops him and says no, try again. Ds says "Oh yeah, I forgot the H". Dh and I both started cracking up and so did ds when we told him there is no H is giraffe. :lol: Ds doesn't seem too bothered by his lack of spelling skill but I am, of course. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I was an early reader and a great speller (won our school spelling bee twice). My ds was also reading at a young age and has a tremendous vocabulary so I assumed spelling would come easy for him too. WRONG. Apparently, the two do not go hand-in-hand as I once thought (my bad). We have done several different spelling programs and he is now a rising 6th grader who can read at a college level but could not spell his way out of a paperbag. First, can someone tell me WHY he can read so well (and is great with grammar and languages) but cannot spell? Second, at this stage, what, if anything, can be done? Are some people just born bad spellers and they will always be that way? Should I just be grateful for spell check and move on?
  6. Things must be different in San Diego because here, the street in front of your house is fair game for parking...public property...no one owns it. The only thing you have control over is your own driveway. No one else can park in your driveway or block your access to it. But people can park in the street in front of your house and there is nothing you can do about it.
  7. If they are violating parking regulations then ticket the cars or tow them. But to ask the family to STOP the bible study gathering is to violate their constitutional rights.
  8. I read it recently too. It was wonderful....a true classic. My friend's 15yo ds just had to read it for his lit class and hated it. I wonder if it is one of those books you really can't appreciate until you are an adult? Or a parent?
  9. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... or the right of the people peaceably to assemble I personally think the constitution would trump whatever city zoning code or parking issues there were. Parking is not guaranteed to us by the constitution. Neither is freedom from neighbors who annoy you. But 10-15 people having a bible study? That is protected and this is persecution.
  10. So it was a little less dramatic than I expected. He called me and asked me to do exactly what the little birdie said he would. But thankfully I had a well-prepared answer. Among other things I told him that I refused to compromise my reputation and my integrity for anything especially test scores as I have to answer for all of this one day. He was ....ummmm....to be honest....a little tongue-tied. I think it was the very last thing he expected me to say. I mean, basically, he said "do this" and I said "no". That doesn't happen to him very often. But you are right. What is he going to do? Fire me? :D
  11. I would have LOVED being homeschooled. I was always bored and most the other kids got on my nerves with their antics.
  12. Every novel by Jackie Collins and "Forever" by Judy Blume as well as scads of bodice-rippers. I wish my mom would not have let me read that filth.
  13. I have read all 4 and I would NOT let a 10yo read them. I wouldn't even let a 16yo read them. There may not be explicit sex scences but there is a ton of unmistakable "sexual tension" through the first 3 books. And I agree that Bella is a terrible example for girls...low self-esteem, obssessed with her boyfriend to the point that she would lie to and disobey her parents, sneak around, feel like life isn't worth living without him, etc. They are fluff for a grounded adult woman but far too much for a teenager.
  14. A little birdie told me that the "big boss" in my district is going to call me this morning and ask me to do something unethical regarding standardized testing. I, of course, am going to refuse. This will be considered insubordination. But since I've already given my notice, they can't fire me. :D I'm sure it will be a very difficult (and by "difficult" I mean he is going to wig out that I am not bowing to his authority) conversation though so wish me luck.
  15. My pastor is a former employee for Gothard himself and the long hair thing is a Gothard thing. My pastor's wife and his 4 daughters all have long hair.
  16. And another one bites the dust. Any hope of ever seeing a positive role model come out of Hollywood was dashed for me years ago.
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