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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. When my 29yo friend Christy died last October of cancer just 5 weeks after her first child was born, I was VERY tempted to be angry with God. SO MANY people were praying for her healing but she died anyways and left her newborn motherless. It was just AWFUL. So I played this song again and again and again until I really started to believe the words I was singing: I was sure by now That You would have reached down And wiped our tears away Stepped in and saved the day But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining As the thunder rolls I barely hear Your whisper through the rain "I'm with you" And as You mercy falls I raise my hands and praise the God who gives And takes away I remember when I stumbled in the wind You heard my cry You raised me up again My strength is almost gone How can I carry on If I can't find You As the thunder rolls I barely hear You whisper through the rain "I'm with you" And as Your mercy falls I raise my hands and praise the God who gives And takes away I'll praise You in this storm And I will lift my hands For You are who You are No matter where I am Every tear I've cried You hold in Your hand You never left my side And though my heart is torn I will praise You in this storm I lift my eyes unto the hills Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord The Maker of Heaven and Earth
  2. maybe. maybe not. either way, I am here now and I need advice not 20/20 hindsight. Thank you for those awesome links and ideas ladies! Iam actually saving these replies as anecdotal evidence to go with my hard data!
  3. So I had a glass of wine, ranted to my husband and this is my plan: The week of Sept 7 we will be testing all students in grades 1-9 on Language Arts, Science and Math using the MAP test (Measures of Academic Progress). It is a really nice online test that is adaptive...each student's test adjusts itself with each question so if they get it right, it gives them a harder question and keeps going until they get it wrong so it can find the student's top range. The same thing goes if they get it wrong...it makes it easier until they get it right. That way every student is assessed on their instructional level. We get the reports back almost immediately. Once I have that data in hand I will have PROOF that I will force them to acknowledge and then the process of changing policy can begin. Until then I just have to take deep cleansing breaths and count to ten in Swahili (like today when my 11yo ds, whose favorite book is Lord of the Rings, brought home his language arts homework assignment which was to draw a picture showing what their name means. ??? What in the world does that have to do with reading, writing, grammar, etc.???).
  4. Is there ANY make-up (foundation and blush) that will NOT melt off my face in this weather? I've been using mineral make-up for a while and I love it but it is so hot and humid here that it slides right off my face by lunch time. Any ideas?
  5. We have only been in school for a week so I haven't made any policy changes...yet. :D But this is definitely going to be on my list. I think it is a TRAVESTY that we (meaning educators) ignore the more academically advanced kids. These kids are the future Einsteins! And we are doing nothing for them? Well, the kids in high school here can take gobs of AP classes but until 9th grade there is nothing. :confused: In my ideal situation, all the kids would be tested to see where they are academically in at least Math and Reading and then they would go to that level of class...ability grouping, not age grouping. The previous elementary principal who is now the high school principal is really big into "cooperative learning" which is great EXCEPT he is under the commonly held FALSE notion that grouping advanced kids with slower kids always brings the slower kids up when in fact it usually brings the faster kids down. In my experience, if gifted kids are not challenged they tune out. If you are interested in this a great book is "Losing Our Minds: Gifted Children Left Behind." I know this can be a touchy subject. Parents can get really defensive when you talk about gifted kids. I usually end up with other parents either telling me "Well, I think ALL kids are gifted" or they lecture me on how I am pushing my kids too hard. Whatever. I know part of this is a knee-jerk reaction because of what I have encountered with my own kids but seriously, if my kids were learning disabled they would get TONS of special services. But because they are gifted I am told "Just be glad they are smart and let it go." yes, that is what our local district said to us. So I feel for these parents who just want what is best for their kids and they are willing to pay big bucks for it and they still can't get it. But you can bet your sweet bippy I will NOT let this one go. These people do not know what I am capable of when I am on a mission. But they are about to find out. :D
  6. I forgot how much "standard" education bugs me. How do you have 20 kids in a room (this is a private school) and expect them all to learn the same thing at the same pace????? Here is the thing...and I apologize if this sounds like stereotyping but it is true...a large portion of this school is Asian (mostly Korean and Chinese). These kids (most of them) are VERY smart. The parents put their kids in my school mostly because they want them to learn English and partly so they can easily get into an American college (avoid accreditation issues, etc.). This place is a bit pricey...about $10K per year in USD. But policy states that kids get put into their grades by chronological age and Sept. 1 is the deadline. So, for instance, I have one 1st grader that is doing 4th grade math at home and her dad wants to know what we are going to do for her? I don't blame him. He is paying A LOT of money for his kid to go here and there are other options. Plus, it's just not best for the child to make her sit through 3 years of math until she gets OLD ENOUGH to do math she is already capable of (which of course, may not happen since the parents will continue to supplement at home). And I am reminded that THIS is why I homeschooled for the last 6 years. :glare: My own ds who is 5.5yo is in the kindergarten class age-wise. They are doing colors and shapes and he reads at a 2nd grade level! He already finished MUS Alpha and they are "learning" to count. Socially, he is squirrely and probably couldn't sit all day in a 1st or 2nd grade class. But why shouldn't he go to one of those classes just for math and/or reading? I talked to another principal here and he said "What's your hurry?" WHAT???? I am not trying to HURRY these kids. I am trying to give them what they need. Why would you waste years of learning? Why would you waste that potential? What if your child was capable of doing Algebra and you were told "No, no, no. He has to do adding and subtracting for a few years first." But he already knows that! "Too bad. His birth certificate says he is only old enough for 2nd grade math so that is all you are getting." I really thought there would be more flexibility with it being a private school in a foreign country and not subject to the NCLB craziness. But apparently it is a point of PRIDE for them that we use an AMERICAN curriculum. What's so great about that? American PS curriculums are pretty crappy if you ask me. OK, this rant is over but the battle has just begun. I don't give up THAT easily! I didn't move to the other side of the world to roll over and play dead.
  7. All I can give is my own personal view. I believe that I am alive to bring glory to God and share the gospel. when I am in a position that I can no longer do that then I am ready to meet Him face to face. YMMV.
  8. Although Buttercup and Westley garnered the most votes (and is the one I wanted)...my boys picked Max and Ruby for two reasons: 1. they are brother and sister and so are our cats 2. now the cats will have their own theme song! Thanks for voting!
  9. True. And "Buttercup" IS all black with white front paws (and we are NOT naming her mittens. :D). The boy is black and white.
  10. I am not sure what the laws are in other states but in Michigan you cannot force a child to bring supplies to school...request? yes. require? no. By law, the school has to provide the supplies. The school I am currently the principal of supplies everything for the kids but it is a private school so it is factored into the tuition I am sure. :D
  11. I am not sure why it isn't working? I don't know what that sauce is but I will be asking for it for sure! We actually eat curry puffs for breakfast!
  12. It IS pretty surreal to be honest. this whole thing is. I walk around campus and there are palm trees and the ocean waves are crashing the background as the kids walk from class to class...just awesome. I like Samson and Delilah too! :)
  13. I showed all the suggestions to my family and they narrowed it down to these. Now you get to choose (sort of like American Idol! :D).
  14. One boy and one girl. I want to do some kind of famous couple. So far all we've got are: Romeo and Juliet Samson and Delilah (my ds picked this) Edward and Bella (I picked this but dh says no :D) Any more cute ideas?
  15. They seem to be crying quite a bit. I think they miss their mom. Should they stay in a box or cage to sleep?
  16. We are the proud new owners of two 6 week old kittens. I do not know the first thing about taking care of tiny kittens. What do I need to know?
  17. My shipment that I sent on a slow boat to Malaysia almost 2 months ago finally arrived!!!! I swear it was like Christmas. It has been so long since I packed it up that I forgot what was in it. :D So I have been unpacking like crazy all day and I am exhausted but so happy. Now my home is starting to look more like a home instead of a hotel room. And NOTHING was broken. I can't believe it. NOTHING. It's a miracle! Tomorrow after church I am going to start unpacking my books and I can't wait!
  18. I cannot believe what an amazing day I had. Truly perfect. I have been working in schools for 15 years and I have faced the "beginning of the school year" teacher meetings 15 times. Never like this. Imagine being in a room with 70 educators who all believe in Christ and love Him. The day opens with prayer and awesome worship music. That was followed by testimonies by all the new staff and the current staff prayed for each of us individually. That was followed by a short bible study in small groups which we then discussed as a large group. Then lunch. Then the afternoon was free to work in your classroom (I spent the afternoon in admissions meetings and even those were God-honoring!). After the day was done, we spent the late afternoon playing on the beach and swimming. Everyone was incredibly warm and friendly and welcomed us with open arms. We received notes of encouragement, hugs, prayers and smiles. I am never going back to Michigan. :D OK, OK, I know nothing is perfect but today was pretty close.
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