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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. My wedding was beautiful, like a fairytale. But then someone stole my purse. At my wedding. Who steals the bride's purse?
  2. Actually, it is one of my favorite things about homeschooling! :D Honestly, I don't fit in anywhere. I am a conservative christian and I home school BUT... - I am one of those "awful" career-women you hear about. I have always worked full time with the exception of two years and I LOVE IT. -Not only that but I worked in a public school district until last year so all my PS co-workers thought I was weird for homeschooling! -I have two adopted children from two different countries and we get stares and rude questions everywhere we go (including at the restaurant tonight) -I have a son who is both gifted and special needs who also has trouble fitting in anywhere. I could go on and on..... But honestly, I LIKE not fitting in. Fitting in is so BORING. Our motto: "You laugh because we are different. We laugh because you are all the same."
  3. sigh...this is always such a tough topic. 1. if you post it they will come. FB and WTM and others like it are public places and people WILL post. I have been flogged many times here over my beliefs. It is the nature of the beast. 2. It IS your FB page though so you must have "friended" this person. Either delete their offensive comment or delete them entirely. 3. It is part of the mandate for Christians to go out and make disciples. What we believe requires us to share it with others, solicited or not. Now unfortunately, sometimes the WAY we share it isn't always the smoothest, or most popular, or even the most loving. We are a work in progress. :D BUT, one of my best friends is a secular Jew. I have done my very best to share the gospel with her. And at one point she simply said to me, "I am aware of my options. I really don't want to discuss it any more." And I never brought it up again. And we are still best friends. I think christians probably need to be a little less rabid in their sharing of the gospel and non-christians could stand to be a little more graceful when rejecting it. Perhaps a simple statement of "I am aware of my options and I don't want to debate/discuss the topic" to your friend might work?
  4. I can't really be sure. Time difference and all. SO....... I haven't talked to her in about 10 years. She was a rude, mean-spirited woman that I did not want in my children's life. And she died today. Or yesterday. Obviously I am not going to the funeral since I am on the other side of the world. And I found myself relieved that I have that as an excuse. I always wondered if I would go to her funeral when she died. I am not sad. I feel like I should be. She was my grandmother. But I am not. Does that make me an evil person? If you saw my father's day post then you know that this side of the family is fraught with difficulty. Sheesh. Maybe I need to go on Oprah.
  5. It's interesting because this blog article popped up on my FB and I read it and I had never honestly even thought about whether or not we "should" celebrate 4th of July but apparently there are people on both sides who feel very strongly about this.
  6. Read an interesting blog entry today about this topic: http://groansfromwithin.com/2010/06/29/unpopular-annual-post-why-christianity-and-the-4th-are-incompatible-or-why-this-is-not-a-day-to-celebrate-or-why-my-friends-wont-like-me-for-the-next-week-or-so/ Still mulling it over.... What says the hive?
  7. Honestly, I don't know how long the tics have been going on but I know they have been severe for about 9 months. They absolutely exhaust him. He tics all day long. Kids at school made fun of him last year. It was awful. I am so glad he will be homeschooled again. The reason the doctor put him on Strattera is because it is the only ADHD med that does NOT make Tics worse. All the rest do. He has ds on a low dose of risperdal to help control the tics. It is comforting to know the tics may ease up after puberty...they certainly do seem worse since it started! And his ADHD seems worse. poor kid. As if puberty isn't bad enough. Thank you for all the good advice and warm words. It is so hard to see your child suffer through these things.
  8. Well, we got the official diagnosis this week for ds (12). We have known since he was very young that he had pretty severe sensory integration issues and he had a lot of occupational therapy when he was younger. We have always suspected the ADHD but as he was homeschooled we were able to work with it rather than medicate. However, in the last year he started exhibiting some new behaviors that threw us. After about 9 months of watching these odd physical behaviors (which I now know are called "motor tics") we decided to have him evaluated and the doctor came back with ADHD (which we really already knew) and Tourette's Syndrome. They have put him on Strattera and Risperdal. I am trying not to be upset. It could be worse, right? But there is no cure for Tourette's so all you can do is try to medicate and control stressful situations which makes his tics worse. But my poor son will have to deal with these motor tics for the rest of his life and that just makes me sad. Anyone else have children dealing with tourettes? Any advice?
  9. Listerine...the original. Put it in a spray bottle and spray them down with it before they go out to play. Works like a charm.
  10. ugh. it doesn't start here until July 8. I am dying a thousand deaths knowing others get to see it before me.
  11. This year we watched all 8 seasons of 24. We loved it! We also watched all 9 seasons of Smallville. We did one season of prison Break which was so-so. Now we are working on Psych which we LOVE!
  12. :iagree: I LIKE the feminine shape. I ENJOY being a woman and I am not dressing in a formless potato sack because guys can't keep their own thoughts pure. I do not dressy slutty but I do not try to erase all evidence that I am a woman either. I will not be blamed because they have lust issues.
  13. We opened the floor for discussion and gave ds all the basics at age 9. he never really asked about it before then. Since then we answer all questions openly and honestly and he is free to ask whatever he wants (and he does!).
  14. Well my favorites in the last few months have been: The Help The Book Thief The Thirteenth Tale All 4 Twilight books Same Kind of Different as Me Do hard Things Don't Waste Your Life
  15. Hey Faith...you go girl! After having taught high school for 11 years and working in admin for 5 (currently IN a private school) I can say this stuff happens literally every year. EVERY SINGLE YEAR I taught there were some seniors who pulled some prank, did or said something stupid and were pulled from the graduation ceremony. My favorite was the year they swapped out the tape of the morning announcements that goes over the TV in each classroom with PORN. Oh, and maybe the year they released about 200 mice in the building at the same time. etc. Those kids and many like them did not get to walk at graduation and this was in a PUBLIC school. This year, at a private christian school, a senior cheated on one of his final exams and was EXPELLED. No graduation. Period. I told my students the same thing every year as the buzz about what the senior prank would be that year began...If you are gonna play the game then you better know the rules and you better be prepared to lose. Even if the teacher did say something negative about the student, is lashing out at the teacher on FB using vulgar language really the way we want to teach our next generation to handle the situation? By condoning it that is essentially what we are doing.
  16. So we had our home study here in Malaysia today for Natalie's adoption. It was a man and he spoke English fairly well but you could tell it was not his first language because his questions were short, to the point, no social niceties involved, etc. It was pretty much basic stuff until he asked: Him: "So what are your future plans for Natalie?" Me: Ummm...well it is about time for her morning nap. Him: What will she be as an adult? Her profession? Me: Uhhh... I suppose she will become whatever she puts her mind to, whatever suits her abilities. Him: No, I mean her profession, her career. Will she be a doctor? A Lawyer? An Engineer? At this point I look at dh with wild panic in my eyes and he says: "Doctor. She will be a doctor." I look at him quizzically. He shrugs as if to say "I hope that was the right answer." What on earth? She is SIX MONTHS OLD. How on earth am I supposed to know what she is going to be when she grows up? So I come home and I tell my ahma the story and she says that all the parents here determine what their kids are going to be when they grow up and guide them towards it starting at a very young age. So apparently I am the one who is behind schedule. Guess I better get thinking about what career I am going to FORCE my child into. What if I would have said "Well, I would like for her to be a SAHM and homeschool her children"? Heaven Forbid. They probably would have snatched her from my arms right then and there. :tongue_smilie:
  17. Well we just adopted our baby girl 6 months ago but the orphangae just called and they have another baby girl available. I actually hesitated...thought maybe we can take this one too...then my dh looked at me like I have 4 heads so I guess that's a no. :D he would like another but would like to get this one a little older first.
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