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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Actually they are both right depending on if you are using american or british spelling. Letter doubles get me like obsessed or obssessed committment or commitment or comittment or comitment AGHHHHHHHHHHH!! and I have certain words I always type incorrectly even though I know how to spell them. It's like my fingers won't cooperate.
  2. I read the book...thought is was...ummmm....odd. I saw the movie and thought it was more....ummm...odd. One thing I liked is that the author was "real" with the wife's feelings about her husband's "illness". She gets angry and irritable and come to terms with it, etc. it wasn't all a happy hollywood ending But it was still weird. And the author's next book , "Her Fearful Symmetry", was REALLY REALLY ODD.
  3. WOW...so I guess the 15-ish year mark is pretty stressful for a lot of people and I am NOT just imagining it! Year 3 was hard for us too. I don't remember year 7 being all that significant but year 9 was a doozy. And my parents divorced after 28 years of marriage. Go figure.
  4. In the last month or so I have found out about at least 10 different marriages that are ending and they are all around the 15 year mark or so. Some of these are people I never thought would get divorced. Then you turn on the the TV and even "hollywood" marriages that have stood the test of "hollywood time" and made it to around the 15 year point are ending. What is it about the 15 year-ish point that makes people decide now is the time to get a divorce? My dh and I celebrate 14 years this year and to be honest, it HAS been one of the tougher years of our marriage as well...nothing divorce-worthy...just surprising as you would think we would have worked out all our issues by now. So what do you think? What is it about the 15 year mark?
  5. I am a fairly conservative christian and my one best friend of 12 years is Jewish and my other best friend of 6 years is an extremely liberal kind of gal (like the kind with a master's degree in women's studies :D). We completely respect each other's beliefs and it has never been an issue in our friendship. In fact, I think I am a richer person for having these ladies in my life.
  6. :D She turned 10 months old today and is already walking! Check this one out (I mean, since I'm bragging already....hee, hee)
  7. This one was just taken last weekend with two of my kids.... I just cut 7 inches off my hair last week! ETA...I just realized my avatar is 5 years old!!!!
  8. Finished Mere Christianity and starting Fall of Giants by Ken Follet. This may take me more than a week. :)
  9. um, yup. what she said. I coached competitive all-star cheerleading (the kind you see on ESPN) for 10 years and I told my GIRLS to "man-up". :D My motto was if you aren't bleeding and you don't need a cast, shake it off and do it again. If you screw up, you cry in private. Never let 'em see you sweat. I've had girls screw up and start bawling. I ignore them. I've also had girls finish a routine with blood streaming down their face from a broken nose that happened mid-way through the routine. That girl got all the props in the world. She was a hero to her teammates. The girl who sat there wallowing in self-pity? Her stock dropped big-time in the eyes of her teammates. Guess which one felt more proud of themselves? Slam me if you will but I think her dh did the right thing.
  10. Meh. It was barely an average book. Yeah the theology was bad and the writing equally so but it was the melodrama of the whole thing that irked me. Just so overdone. It did not answer any deep, burning spiritual questions for me and I really thought the whole thing was sort of silly. I didn't get my panties in a twist over it but I also would not recommend it as a "must-read".
  11. We are reading Hamlet aloud together (me, dh, ds-12 and ds-6 each taking different parts).. It's been really fun!
  12. Well it IS my dh's birthday sooooo...... LOL.....Sorry I couldn't resist. :D
  13. OK, now I am intimidated as these kids are NOT slouches in debate! so step one is to determine a definition for success step two is to come up with reasons why academic performance is the best indicator for my definition of success Most interestingly, I don't actually agree with the resolution...but I suppose that is the point of debate, no? So i suppose it would behoove me to come up with a defintion for success that WOULD depend on academic performance and go from there.... I am going to get my butt kicked by a bunch of teenagers. :tongue_smilie:
  14. So our high school debate team (for practice purposes) has challenged teachers and admin. to a debate. The above title is the topic. I am to argue in the affirmative. I know ZERO about proper debate procedures. I have been briefed on the procedure but that is about it. I am still trying to figure out what "values criterion" means. At any rate, anyone want to contribute to a principal down her luck? :) I need arguments in the affirmative. Anyone wanna take a stab at it? Anyone with debate experience wanna give me some pointers? Of course the school is abuzz and they are ALL planning on showing up to watch the students debate the principals. What have I gotten myself into?
  15. Just finished "The Heretic's Daughter" and about to start "Doctrine" by Mark Driscoll.
  16. After 13 years of marriage I found out that my husband is AWESOME at PING-PONG!! We were over a friend's house, they had a ping-pong table in their basement so he starts playing against my friend's husband. I just stood there, mouth agape...he was incredible.Then he tells me he played all the time when growing up. You just never know... :D
  17. S.Korea- 2004- $23,000 (baby boy, 7 months old) Malaysia- 2010- $9000 (baby girl, 2 weeks old)
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