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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. yup. My step-dad works for the TSA at Detroit Metro Airport. I called him and asked him his opinion on all the hoop-la about this after reading all the threads here and seeing how upset everyone was. He was confused. He said it has been pretty much business as usual...people go through the scanner...no big deal...he hasn't seen one single person even put up a fuss. So he was surprised to hear about some of the anger on these threads. His response (and this is a quote so please excuse me) "Do they think I actually WANT to touch some guy's junk? It's not like we are getting our jollies by doing it. I'm just doing my job. I have a family to feed just like everyone else. I am not the anti-christ." He also said that, at least in Detroit, the scanning screen is in another room so no one can see it except the person manning the screen (it's not out in the open) AND that every word they say and every move they make is videotaped so if they WERE to say something inappropriate about someone going through the scanner they would be fired. In addition, he said that the vast majority of people just go through the scanner and they have to pat down very few people in comparison. At any rate...it seems like "most" Americans are just going with the flow but we hive-mind members tend to go against the flow in a lot of ways.
  2. absolutely but I don't see it as a bad thing and have no intention of stopping. "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said NO NO NO..." :D
  3. Yes ma'am...about to finish my second master's degree...this one is in theology. I am a perpetual student. :D
  4. This is why I posted it here. I am trying to find out what is TRUE about this story and what is being spinned to cause arguments and discord.
  5. I caved and took her in. She has strep and the beginnings of bronchitis. She is on antibiotics now and I AM SO GLAD I WENT. Mommy instinct wins again!
  6. According to what I read they left the baby at the hospital with a DNR order and relinquished their rights to the baby. So yes, the baby is available for adoption. But again, this is all from blog posts and FB posts. I am looking for a credible source.
  7. Have any of you heard about the story of the twins born at the Arkansas Children's Hospital??? The one was born healthy, the other with down's sydrome and the family only took the healthy one home and abandoned the one with down's syndrome? It's all over FB but I cannot find a single link, news website, etc. anywhere to verify the truth of the story. It's a horrific tale...maybe that's why my brain needs it to be false. Anybody know anything about it?
  8. LOVED... Fall of Giants The Heretic's Daughter The Time Paradox What God Really Thinks About Women The Help The Book Thief
  9. I hate this. I don't like when my babies have fevers. I admit it...I get upset and a little panicky. My daughter (10 months old) has had a fever of 103 for the last two days. Motrin and tylenol will bring it down to 100-101 for a while but then it goes right back up. She is lethargic and fussy. But she still eats and drinks,,,diapers are normal, not pulling at her ears, no other symptoms. Can I take her to the doctor without looking like some kind of paranoid mom? Or do I need to wait it out a while longer?
  10. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT... You will NOT regret it.
  11. This is us as well. I don't like it but I DO fly so I guess I will just deal with it.
  12. I have a few novels picked out this year to do with ds (7th grade) and I'd like to get some sources to go along with them but I need things that make these complex topics more accessible to a kid his age (he is a strong reader though). Any ideas? novels used are "Crispin" and "A Wrinkle in Time" and "Bronze Bow" and "A Tale of Two Cities...I am looking for sources on: 1. Einstein/Relativity 2. Communism 3. History of Israel during the Roman Empire 4. The French Revolution Thanks!!!
  13. The common thing I see among many of you that I am not doing is logic. That was on my list of things to add. I was thinking of starting with the Fallacy Detective????
  14. My older ds goes to school only 2 hours a day (for language arts and history) and homeschools the rest of the time (primarily online/DVD classes). A combination of having been homeschooled his whole life (and thus not really liking traditional school) and the fact that his tourette's went BERSERK with all the sensory input means he was miserable. The part-time thing is working really well for him right now. We are taking it one semester at a time. :D Younger ds is in 1st grade at my school. And of course Princess Natty-Pants is at home with her ahma.
  15. Right now ds (7th grade) is doing: bible math science history language arts latin piano He doesn't like sports so his phys ed consists mostly of stuff he likes to do (like swim, golf, etc.). Not a big artsy guy either but very techie so he does graphic art stuff on the computer for fun. Right now it seems to be going well but I am planning for next year and wondering if there are other things I might want to add in? What are YOU teaching?
  16. hmmmm...maybe we will use it together then. I was looking for a good book to hand him to read on his own too (he loves history but hates textbooks).
  17. DO you think SWB's book would be ok for an 8th grader who is a strong reader and likes history? Or is it really for older kids?
  18. How fun! We have an arsenal of nerf guns at our house and we ALL have a blast with them. :D
  19. I've been to the Midwest conventon and it was AWESOME. I have also been to statewide conventions a few times.
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