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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I may be a little over the top but after replacing too many, my boys count how many they start with and that is how many they have to come home with. Now they have to replace them with their own allowance.
  2. Gosh I hope it is normal. Otherwise I don't know what to blame it on! :tongue_smilie:
  3. In a clothes hamper in our bedrooms. When I was young we had one of those laundry chutes that went straight to the laundry room in the basement. I would love that!
  4. I found myself thinking this today as well. It is a long way off but maybe, just maybe it is a start? Or is that just more wishful thinking on my part? It is interesting that they believe that satisfying their husband in bed will keep him from cheating but it doesn't mention if it will keep him from marrying three other women... You know, seeing as how polygamy is legal here (well, legal among Muslims but no one else). The whole premise of the club still makes my skin crawl.
  5. As I was putting my baby girl down for a nap today, singing her to sleep, I realized that I have sang the exact same songs to put my all 3 of my kids to sleep over the years. How about you? What songs do you sing to your little ones as a lullaby? Have you used the same ones for all your kids? My standbys are: Amazing Grace, I'll Fly Away, Mockingbird
  6. True. I suppose I was just hoping for more than a "tu quoque" conversation. A girl can hope, right?
  7. So sorry to confuse. You can read my follow-up posts for a clearer vision. It had absolutely NOTHING to do with muslim vs. christian (as you tried to link the two). It had to do with yet MORE women (of any kind) being told that the responsibility for a happy marriage (i.e. a non-cheating husband) lies on their shoulders (or on their back, I suppose). AND the fact that this "revelation" makes these women feel progressive. In America, the general public has already written off these theories as "extremes". But here? Not so much. Clear?
  8. I think what surprised me the most about the article was that...well, there was an article about it here! Typically, the muslim women here do not speak of sex at all and they certainly don't speak out about their marriages. The fact that they made a "club" about it here was sad and shocking... to them they are actually being more "progressive" and "speaking out" about how things should be in the bedroom between man and wife. Women who join this type of club feel very "modern" because they say the word "sex". Too bad they are several decades still behind... :glare:
  9. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110604/wl_asia_afp/malaysiaislamreligionfamilypolygamy;_ylt=AqNofJqPN1m0mt1JIky3s839xg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTNybG1ncWRmBGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDExMDYwNC9tYWxheXNpYWlzbGFtcmVsaWdpb25mYW1pbHlwb2x5Z2FteQRjY29kZQNnbXB0b3AyMDBwb29sBGNwb3MDMgRwb3MDMgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA21hbGF5c2lhbndvbQ-- Wow. What year is it?
  10. Definitely. We took jobs on the other side of the world for two years and it has FLOWN by. Two years gone in a blink. Three years will fly by especially if you are all working toward a common goal!
  11. My thoughts go something like this: There is nothing you need to do with your friends AFTER 11 pm that you can't do BEFORE 11pm. :D Neither of my kids like sleeping anywhere else. They love to hang out with friends but they want to sleep in their own beds. Nakia, let's just start our own "weird-controlling-strict-no-sleepover" parent's club. You wanna be president? I will happily be your VP. :tongue_smilie:
  12. I get that cell phones are ubiquitous. I have a cell phone and use it all the time. But honestly, people really need to learn some manners. Last night at our graduation ceremony, during the INVOCATION no less, a cell phone went off LOUDLY and the parent actually picked it up and proceeded to have a conversation WHILE WE WERE PRAYING. What is WRONG with people? And cell phones went off three other times, each time a different person, during the valedictorian's speech and during the naming of the graduates. If it had been MY student up there, giving the speech, the crowning moment of all their school years and someone's cell phone went off??? Yeah, I might hurt someone. And no, none of them were taking emergency calls. They simply glanced at the phone and nothing else... Well, except for the guy who was talking during prayer aout his new car. Yeah, that's how loud it was. Ok, rant over.
  13. I resemble that remark! :tongue_smilie: I did all kinds of bad things at sleep overs... I'll leave it at that.
  14. Nakia you are not weird and I do the same thing. My kids may not sleep over at other homes but their friends are welcome at my house. Some may consider it a double standard. I consider it each person making their own parenting choices. You might be ok with your child sleeping over at another's house and if you are then great, they can come here. I, however, am not ok with my kids sleeping over at other people's houses so they will be staying home. To each his own. It is not personal and people really shouldn't take it that way. I would not try to undermine another parent's decision though as this lady is doing to you.
  15. Nope. My family went away for a few days when I was 19 and left me at home alone. I promptly threw a huge party and had my boyfriend sleep over the whole time they were gone. And I was a "good" kid that my parents "trusted". :tongue_smilie:
  16. So if you are interested in this topic, watch this video then see if you can help me with my question: I absolutely agree that we need to add more of these skills to our curriculum. So which is the best program (at an elementary level) for these kinds of problems? Next year my entire elementary staff is reading Liping Ma's book and discussing it for part of their professional development time. We will be having a big focus on ramping up our math program. I want to really focus on reasoning skills so I am looking for suggestions???
  17. I read Little Women more times than I can count. Loved the Trixie Belden books (now I am dating myself!)
  18. I would be absolutely shocked that the other lane is empty. There is no such thing as an empty lane here... ever. :tongue_smilie:
  19. The more you protest the more they will want it so let it go. :grouphug: I feel sorry for the kid. Rango will not look so good at the top of a resume. Parents really should think about the long term.
  20. Finally reading Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and loving it!
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