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Cathy in IL

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Everything posted by Cathy in IL

  1. I get my kids in bed by 7:30 so that I have time to myself. I generally start with a workout. I return phone calls, finish the days chores, set out school and breakfast for the next day, read a book, and then settle on the computer and check this site and a handful of others.
  2. What she said. If she were my dd, I would want the adults around her to know how to give it just in case.
  3. I tried all the things mentioned with my dd. Nothing worked. I even tried paying her a dime for each fact memorized. Finally I decided to simply not make it an issue. If she gets stuck on a fact while working on her math, I tell her the answer. This method is working. She only has a couple she needs to ask about anymore and is enjoying math again. Every now and then she still like to use Quarter Mile Math. I have her do some multiplication on it, and I let her practice facts she chooses too.
  4. The Fourth is nearly here. It seems like summer should just be starting, but it is going so quickly! We have been busy and have had lots of fun. We have taken a week or two here and there off from schooling, but have accomplished what I planned. It just all seems to be passing by so quickly. Today and tomorrow there are fun events for families at the Taste of Chicago that I plan to bring the children to. I have no plans yet for the Fourth. I think part of me is in denial that it is nearly here. I enjoy the carefree feeling of summer, and wish it could last longer. Maybe I need to find ways to make the rest of the year more peaceful and carefree too.
  5. I can not imagine how scary that must have been for you. I am glad he is going to be okay.
  6. My dd, age 9, says those are perfectly good choices for a meal. But only if the chldren get to eat that too!
  7. How is your daughter doing? If she still feels badly and is concerning you, you could take her in through the ER at a children's Hospital. Sometimes that gets things moving a lot faster than waiting for a phone call to be returned. Do you have a Children's Hospital near you? They can generally call the specialist to see her in the ER and then schedule an appointement for soon afterwards.
  8. I want to do something like this, but I don't have good ideas. I will be following this post and hope to learn with you.
  9. Sometimes it seems like it is just one thing after the other doesn't it? I know it gets stressful and tiring. I hope the tests are good, and that no further testing or intervention is needed. Keep pressing on and it will look brighter one of the days - hopefully soon!
  10. It depends. You can eat things that are low fat, but still high in calories. If you eat more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight whether it is all low fat or not. If you are eating fresh vegetables and food that are low in calories as well as fat, you don't need to count every calorie. I tend to pay close attention to calories too, but it comes naturally and easily to me. You ultimately need a plan that will work for you and that you will stick with.
  11. Try this link: http://cms.carepages.com/CarePages/en/Stories/StoriesOfInspiration/PediatricIllness/Deyki.html the other isn't working consistently.
  12. The address above is the link to a story of inspiration at carepages about my son. His story will be on Channel 5 news NBC-Chicago tomorrow (Thursday) at 4:30. After that there will be a link from CarePages to the news story. You can check it out if you want.
  13. We are in the city of Chicago. The neighborhoods are not like the subdivisions of the suburbs I grew up in. We can see the interstate, the El train, and the Metra train from my front yard. I very busy street is visible from my front room. I guess our block is our "neighborhood." I know who most of my neighbors are but I don't see or talk to many of them. There are a few moms who take their children out for walks, and we stop and talk. My next door neighbors are always out working on their beautiful yard, and we talk a lot. They stop by with cookies and popsicles. People on my block know I take in children in crisis, so every now and then toys and bags of clothes appear on our front porch. In the winter people help each other clear snow from the sidewalks. When my children play outside, they stay in the fenced backyard. It is just too busy to let them go to the front or ride their bikes down the street. I sometimes wish they could have the freedom I had growing up, but I love all the things the city has to offer. We spend lots of time downtown, at museums, enjoying festivals, concerts, and the like. I love the diversity they live in day after day. I never imagined I would, but I love living in the city!
  14. There is one very bold little rabbit that is in my yard. It got all but one of my snow pea plants. It bit into all the strawberries and threw them around the patch - didn't even bother eating them. At least it doesn't seem to ambitious yet. A little chicken coop and bird mesh is stopping it. Now I just need to get something rigged up around the melon patch where it was sitting this morning. I chased it off with my hose, but I don't think it planned to move at all until I turned the water on it!
  15. Lively Latin arrived the other day. I planned to use it for my 4th grader this fall, but my 1st grader is determined to join us. With her love of words and grammar, I am certain she will keep up and enjoy it. She says she wants to learn Greek and all the major languages of the world next. I am looking into excellent language programs for children. She is particularly interested in spelling patterns because she wants to win the National Spelling Bee one day, so I need a program that is not just conversational. What curriculums have you used for various languages? What languages are simpler to learn? Languages have never been my strength, but I want to encourage her desire for learning.
  16. Ugh! The first dose of chemo was officially a disaster! The pill was way too big for ds to swallow, so I had to open it and mix it with jelly like the nurse had suggested. He couldn't seem to swallow the jelly and spit it all around the kitchen and on me. This is the med that is not supposed to be touched and is to be cleaned up with hot water and a towel that is disposed of in a sealed container. It was all over the floor, his pajamas, my arms. . . I tried having him practice swallowing with gummy bears because he at least likes the taste, but he can't do it at all. I need to mix this with something. It's a decent sized amount of a powdery substance. I am planning to try brown sugar tomorrow, but I am open to ideas. I can't have a replay of tonight, that's for sure!
  17. I live in the city. Lots of people bike, but lots of people get hit by cars doing it. I would not recommend it except for on the lakefront. A good friend of mine is an avid biker, but she won't bike on the city streets. On the other hand, another friend bikes to church with her toddler in the bike trailer and her 8 year old riding alongside. I think it's risky though.
  18. I will add that there is an activity guide to The Princess and the Kiss that has fun ideas and discussion questions. I am planning to use it this fall with my dds who will be 7 and 10.
  19. Is there a way her parents can fight to get her air-lifted to a hospital that can help her? I have a good friend who had to fight hard to get her son to chicago from Texas by chopper. Can they talk to the hospital family advocate? I am praying here.
  20. Tomorrow is the day my 4 year old son starts hydroxyurea to help control his sickle cell. It is a form of oral chemo that I will admiister at home. It shouldn't be a big deal, but there is the possibility of him feeling sick, losing some hair, and the typical negative things associated with chemo. The negative side effects are only likely initially while they adjust his levels. The doctor feels that the benefits will be bigger than any of the side effects. I am hoping to ask the right questions tomorrow and really understand what we are starting. A good friend is watching the baby, and my girls will be at church camp. I will be able to be completely focused on my son and his appointment. I hate that he is sick enough to need this, but I hope it will really work to make him stronger and healthier.
  21. I did not get a response when I pre-ordered. I didn't order right when it became available, but it was a month or so ago.
  22. I got an e-mail this week. I called Friday with my payment info and was told it should ship out in the next week or two.
  23. We drove past a store yesterday that had a big sign - "Tombstones made while you wait! Call Elmo for your tombstone needs."
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