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Cathy in IL

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Everything posted by Cathy in IL

  1. I talked to my friend tonight. They are home! The little girl is running around and almost as active as before. Her big sister had ylled for their mom to stop right as she was hit, so she didn't get completely ran over. God was watching out for this little one! It's been quite a week, but many prayers were answered and Mom and daughter are doing well.
  2. Her husband travels all the time. Her family is all out of state. I called again, but there was no answer. I suppose I could try reaching her husband at work, but I don't know him well. I have only talked to him a time or two. If I don't hear from her soon, I just might try that though. I could find his work number online. I don't like how much this is bothering me.
  3. I am hoping she is on a spontaneous vacation, but it is hard not to let myself worry because so many of my friends have been in crisis situations lately. It is completely unlike this friend to not return calls. We usually talk several times a week and see each other once or twice weekly. I saw her two weeks ago at church. She was supposed to call to discuss details about watching my children this past Wednesday. She didn't call, andwhen I called her she never called back. A few days ago I called her cell phone too. I sent her a text message. I haven't heard anything. It's seems especially odd because one of my foster babies with whom she is very close is leaving this week. I know she would want to say goodbye. So I am hoping she is on vacation somewhere having a delightful time. I can't think of anything I could have done to offend her, so I don't think she is intentionally not calling. With all the tragedies many of my other friends have been facing, I am trying not to let my imagination come up with other scenarios. I hope she call soon. in the meantime, plese help reassure me that she is probably on a spontaneous vacation.
  4. My dd, 9, is getting baptized along with 90+ others in Lake Michigan tomorrow morning at 6:30. At least 2 other children from our homeschool group are getting baptized too. I am dreading being up so early, but I am really looking forward to the day!
  5. That would be a lot of fun. My difficulty would be being that far from my ds because of his medical issues. My cousin is getting married this fall in Iowa, but children can't come, so I will be missing that too because he changes too fast to leave behind in Chicago. I hope you have a grand birthday though!
  6. I don't know details, but the update was good. It looks like she should be discharged soon if she was not already. She is definitely out of the ICU. Thanks for praying!
  7. Don't feel pressured to do more than you feel is best for you and your children. At this season in your life, that sort of schedule simply doesn't work well. You told her the help you could give. Maybe in the future she will talk to the people she hopes will help before setting the times. It's God's ministry and He will call the people He wants there. As we are prepping for AWANA to start again in fall, I am so tempted to call up some people and strongly encourage them to be Cubbie leaders. But the truth is, it needs to be God calling them to serve. I see it the same way for you and VBS. You have been called to be a mother and wife. You know what your children need. Serving twice for VBS can fit in your schedule and God will put someone else there on the days you are not there or He will make His ministry successful some other way. Don't feel guilty saying no.
  8. I will pray for you, Melissa. I am just climbing out of a place like this myself. It is so very hard being a mom and trying to keep up when you are in a dark place. I will pray it will begin to lift for you soon. I will pray that you will have the support you need in real time, and that your husband will understand and minister to your heart. thanks for sharing with us, so we can "be there" for you. I don't see any dark secrets being able to drive us away. We all have those hidden parts, and they don't make you any less deserving of support.
  9. Yes. We met when I had two Spanish speaking boys in my home and I needed to learn enough to communicate with them. A friend from church introduced us because she speaks fluent Spanish. I don't know if we would have met any other way. We are both single, but I have kids and stay home. She has no children and works a "real" job. Our social circles really don't cross. But she is the friend I know will be there for me. When I went through a time of depression recently she called every day at least once to see how I was. She has been there at the hospital with me for my ds' last 3 blood transfusions. She understands me in a way that a lot of people don't. This Sunday when my dd gets baptized very early in the morning, Megan is helping by picking up my foster baby at 6AM and bringing her to the baptism and then to church so I won't have all 4 children on my own. I hope that I am a friend like that in return for her. I have been so blessed to have a friend like this.
  10. No update yet. We have a homeschool picnic tomorrow. I am hoping someone there will have an update for us.
  11. I would take my girls - nearly 7 and 10 - if we discussed it before and after. My friend's dd played Young Cosette on Broadway for a few years! It was great fun to travel to New York and see her in it.
  12. Thanks for asking this. My bathtub won't drain today. I'll try these ideas.
  13. I do not have any update. I wish I did. I took a little care package to the hospital, and the guard remembered me from when we used to go to that hospital. She said the family has had lots of people coming by with food and packages. The homeschool community is really rising up to support them. Thanks for the prayers. I will update when I know more.
  14. I have a memory notebook with everything they are to memorize that year. I print each sheet off the computer as we got to it and we add it to their notebook. Each thing starts in the daily section. After they have memorized it fairly well, I move it to the weekly section. When they recite it well for two weeks in a row, it moves to the monthly section where it stays the remainder of the year unless I decide to bump it back to weekly for additional review. Last year they used the memory notebooks for copywork too. This year I don't plan to do that as much because we will be doing more writing with WWE. We recite from the memory notebooks each morning and the children study from it when they have nothing to do and I am working on a subject with another child.
  15. This was the first appointment after my ds, 4, was hospitalized last week for a sudden severe headache. She said there is a chance that it was a sickle crisis in his skull bone and nothing involving his brain at all. She is scheduling a trancranial doppler - an ultrasound of the head that will assess the flow of blood through the arteries and veins supplying the brain. If it has changed since the one we did last year the next step will be a brain MRI. The brain MRI must be preceded by a blood transfusion, but the transcranial doppler is simpler because no sedation is needed. Hopefully it will be normal and will be all we need. My ds will also be getting an abdominal ultrasound because she has some concern about his gallbladder. His tummy pain could be gallstones. If it is not and the tummy aches continue he will need a scope to look at his stomach and see if he has an ulcer or something else causing him pain. He looks great today! He complained some of his head and his tummy hurting, but for the most part he had an excellent day. Hopefully we will have more answers soon, and they will be answers we all like!
  16. To me a healthy diet means having a healthy attitude towards food. It means seeing food for what it is - a tool to nourish the body. It is learning to recognize what your body needs and being freed from obsessing over food or weight. It is being able to eat anything without feeling guilty. If you listen to your body, you will eat a variety of nourishing foods - meat, fruit, vegetables, and dairy. You will occasionally eat snacks or treats and not feel bad about it. A healthy diet means eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are not hungry but not stuffed either. This is what I aim for. I have battled anorexia off and on for all my adult life, so having strict rules about my diet is not healthy at all for me. When I can keep that balanced healthy attitude towards food, life feels so much freer and more enjoyable.
  17. It doesn't sound like there was any head injury. Her lungs are the big concern.
  18. Yesterday my dear friend inadvertently hit her dd while backing out of the driveway. The little girl, age 4, is in the ICU on a vent. She had a collapsed lung, broken ribs, and a broken collar bone. This is a wonderful, compassionate family. They homeschool their children and encourage so many other homeschoolers. My heart is heavy for them right now, and I would appreciate your prayers.
  19. That is too sweet! My 6 yo dd loves writing notes. She has especially enjoyed writing notes to our AWANA commander because she send notes back to her. The art of letter writing is not lost.
  20. They ask for your zip code. Mine is right in Chicago, just outside of the loop. I have never had a problem getting in. I think it is the museum your membership is at that has to be 90 miles away. They have never asked why I have a membership in a state I have never been in.
  21. I live in Chicago. I have a membership at the Boston Children's Museum. I chose that one because if I had a membership at a local museum, the other local museums won't accept it - the Field Museum is particularly strict about this policy. The Boston Children's Museum was the least expensive one that was part of both the science museum association and the children's museum association. I can get into nearly all the museums in Chicago for free. The Art Institute admits teachers free, so bring a homeschool assotiation card with you if you have one. As far as food in Chicago, why not pack a lunch and then only eat out for dinner? Eat dinner on the way out of downtown, and you won't have to pay the downtown prices. Parking will still cost you unless you felt ambitious enough to find a place to park near the train and take it into the city. I see the train from my front porch, but we usually end up driving and paying to park because it's just easier. If you get there at the right time and are lucky, you can sometimes find parking on Columbus Drive south of Buckingham Fountain and walk to the museum along the lakefront. Have fun Tuesday!
  22. I am putting together a clipboard for each child. It will have their weekly schedule, reading list, the poems/facts they are memorizing that week, math facts, and spelling practice acivity cards. I want to find quotes or verses about doing our best work, not giving up, the value of learning, etc. I am sure the Hive is full of ideas. Please share them.
  23. You are welcome to drop them off over here for a date night or just some time to yourself. Seriously. I found a few sitters I like if you need some names. I have a friend who lives pretty close to you who has good sitters too. I should introduce you to this friend of mine even if you don't use her sitters. Give me a call.
  24. Sounds tasty. I have a tiny blueberry bush I just planted this year. It's my first year with a garden, and it is exciting to see vegetables appearing letting me know there will be a harvest.
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