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Dawn E

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Everything posted by Dawn E

  1. Somehow I completely did not see that! I was thinking of another "M" city right on the outskirts of Jackson. So, here we all are: close and yet so far away. :)
  2. Hi Melissa and Lori! I am in MS as well...in the Delta. I'm kind of in the middle of you guys...Melissa is right under Memphis and Lori is close to Jackson. Right? I'm in the middle of nowhere! :) Nice to "meet" ya!
  3. This is my concern, too, though I do like them. It just seems to take SO long to get through and her reading skills are passing her phonics instruction. She likes doing the workbook work, however. I think I may try to double up on the lighter days (she often does two or three pages by choice on the easier days anyway) as long as she isn't burdened by it. I only purchased workbooks 1 and 2, so I guess we'll finish 2 and re-evaluate then. I'll look into headsprout as well. Thanks!
  4. After looking at the samples on EPS--duh--it appears to me that the major difference is that Primary Phonics requires a lot more writing than ETC. This works well for us: she doesn't mind, and I like her getting the extra handwriting practice. I'd still like to hear reviews from anyone else who has used or is using it completely through workbook 6. Thanks again, Dawn
  5. We have been using this program for a while. Dd first started it in preschool; I restarted the first workbook with her this year. We are about to move into workbook 2. I am just trying to think down the road re: how far I want to take this. They have 6 workbooks. I have never really looked at their ETC program, so I'm not sure how it compares/contrasts. These workbooks seem to move rather slowly. Dd is already able to read the storybooks that go with workbook 3. I don't mind the reinforcement and slowness, but am curious if anyone else out there is using this or is not for some particular reason. Also, if you have looked at both ETC and Primary Phonics: What are the major differences? Thanks for your help, Dawn
  6. Is going for $37.50 new with free shipping at Amazon. I don't know if this is a regular Amazon price or one of those specials they randomly do, but it is $150 retail. Barnes and Noble sells it for $120. I just thought I'd mention it in case it was a special and anyone was interested. We are enjoying the Masterpiece presentations, and since I have never read any Austen (how did I manage that being an English major?) I bought this set to get started. Dawn
  7. Hope it's a great day, Toni, and a sloshingly fun night! :D
  8. I'm so glad you're here! Keep postin' away. :)
  9. You go girl! I posted one of those test things on my blog and the title was some odd color that blended into my background. I went into the HTML--completely clueless as I am--and was able to figure out how to change the title color so it stood out. I was pretty proud of myself, too, as I'm usually running to my dh to get help for those things. One small step at a time... :)
  10. If it is anywhere near a university, call a campus ministry director. Students have varied schedules and a director would know if anyone is looking for a job during the hours you need.
  11. Funny you should ask, but....horses scare me! I think that they are spectacularly beautiful, and I actually even grew up around them. Still, they frighten me. Of course, it is more awe than terror, but I get all nervous and skittish--unfortunately, two things horses are not so fond of. :) More than that, though, I detest flying alone. Flying at all is less comfortable now that I have a family than it was when I was single and fancy-free. However, whenever I must fly alone I begin to consider my mortality and how the kiddos would be without me. Silly, I know, but there it is. The funny thing is, I am much calmer when we are all flying together.
  12. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for your wonderful, detailed posts. I have been interested in this material for some time. I am more certain than ever that I want to purchase this to use alongside GWG. Thank you, Jessica, for asking about it. I have in the past, but sometimes it just takes asking at the right time.
  13. It has helped me to view longer threads in the threaded mode (under display mode). It looks more like the old board. Glad to see you around!
  14. I don't have a review of this or advice, but I have been wanting Hillside's PLL for some time. I even emailed the company last year to ask questions re: what was updated from the original Serl copy, and they very kindly provided this response: I was very excited to see a couple of weeks ago that Amazon is now selling it, though it was not in stock when I last checked. Free shipping! Yay! We are currently doing GWG 1/2, but it is such a quick lesson that I think I can add this in without a problem. My main desire is to have the picture studies. I am a couple of years behind you, but plan to continue GWG and add WT1 when the time is right. I personally did not think Queen's was different enough to choose over Serl's, but I did not thoroughly compare the two. Dawn
  15. My dad thought the 6 month old would be the one enjoying the glo worm he bought as a Christmas present. As you can see, my dh has hogged it for his own idea of fun. :)
  16. Wow! This is a long thread! I'm 34, have been married to my dh for 8 yrs now, and we have two children: dd 5yo (almost 6) and ds 7mos. I have been lurking around the boards for years even though this is our first official year of homeschooling. I don't remember how I came upon the book, WTM, but I don't think my oldest was much more than one when I first read it. :) I am very grateful to this community that has helped me to get over my initial fear of starting this homeschool journey (esp. with a new baby in tow). We are absolutely loving it!!! A mom in my homeschool group asked what we were using. When I listed off our wide variety of materials she said, "Who helped you find all that?" Who? Well my WTM friends, that's who! :)
  17. I wouldn't worry about calling it kindergarten, but if she is ready and wants to do the work, I would schedule some for her. My dd is in K5 this year, but we are doing a lot of 1st grade stuff because she is ready for it. I plan to continue her "grade" with her age, though, while using material that will challenge her without pushing her in other areas where she is not so ready. Dawn
  18. Still in the planning stages, but some things I'd like to continue: GWG 1/2 BJU Math Copywork Primary Phonics Artistic Pursuits Lots of Read Alouds Possibilities: Sonlight readers and guide SOTW 1 w/AG My World Science WTM 2nd grade science plan (we've been doing 1st this year) Prima Latina I have SO enjoyed using MFW 1st for Bible this year, and have no clue how I will format Bible next year. I may put some things together using the same format: I read the passage, she reads the passage, and then she draws a picture and does copywork on that topic.
  19. No need to be embarrassed! You are right on target: posting a picture that stands alone without a caption. However, a lot of us sometimes break the rules and add a few words. :) Look for the thread on Wednesday and join in the fun if you blog.
  20. It's likely to show up both places. Unless the new format changes things, there are some people that only visit the curriculum board. Keeping it there was discussed a few boards ago because some participants don't frequent this board. However, the new format may change that. I think having a WW thread at each board won't be a problem, and those who want can post both places.
  21. I use blogger and have found it to be very easy and user friendly. I think that you have to have a gmail (google email) account to use it, but it is very easy to set one of those up, too. First, you pick a name--and hope it hasn't already been used--and then you pick a template. Blogger has a dashboard that you go to by clicking "new post" and from there you can type away, add photos, edit old posts, etc. I think that you will find it easier than you expect. :) HTH, Dawn
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