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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I think it would be hilarious! Of course, I might have a twisted sense of humor too. ;)
  2. :iagree: Except that I have only one dd, who is 17, who doesn't wear hose. And instead of pantyhose, I wear knee highs and make sure my dress is long enough that it's not obvious. I haven't worn pantyhose in YEARS. Come to think of it, I haven't worn a dress in years either. I truly HATE to wear a dress.
  3. X-posted from High School board because no one's answering over there: What's your favorite documentary about Leonardo da Vinci available through either Netflix streaming or DVD OR United Streaming? There are SO many out there, and I have no idea which one to choose.
  4. Wow! We're enjoying a summer-like evening here-- a/c's running, and it's currently 73 degrees outside.
  5. My go to meal for a crowd is spaghetti, but Scarymelon's idea sounds better. I second the premade meatballs idea. You could make the salad ahead of time and keep it in the refrigerator, do the meatballs in the crockpot, and wait until almost the last minute to make the rice in the microwave.
  6. I"m not particularly punctual, but I'm rarely more than 10-15 minutes late. I have a hard time getting anywhere on time, and I'm not sure why, but it always seems that something happens to throw me off and I wind up late a lot. But what your friend did to you is over the top. I'd be mad too.
  7. We live in the country too, and this time of year is always the time when mice want to move inside in preparation for the upcoming winter. I've found mice (or signs thereof) in all sorts of interesting locations, one of which was a box of ER's winter clothes. :glare: I FREAKED when I opened the box, which had been stored in his closet, and found not only chewed up clothes and a mouse nest, but a bunch of baby mice! Dh was out of town, but I called the neighbor, and he came over and took care of things for me. Our mice love candy, especially chocolate, and also peanut butter. One time I left a bag of candy on the kitchen counter while we were out of town for the weekend. When we came home, I noticed that quite a few of the candies were missing. I found the wrappers later: Hershey kiss wrappers in the cabinet with my pots and pans & also inside my stove (under the burners) and the orange & black wrappers from peanut butter kisses UNDER MY PILLOW! :ack2: One fall, we caught SEVEN mice over a 3-week period. All of them were caught in my pantry. They had gotten in there and chewed into several food packages. GROSS! Just this morning, I found evidence of mice (poop and a little pile of lint that looked like it was being readied for nest) right in the middle of my kitchen floor! Dh said he had seen evidence yesterday in the crack between the stove and the cabinet. Tonight we're setting mouse traps.
  8. We went through this too when ER was LEGO-addicted. We explained to him that there was a limit even to what Santa would bring! We had him make sure his list included his top ten most desired items, only 3 or 4 of which could be LEGO. We told him Santa would choose from those 10 items, but wouldn't necessarily choose the most expensive.
  9. I also buy the Arnold's Extra Fiber Whole Wheat Soft Texture or the Nature's Own Double Fiber Whole Wheat. These are my favorite breads. I rarely make bread, except on special occasions, or when I make a particular recipe that just calls for homemade bread, such as oregano bread to go with my homemade spaghetti.
  10. Yes, absolutely. Likewise, EK's future husband will be expected to request permission from dh.
  11. I've never even heard of a high school having a sanctioned smoke break or smoking area. None of the schools I attended (1970s) had one, and neither did any of the high schools in which I taught (1980s & 1990s).
  12. What's your favorite documentary about Leonardo da Vinci available through either Netflix (can be either streaming OR DVD) or Discovery/United Streaming? There are so MANY, and I can't preview them all!
  13. I voted November/December. The holidays make it difficult because we all want to decorate and make cookies and go shopping and visit family instead of working. We have mild winters, but even if we didn't, we would just be holed up and forced to do the work.
  14. My dh loved it. He said he thinks every husband and father should see this movie.
  15. I accidentally froze some this summer, and they were WONDERFUL! I had heard they were good, but never tried them until I put some in the freezer instead of the refrigerator by mistake. I've always LOVED grapes, and now I think I actually prefer them frozen!
  16. I absolutely LOVE BJU math for Kindergarten through 6th grade. Students texts are colorful without being busy, and have just he right amount of problems per page. The program is very thorough, and that includes the TE. It is scripted, so it guides you through exactly what to say and do.
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