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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I am 5'5¼" in my stocking feet. ER and I were the same height by the time he was 12. By age 15, he had attained his current height; he is 21 now and just shy of 5'10". EK and I were the same height by the time she was 14. Now she's 16 (17 in a couple of weeks), and she's ½" or so taller than I am.
  2. What's the best price & best place to order the liquid calcium?
  3. We've considered getting one of these. I saw something similar advertised on television recently, so maybe check out those "as seen on tv" sites?
  4. I get the same thing with the same symptoms and duration. It's happened since as far back as I remember, and my kids have described the same thing happening to them. I assumed it happened to everbody as one time or another.
  5. At what age should women begin to take calcium supplements? And one more question: what's the best price you've found (and where) on Calcet Creamy Bites?
  6. :iagree: although I usually do put a comma before the "and".
  7. I was at home and it was a regular homeschool day for my and my then-first grader and then-sixth grader. Dh was home as well because our computer technician (also a family friend) was here setting up a network for our desktop computers. The tech's wife called him about 9:00 and told him we should turn on the television. He was here most of the morning, watching the news coverage with us while also working on the computers. I don't think we got many of our school assignments done because I could not tear myself away from the television.
  8. Similar situation (and sentiment) here. We live in a somewhat rural area and we never get trick-or-treaters Our house isn't visible from the road. We've never purchased Halloween candy except for our own consumption--purchased November 1 at Walmart or Kroger. :lol:
  9. The Princess Bride is EK's very favorite movie of all time, and she has also read the book. She seems to prefer the movie because she LOVES Westley as portrayed by Cary Elwes!
  10. Yes, EK (will be 17 in about 3 weeks) actually went through this when she was about 10-11, in the months leading up to and for some time after her first period, which occurred a few days after her 11th birthday. I did pretty much exactly the same thing, except that my first period was at age 12½.
  11. I was remembering your post in the "10 random facts about you" thread:http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3059595#poststop Thank you!
  12. I agree completely! I've encouraged her mom to limit her computer time, and she did... some. But not nearly enough. I suggested that mom take away Facebook (she's too young for it anyway), but mom says that now that she's homeschooled, that's her only connection to her friends. But I think her "friends" aren't good for her. This girl just turned 12, and in less than a year, she's had probably 10 "boyfriends" that she chats with online. They're all local kids, but a couple of them are 15 years old! I told the mom I see HUGE red flags there, but mom just can't bring herself to put a stop to it because she fears the girl will rebel. She's already been down that road with the girl's older sister, and is terrified of a repeat. Anyway, you see how complicated this whole situation is. And as you said, it's MUCH harder doing all of this with someone else's child. :glare:
  13. I know she's had learning issues since she started school. She's adopted, and her biological parents were addicts, so that plays a huge part, I'm sure. I only started teaching her last year (6th grade). According to her previous standardized test scores (I have copies of her 4th & 5th grade scores), she was at least two full grade levels behind where she should be in all subject areas. After I taught her for a year, she gained one grade level in reading and language, and two grade levels in math. I do know that with me, she will take the easy route and just say, "I don't know" or, her favorite, "I'm confused" when she feels put on the spot--which is often, considering it's a one-on-one situation, just her and me. So I just push her to think, where before, in the classroom, she would just wait until someone else gave the answer. That doesn't work with me though. Part of the problem is that she's never been "stretched", so that's what I do, every day. I never just hand her answers. I make her work for them, and she knows it. So, no, I don't think she's playing me. She's a VERY quiet kid, and very easily intimidated. Her coping mechanism in school was to be quiet and hope no one would notice that she doesn't "get it" and call her out. So it's become easy for her to play dumb a lot, especially when she's unsure of herself. She would ride on the coattails of the other students in classroom discussions, and then when she went home, her mom would spend 4 or 5 hours re-teaching everything and helping her with homework. Since she's been with me, though, the mom doesn't have to reteach everything every evening. She's gaining confidence in every academic area, but there are still those sticking points in her reading comprehension. I do see definite progress, though. I know that requiring her to read 10 books over the summer went a LONG way towards boosting her reading skills.
  14. Yes, as far as I can tell. She can pick up on voice inflections and so forth, and that helps her understand.
  15. No, it was a brand of commercially produced margarine/spread available in most grocery stores. I just can't remember what brand!
  16. Yeah. Sigh... Me either. Below is an excerpt from a chat conversation she had with me in early June. (I have not corrected any spelling, punctuation, or capitalization errors.) I was on Facebook one afternoon when she was also on, and the conversation started when I responded to her status by asking a question about how she was coming along with the summer reading list I had given her about 3 weeks prior to this conversation. HV: i have absulutely no one to talk to and nothing to do!!!! Me: How many books have you read so far? HV: um... a half! Me: Maybe when you're bored, you should read! HV: what happens if i cant get finished? Me: You have PLENTY of time since you're not in school. During the school year, you read a book in a week, and you had homework every day too. So I KNOW you can do it. But it will mean less time chatting and Facebooking and more time reading... HV: oh comon... no fair haha I don't like reading... Me: So you keep telling me. But you have to read 10 books over the summer. HV: ugh.. Me: You should set yourself a schedule. Schedule reading time every day, and don't allow yourself to do anything else during that time. Discipline yourself to not even turn on the computer until you have finished your reading each day. You should read at least 30 minutes at a time, several times every day, seven days a week. You'll be surprised how much you'll start to enjoy reading. HV: trust me... reading is NO interesting in my life haha Me: Reading is the foundation of every subject in school. And it's definitely better than being bored. HV: but i'm living the life i wanna live, and that doesn't include reading Me: So you'd rather be bored? HV: yes, very Me: Then I will just keep on working on it. I'm stubborn too. HV: you will have to work a long time i am very patient, maybe stubborn... but patient So you see what I'm up against. And yes, her mom knows she feels this way, but she hasn't known what to do about it. But she did support me in insisting that her dd do the assigned summer reading. ;)
  17. I don't have dairy issues, but I do want a butter substitute, and someone mentioned here that they loved the taste of ___ because it tastes just like fresh butter. IIRC, this person also mentioned that their family owned dairy cows (???), so they have plenty of real butter, but whatever this stuff is, it tastes like butter.
  18. She is much more developed physically than most of the other 12 year old girls I know, and she doesn't believe in Santa or the Tooth Fairy. She is right-handed. She is not ADHD; she actually doesn't seem to mind sitting with NOTHING to do. She doesn't like school and isn't academically oriented. She shows no initiative in learning activities. She will do just as little as possible in her school work--just enough to get by so I won't make her do the work over. :( She's not very imaginative or creative--she doesn't do art projects or anything of that sort. She doesn't enjoy reading any kind of books or even watching telelvision. She just likes chatting with friends on the computer and being boy crazy. :thumbdown: My theory is that she has some mild learning issues--I suspect some kind of processing disorder, but she hasn't been tested--coupled with the...well... laziness I previously described. She has been moderately successful in school (mostly a B student) because her mom worked with her extensively every.single.day that she was in public school and private school. (Remember that this is not my own child, but the child of a friend.)
  19. No, it was one of the regular grocery store brands, I'm pretty sure. Maybe "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter"? Or something similar?
  20. or spread that she said tastes like fresh butter--the real thing. I was going to add it to my grocery list so we could try that brand, but I forgot to write it down, and now I can't find the thread. Can anyone help?
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