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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Others have already emphasized the importance of math so I won't belabor that. But the other thing that causes people to struggle is a lack of willingness to grapple with the concepts. I can't count how many people I see coming in who want to major in a STEM subject, and yet as soon as they're faced with something where they need to synthesize knowledge from more than one section, and especially to work on a problem and maybe come back to it, they just shut down. I really think that many of them could have handled it if they'd been working towards it from a younger age.
  2. This irritates me so much. The textbook companies are pushing these so heavily because it kills the resale market, and so you end up with "custom editions" when there really is absolutely no need. Yes, do check with upperclassmen. I use the online codes but I specifically tell them all that the book is 100% optional and that there is an online book included with the code, so don't get it unless you really like to have a hardback book, and if you want the book for reference only, buy a used edition. If you have a class with a code, check to see if this is an option for you.
  3. Where does bad light end up? In prism!
  4. From what I recall, your brother is unwell. I would just not engage, I really wouldn't. It is so hard. I have a family member who is descending into conspiracy theories, although not as far as he is, and I just thank them for thinking about me and ignore it otherwise. You cannot reason with someone who is in this state. Any counterevidence is merely viewed as evidence of a conspiracy.
  5. If you have a freezer, find out what days the local groceries send out sale flyers and stock up when things that you know you want to eat are on sale. I seriously buy at least 30 pounds of frozen veggies every time they go on sale, and that's how I can support my veggie habit.
  6. Haha, or just keep doing what you're doing and the whoosh will happen eventually with or without the carbs. The big takeaway is "patience, and don't expect weight loss to be regular week to week"
  7. I love cooking. In my ideal world, I'd cook every day, have a maid to do the dishes and clean the kitchen afterwards, and have engaging company over to help me eat it.
  8. re: plateaus http://leanmuscleproject.com/how-whooshes-impact-your-weight-loss/
  9. For a couple of days it's not an issue, but on a long-term basis it tends to result in lack of nutrients, and also result in a higher proportion of weight loss being muscle. Muscle loss doesn't just affect muscles such as your biceps, but also internal muscles such as your heart. On a longer-term basis I'd highly recommend trying to make sure your weekly average is at least 1200. (I'm assuming that your tracking is reasonably accurate as far as calorie count.) How about mashed sweet potatoes/parsnips with some broth mashed in? That should be tasty and easy to eat.
  10. For macros, if you are feeling good and have energy it's probably working fine for you. Higher protein is far more important for people who are either on a VLCD or trying for aesthetic goals that involve large quantities of muscle. For iron, although it will not show in your tracker, regularly using cast iron pans will help a lot with preventing anemia.
  11. I don't think it's something you need to report. If the professor is worth anything at all, they'll say something about citing references you didn't use to the student.
  12. I haven't seen anyone suggest it yet, but you might consider non-breakfast food for breakfast if she'll stomach it. With all the modern conveniences, it's not really necessary to stick to cereal/eggs/fruit simply because those are the quickest things for a sleepy housewife to cook over a fire. My mother has a grilled cheese and fried egg sandwich every morning because she can make it in her sleep.
  13. It is useful for me to consider a weekly average of weights rather than a single day's weigh-in. There are apps (I think one is called happyscale) if you have a smartphone, that will show a trend line.
  14. What's your question? I believe I have a copy of this book -- at least, I have several precalculus-level books by Allendoerfer and Oakley -- if you have a question.
  15. What does he want to read? Some of them are horrifying (I thought I'd never read another one after I picked up Pet Semetary) and others like The Green Mile I thought were fabulous.
  16. Don't let the calories in fat psych you out -- test it and see how you feel. For me at least I feel ten times more full after a meal with a reasonable amount of fat than I do after a meal with a similar number of calories that is super low-fat. The only thing that helps me more is lots of fiber (broccoli and I are best buds).
  17. Interesting and long read: http://www.precisionnutrition.com/metabolic-damage Fair warning: They are selling their coaching services, but the info is also useful to DIY'ers. One of the most balanced summaries (between "it's no use why try" and "of course anyone can do it, it's easy") of issues with weight loss I've run into.
  18. Chusivotina. Oh my. I love her. She's older than I am and killed that vault.
  19. This is what really worked for me. I'd always been clumsy and unfit and I started doing martial arts. I was horrible at it for years and years, and they'd say 'left foot' 'other left' 'that's still your right foot' 'it's ok to sit down' 'please sit down before you pass out' etc. It really helped me with understanding people who try and try and try and still don't get it.
  20. That sounds terrible, I'm sorry! Out of curiosity, what happens if you lose more slowly? Does it still come on at 15 lbs lost? Rapid weight loss can really mess with gallbladders (sometimes they just take it out when they do weight loss surgery because they know it's going to be troublesome soon).
  21. When you start to register, there should be a link for "purchase now with credit card or Paypal" when you get to the access code part. That's probably easiest.
  22. Great job on assumption there. I use online homework because the students immediately know whether they have worked the problem correctly or not. When I didn't use online homework, I would routinely get homework where many problems were done incorrectly from my poorer students. When I handed it back, they would stuff it into their bag without inspecting it, and go on to work on the next assignment while never bothering to read my corrections or check my posted answer key for the first one. Now that I do about 80% of the homework online (some is still hand-graded to check process or because the problem is not conducive to the online homework system), even the poorer students are getting much better grades on their hand-graded, in-class exams than they were before. Should I have to do this? Probably not. But I'm working with the students I have instead of the students I wish I had.
  23. It still tracks as far as I know, it just doesn't let you complete the entry and give you the weight loss projection. But honestly there is nothing wrong with a just-not-hungry day here or there as long as you're not making a habit of it. Imo, though, give yourself the slack if you're hungrier tomorrow and eat a bit extra.
  24. This is also great savory if you leave out the sugar -- it's an old-fashioned yorkshire pudding then (not the individual ones you'll see in shops now) Quick idgaf sides/meals with this as a base: yorkshire pudding with fried eggs cracked into it after baking yorkshire pudding with grated cheddar in the batter (chives are good here too, but very optional) yorkshire pudding with precooked ground beef or any other cooked chopped meat in the batter yorkshire pudding with breakfast sausages in the batter (toad in the hole) Add a veg to any of these and you've got a filling meal. Works well in a 8x8 pan with a half-recipe, or an 8x4 bread loaf pan with a quarter-recipe.
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