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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I also teach precalc. What the teacher's doing is nonsense. I'm not sure if he has it out for your dd or if he's just a jerk in general, but marking people off for not having the lines going all the way to the edge is very petty and definitely needs to be announced. As far as the "don't you know ___ always goes on the left", is it something like marking off for writing 2 = x instead of x = 2? Because that's also ridiculous in my opinion.
  2. Depression can be a big one. As far as breakfast, there's no reason that you can't feed your kids breakfast foods and eat something that you find less unappealing for yourself. :p
  3. Can of cream of something soup (aka church supper binder), can of tuna/chicken, bag of frozen vegetables, shredded cheese if desired, stir until hot, pour over starch.
  4. Drop. Get out. This guy is a jackass. If she wants to get caught up for calculus as a senior, she can take precalculus somewhere in summer session.
  5. I'd find it very dubious to believe that it wouldn't benefit your heart at all. Now, if it were phrased as "it would benefit your heart MORE if some of those were a little more intense" I'd buy it.
  6. As a matter of fact I just opened a jar from 2006 to eat last week :D
  7. Yes, cronometer.com. There is a paid version but I have only used the free version. There are fewer obnoxious ads than myfitnesspal and because you don't see other people's entries there are fewer completely inaccurate entries. The micronutrient data is a lot easier to track. One downside is that if you eat a lot of packaged food it may not be in there and so you need to enter those yourself.
  8. Lost a bit over 80 lbs. Dropped from size 18-20 to size 6-8. Started out just calorie counting and exploring what made me feel good and what made me feel crap. Lost plenty drinking soda every day, but eventually cut it out so that I could add more food. Intermittent fasting (skip breakfast, moderate lunch, heavy supper) worked very well for me when I was overweight but not so well when I got into a normal weight range. Eventually I realized that I was developing some bad attitudes towards calories (keeping them too low, focusing on them too much) so I started using a different tracking system (cronometer, great free system if you cook most of your own food) that allowed me to focus on nutrients instead. Still using that one.
  9. Yeah. Honestly I don't see the reason for the fuss, other than a "the sky is falling" membership drive. It seems to have been a really minor comment in a much longer speech about inequity in education.
  10. It'd be really nice to find the transcript of the entire thing. Anyone found it? All I've found in more mainstream media is remarks about all the other things he said. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/monitor_breakfast/2016/0921/Education-Secretary-John-King-US-still-has-work-to-do-on-equity-in-schools http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-21/john-king-says-obama-administration-has-unfinished-education-business
  11. Yes, 100%, both for homeschoolers and public schoolers. If a kid comes in reading 4 grades behind grade level and leaves reading 3 grades behind, I think his instructor has done a great job that year. But the damn tests just say "nope, not up to par". And unfortunately that encourages focusing on the borderline kids and leaving the kids who are doing well and the kids who are doing very badly to fend for themselves.
  12. There's always the need to balance ideal vs. what actually happens. I really don't think even good homeschooling would be better than the best of schools. But I also think that 99% of people don't have access to that type of school. And I think that intentional homeschooling, including seeking help when you're in over your head, is a very good way to be educated. I will confess that now that I've started instructing I can understand why people would be anti-homeschooling. I've seen several from the same local homeschooling area come through my classes, and unfortunately they were ludicrously underprepared for the lowest level math class we offer (high school algebra 1). This has been at the top of my mind, because we just had our first exam last week, and one of them earned a 0 (as in, I could not find one point to give all the way through) on the first test. There are a lot of underprepared public school students around. But I've never had one where they got to the college and were completely unable to solve something like x-5 = 7 even with prompting -- where they just plain had never seen anything like that.
  13. I learned about toast soldiers from Terry Pratchett books.
  14. I see a lot more NP's in private practice if ds is interested in that possibility. Also going for a bachelor's in nursing first gives a pretty decent job if ds decides he wants to take some time off and work first.
  15. Ha! I don't think I've ever heard my mother pray more than when she was teaching me to drive. Unless it was when she was teaching my brother to drive.
  16. Did you replace the calories from the dairy or just eliminate it? If you just eliminated it, you are probably hungry because you are consuming fewer calories than you are accustomed to.
  17. There are a lot of decent bodyweight workouts out there which have the advantage of not needing a lot of equipment to start with. Personally I like the one from startbodyweight.com (it does need something to hang from to start with pullup-type movements, but a railing or a broom handle across some sturdy chairs will be fine to start out with).
  18. Hey, congrats on the great loss :) Moving to maintenance is really challenging. I've done it a similar way to pawz (actually I'm trying to put about 5 back on now, but nice and slow) and it's going ok so far.
  19. I love my kindle fire. But I do think that it's kinda discriminatory to not make allowances for kids who don't have one.
  20. Yes. To get an accurate measurement on something like that, measure every ingredient that went in. Measure how much you have in the full pot (so like 33 oz chicken broth) and then if you have a 6 oz bowl, you know you had 3/11 of the full recipe. After a while, you can get looser and start guesstimating, but for right now while you're trying to troubleshoot and figure out exactly what's going on, accuracy is a good idea.
  21. My mother uses this scale: https://www.amazon.com/DecoBros-Multifunction-Capacity-Stainless-Platform/dp/B00MN0NI90/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1473946939&sr=8-7&keywords=food+scale It's nice because the broad flat base lets you use it to measure by weight (nice if you bake) as well. It's pretty sturdy and not expensive. As far as the choosing the calories, I think that before I tried to pick a number I'd get a baseline on what you're actually eating rather than just guesstimate. You can't manage what you can't measure. So I'd go a week and just eat like you normally do, but write down exactly everything you eat, with the weight. At the end of it, look up the calories. But don't do it during the week, because you don't want your knowledge to interfere with getting a baseline on what you normally eat. Make sure to weigh all food, but especially meats, cheeses, nuts, and fats. Don't forget condiments.
  22. haha ... and if that didn't work you could label it 'placenta' :D
  23. Try masking tape, it works in my freezer.
  24. As long as it's been frozen solid the entire time, it'll be safe. (even the usda says that)
  25. If you put it on spaghetti, it's a spaghetti sauce by definition :D
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