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Everything posted by kiana

  1. WUT. Well, no wonder my students have issues with understanding that 2+x is the same damn thing as x+2. Sadly, they finally think they get that and then immediately conclude that 2-x is the same thing as x-2.
  2. Both ways are correct imo, and as long as you know that if you divide eighteen items into three equal sets they each have six items and if you divide eighteen items into six equal sets they each have three items, you're in fine shape. They're the solution to different word problems. You have eighteen cookies and six kids. If you split the cookies equally, how many cookies will each kid have? Three. You have eighteen cookies and you give each kid three. How many kids did you give them to? Six. What worries me is when a kid can't figure out that they need to use division to answer those problems.
  3. To me, the point that I really took from It's a Wonderful Life is how profoundly the things that we do affect the lives of others, for good or evil, even though they seem totally inconsequential to us. All he's done is what seemed the good thing to do at the time, and he's looking back and seeing how every time he really wanted to do something great it's been snatched away from him, and getting to see how much genuine good he's accomplished in his life ... yeah.
  4. Yeah, we watched this a few years ago as a family and all of us were mopping our eyes at the end -- but with the joyful 'isn't that wonderful' tears, not the 'that's so sad' ones.
  5. Yes yes yes. Not just with this but with almost any baking a gentle toasting of the nuts will really allow them to shine.
  6. You know I shared amazon links above but I really do like the idea of getting one custom made. You should be able to find a metalsmith who will custom make one and even put the slots in a shape that would be personally meaningful and/or engrave a name.
  7. My mother likes this one: https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=898981 She adds a can of drained crushed pineapple, a half cup of flaked coconut, and also probably half a teaspoon (it's a three-fingered pinch really) of ginger, cinnamon, and and nutmeg to the banana mixture. She also adds cayenne, but that's a definite 'up to your taste'. You can also add up to half a stick of melted butter if you want more fat, but it works and tastes delish without it. I took this to a party (without the butter) to rave reviews. I offered a spread of cream cheese which was amazing. I had a bit leftover and used it to make bread pudding which was also amazing.
  8. Yeah I spent so much time in my own little world as a kid. I really recognized myself in Ralphie. The only other place I read something that summed it up so well was The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which I also loved.
  9. Similar to how a lot of farm kids got tricked by an older brother or cousin into peeing on an electric fence as a child.
  10. Yeah, I think I definitely liked it better because I didn't see it until I was 30, so I could remember being a kid and yet appreciate the adult humor
  11. Right. To me he's a gruff dad who doesn't really wanna display emotion (common in that era) but does actually care about the kids.
  12. You know I'm sorry, but given how much of the leg that lamp is ... calling it a goofy arse lamp is ... too close to the truth! :D :D btw I really did enjoy this movie and found it hilarious. It's sort of the stereotypical average 50s family in the US. Don't forget randy's snowsuit. Although the first time we watched this (we didn't do movies when I was a kid) my mom and I both expected him to have to pee instead of complaining about not being able to get his arms down.
  13. https://www.amazon.com/Penta-Angel-Sugar-Skull-Stainless/dp/B015C7CSPU/ref=pd_sbs_79_3?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=AERBS5PY9Z0SK545BZWV&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/WMF-Pieced-Serving-Spoon-6-25-Inch/dp/B00LB6HWJY/ref=sr_1_2?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1477081422&sr=1-2&keywords=small+slotted+spoon and, NOT SLOTTED, but it would still be a hilarious gift for a cereal lover -- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010TL6Q0W?psc=1
  14. Raisin bread, bologna, and swiss cheese sandwiches.
  15. You need to send the transcript as stated above. There have been cases where students had their degree rescinded and were back-charged for "fraudulently obtained" financial aid. Precalculus will frequently grant credits towards graduation but not count towards the math major itself. All it will do is reduce the general electives by however many credits. Universities want math majors to start in calculus to get them done in 4 years, so anywhere she goes she will be able to take a placement test or use SAT/ACT scores and place into calculus. DO is a solid precalculus class and I would just start that now so as not to waste time.
  16. Long summary of their side of the story with screenshots of some of the messages they got: http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-25119-bittersweet-cake.html Another summary of it: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/07/sweet_cakes_lesbians.html
  17. Doing every problem in a developmental math textbook is unnecessary unless your student needs massive amounts of drill. Every other is more than enough. Even less would be fine for a quick student. Save the rest for review if needed. I do recommend working through all of the chapter review problems -- this is a good time to go back and work extras out of each section that your student didn't get.
  18. I am not sure if you are familiar with this website, but once you figure out what you're missing, the feature for searching foods by nutrients is very good. You can even search by food group and nutrient, e.g., 'vegetables highest in calcium'. Sometimes you need to sort through some weird stuff by paging down a few times, but it's still extremely helpful. http://nutritiondata.self.com/tools/nutrient-search
  19. Granted -- my point was more that plan B doesn't prevent it. I haven't researched IUD's much as there doesn't seem to be as much argumentation over it.
  20. These studies basically showed that if a woman had already ovulated and took plan B, she had the same chance of conceiving as a woman who had ovulated and took nothing at all. In other words, it did absolutely nothing after she had ovulated. Copper IUD might prevent implantation and can definitely prevent fertilization of an egg, but not plan B. Edit: http://www.arhp.org/publications-and-resources/clinical-proceedings/EC/MOA
  21. This is how I get a lot of my vegetables in. I make a lot of soups that are a couple bags of different frozen vegetables and a few cups of stock (they're side dishes for protein so no meat), thrown on the stove and forgotten about until the timer goes off.
  22. It'd be a good idea to write down everything you eat until then so that you can show her and she can point out opportunities for easy improvement on what you have. I've talked to one a couple of times and they all wanted to know what I usually ate.
  23. I've lost a fair amount of weight. As I shrank through sizes I found that the places I liked best to shop were the thrift stores. I could find stuff that wasn't all "the look of the season" and because it was cheap, if I found I never wore it (or if I shrank out of that too) I just donated it back again.
  24. I think they'd go really well on top of any casserole with a south-of-the-border flavor -- how about a hot'n'spicy mac and cheese?
  25. Agree with regentrude. Furthermore, being willing to say "Oh my goodness, I forgot xyz" and go find a reference book and learn it will carry you a long way as long as you can use basic algebra/pre-algebra and reason mathematically. It's the reasoning mathematically that's challenging. Edit: This book is cheap and might be useful -- https://www.amazon.com/Just-Time-Algebra-Trigonometry-Calculus/dp/032167104X It parallels a fairly standard calculus class with "here's the algebra you probably forgot and now need"
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