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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Damn, I must be getting dementia!
  2. Is she absolutely positive where she will be going to college? At many universities elementary education majors still need to pass an algebra class, and even if not, the math for liberal arts will often contain some algebra. She will also need the algebra for the entrance exam -- if she does poorly on it, she may place into remedial algebra classes. I would recommend strongly against skipping algebra next year. If she were looking at skipping precalculus it would be a different story.
  3. Gosh, your church must be doing something right then.
  4. Yes. I've recently started treatment for something that ... frankly, I would have avoided treatment for or getting diagnosed with if the pre-existing condition thing hadn't been nixed. I'm really scared to change jobs now.
  5. Look for a used one. I see some on ebay for reasonable prices.
  6. Stats would be my number 1 choice for "everyone should take it". Frankly it would be my top choice for a college quantitative literacy class as well.
  7. Roasted. I like to sprinkle mine with a bit of garam masala as well as salt and olive oil. Chili powder would be good too. Or very lightly steamed with cheese sauce. Or stirfried (nice as part of a one-pan dinner). But whatever you do, don't overcook it. Overcooked it's foul. Undercooked, at worst it's a bit crunchy.
  8. That actually is the rda, but there are a lot of foods that contain small amounts of protein. Most vegetables have some, including greens like spinach and broccoli, most grains have some, nuts and legumes have a fair bit, dairy and meat have a lot -- unless you eat purely sugar, processed grains, and fruit, it is unlikely that you actually run low. And if you do eat like that, you probably should diversify your diet for more reasons than lack of protein. I do have a (vegetarian, but really carbitarian) friend who underconsumed for long enough that she started to lose hair/her connective tissue suffered, so it is possible, but it is very rare even among vegetarians (in developed countries). I would suspect that for OP, given as it only started with the gluten-free it's a deficiency in something that's commonly supplemented in flours instead. Iron seems most likely (I've had anemic friends start absolutely craving steak) but other ones are possible.
  9. Check out minimalist baker -- they're not purely vegan but many of their recipes are, and they fit your "the simpler the better" request.
  10. You know, I loathe chocolate, and whenever I go to a birthday party (or any other party) where the only dessert is chocolate, I say "no thanks" and if pressed "I don't eat chocolate" and go for seconds of mac and cheese (or whatever) as my dessert instead. I don't understand why it would be necessary to make sure an adult guest has a cake they can eat.
  11. We can assume no prior knowledge whatsoever of sequences and series in calculus class. Limits are presented first intuitively and then with the epsilon-delta definition, although it is uncommon for a calculus 1 class to actually understand the second. While sequences are used (for example, to justify lim_{x \to 0+} /frac{1}{x}), the sequence with x = .1, .01, .001, ... will be shown, however, the formal terminology will not be. It is quite common to present high school students with formulas without deriving them. Many of them have told me that they have literally never seen a formula derived, but only presented for memorization.
  12. hahahahahaha ... no. It might be covered in some honors level classes somewhere. But many students, frankly, have never seen a proof other than a cursory exposure to cookie-cutter two-column "proofs" in geometry, if that. After all, proofs aren't something that you can assess with a standardized test, so they can't be good for anything.
  13. The discrete structures course at my undergrad was what made me change my major to math. The differential equations class was very similar to calculus -- focused on applications -- but the discrete class was more like all of the puzzler parts of math that I loved. If you like solving math puzzles, well, it might be for you.
  14. I'd always assumed it was someone who was a bit outside the mold being cut to size. I'd pictured the gardener something like Procrustes.
  15. One of the things I find most upsetting about this is the elderly who won't sign up for help that would really help them because they're afraid of something like this happening. This is personal, but someone who struggles to clean or do laundry due to chronic health issues -- but is generally pretty functional about many things -- however, has sufficient problems with mobility that a crooked judge and doctor could easily approve something like this with only stretching things a little bit -- won't sign up for housekeeping help, even though it would be free, because it would open the door to something like this.
  16. Depends on how low carb they are, but sweet potatoes and apples both have a significant amount of carbohydrates. Here's a list of very low carb veggies (scroll down to the bottom) -- you could probably do a substitute. I think personally chicken and broccoli and cauliflower would be very nice, but that's just me. https://www.atkins.com/how-it-works/atkins-20/phase-1/low-carb-foods
  17. My God -- not only the people directly involved, but the collusion of all of the medical and legal people involved ... This is so repulsive. I'm just about sick to my stomach.
  18. jdahlquist has already given the suggestions I would have so I won't repeat them. But I will say that if he needs to drop, there are often classes that begin partway through the semester (not math ones, but it would give hours) specifically for students who have dropped a class. Check to see if that's an option when considering options.
  19. I have this book and it's a pretty good reference. I lend it to my students who haven't taken math in forever. https://www.amazon.com/Just-Time-Algebra-Trigonometry-Calculus/dp/032167104X
  20. kiana


    You do. Make sure you do it quickly, like, within a couple days of receiving it, or you may get another one.
  21. It makes a big difference where you're starting. If you start off in a normal BMI range, you should be careful -- the more fat you have on your body, the faster you can lose it. It's also common to be a lot faster at the beginning of a diet due to water weight loss -- this will slow down as time passes. Continue to monitor how you are feeling and if it continues to be this fast (or if you keep losing rapidly once you are close to your goal weight) I would eat more even if you are still feeling fine.
  22. Frankly I think that as long as your student can reliably do elimination and substitution on systems of linear equations (I do think learning both of these are important) they're going to be fine.
  23. Two glugs of soy sauce, one of rice vinegar, garlic, ginger, cayenne. Gonna start trying some fish sauce too. I'd put in some sesame oil if I hadn't added it to the olive oil I put into the pan in the first place.
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