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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I'm sure she is ladylike, but that is not ladylike. Ladylike is not what you do, it's how you do it. It's about having impeccable manners, carriage, grace, while doing everything you do, whether that is building the barn or baking a cake or setting the table and hosting a ladies' tea. (and I can completely relate to her shell shock - I'm an only child with quiet parents. Every day, the chaos and noise of having three kids running around shocks me.)
  2. I figured. Not to speak ill or anything, but for a while there, scandal was about the only thing consistently following his name. What time? The 10:00? Did I miss it?!?!
  3. I'm not sure just up and dropping dead is considered scandalous. Are you saying The Great Overmind is slated for a Fox segment? Or are you suggesting it?
  4. Well, here's a listing of apartments in Anne Arundel and Howard counties. 1 bedroom, under $1000. (Anything with a Baltimore address would be northern Anne Arundel county - just south of the city line.)
  5. Oh! Annapolis Junction! If she'll be at Ft. Meade, I would totally look at Laurel, Columbia, and out 32 toward Westminster. North to Ellicott City (REALLY good Thai place off 108). Elkridge is about 10 minutes up Rt. 1, as is Jessup. The Millersville/Crownsville area is nice. Can be pricey or not. Glen Burnie is close, can be nice, or not. Actually, anything in that area - which is older homes, mostly, with new development squeezed in, can be scary expensive or ridiculously inexpensive and it depends on the individual place. I lived for a while in Herald Harbor (Crownsville) which, as the name implies, is a waterfront community. Lovely, quiet, wooded, but the majority of homes were 1940s summer cottages, so it was very inexpensive (of course that was quite a while ago). About a mile away, because you have to skirt the water, is Sherwood Forest - gated, exclusive, very high real estate. The whole area is like that - depends on which little nook you look in. My brother in law's wife is going to be stationed in SC soon, and they're in Glen Burnie (the old part of town, with trees and established neighborhoods). I can ask what their plan is for his house, if you like. I think his wife (I guess she would be my SIL, huh? They just got married, so I'm rather unused to that) is at Ft. Meade right now, or NSA. Same thing, location wise. (also, you don't need PTSD to develop road rage in the Annapolis area - the tourists are quite enough.)
  6. Yeah, I'd just pour a little puddle of hot water on it. Sugar is water soluble, but a nightmare to try to power off.
  7. It also creates a day-glo yellow residue when exposed to urine. :ack2:
  8. It's actually less heinous than one would imagine. From here - 8 miles from the DE border - I also used to travel to customers in Tysons and to Ft. McNair. The commute was about 1 hr 15 minutes to Ft. McNair, about 1 hr 45 to Tysons (straight through town and out 66 - it's MUCH longer taking the beltway). Anyway, bridge craziness seems to have waves. Around 3:00, the people who took Friday off (or a half day) hit it, and then around 7:00 the people who worked Friday hit it. 404 is a nightmare, though, but it's 2 lanes (one each direction) and few turn-offs (unless you're local and know what lies on the other side of the corn fields... bwahahahahahahah!) Interestingly, the evening commute is always heavier than the morning... I wonder where the extra people come from? (Also, I am going to assume one willing to be armed and shipped overseas to relatively unknown dangers would be ok with a piddly little 4 mile bridge. ;))
  9. :iagree: (Also, I just heard a news thing that he is now saying he will repay taxpayers for his trips to Argentina... so we can add actual theft - as opposed to the nebulous "time theft" - to the reasons he should resign. Gads.)
  10. I really like Christiane Northrup's books. (The Wisdom of Menopause) She is an OB/GYN, but helped found a holistic women's health center, and sort of walks the line between traditional allopathic medicine and "alternative" approaches, without being terribly dogmatic, if that makes sense.
  11. Use the whites for merigues - drop cookies, pavlovas, pie topping - and the yolks for French style ice cream, custard pie or pudding. I second the crepes. It's amazing how yummy simple leftover type things are when rolled in a crepe with a little bechamel on top. Popovers / Yorkshire pudding are also a hit here... hmmmm, I need new muffin pans. You can do a whole lot with a quiche or frittata, too. And, as an added bonus, quiche is delicious cold, with a salad on a hot summer night. Salad Lyonnaise is also good - poached egg on top of the salad. I like to use a slab of crusty bread under the salad instead of croutons, or toast the croutons to a chewy state rather than crunchy.
  12. Oooh, that's sort of hard. Anything in the area is really sort of spendy. The Eastern Shore (past Kent Island) can be much more manageable, but there's the commute. My husband is an Annapolis firefighter and we live about 45 minutes (all driving) away. I used to commute from here out past Ft. Meade, it's not bad. The husband says there are apartments for rent in Annapolis proper for around $1000, which is about the same price range as when I was newly out on my own in Annapolis 20 years ago. (He might be insane. ;)) I can probably give better information on specific areas but, generally speaking Anne Arundel county is just plain pricey.
  13. "My Favorite Bible Verse". That's unfortunate. :lol: Thanks, Heather! Always good to start the day with laughter!
  14. Wild yam is a tonic herb that helps the body regulate hormone production. It does not replace or boost levels of progesterone the way a progesterone cream would. Women to Women (the VT women's clinic founded, in part, by Christiane Northrup, MD) has good information on hormonal headaches .
  15. I have all four of mine, at 38. No problems, no cavities, no real issue with cleaning. I do have some crowding in the front, lower teeth. My dentist tells me this is not crowding, it's "aging". :glare: I don't like him. (Meanwhile, I think he's probably right because my mother and grandmother both have/had the same look, and they had theirs removed as soon as they came in.)
  16. :rofl: I thought they liked peanut butter sandwiches, though. :D
  17. Not today, but there have been a disproportionate number of "those days" recently. :glare:
  18. Yes, and they traded that away. Willingly. For fame and free stuff.
  19. Zud or Barkeeper's Friend has oxalic acid. That seems to work better on gummy, yuck messes. It takes the funk off the bottom of my Le Creuset kettle.
  20. Ok, here is my 2 cents and you can ignore my thoughts in their entirety, if you like: 1. There is nothing other than good diet and exercise that will promote healthy weight loss. If you are unable to lose weight / improve energy with these, you need to seek and treat the underlying imbalance. 2. There is nothing inherently dangerous in this patch. HOWEVER, everything in this patch has been processed to the point where it is not herbal anymore. If you want to take pharmaceuticals, take the controlled kind, not the ones that they are sneaking in as "herbal" because that's what they started with. Isolated chemicals are isolated chemicals. Period. Herbs work as whole, naturally balanced foods. (or supplements) They are complex. 3. The health store lady uses it for energy and migraines because of the caffeine. Caffeine is a traditional component of migraine medications. Natural healthcare is not just swapping a capsule with ground up herbs for a tablet with lab created chemicals. It is an approach which looks for the cause of the body's imbalances and addresses that through lifestyle, exercise, nutrition and, yes, sometimes chemical support, though of a very different variety than allopathic healthcare. Ok, I will get off my soap box now. I'm studying to be an herbalist and encounter this type of thing a lot. I find it frustrating. Sorry.
  21. I've wondered how Christians were feeling about their... "claims"?... of faith. That's probably not the correct word, "claims" - I realize nobody can say what is in another's heart, but their portrayal of their faith has seemed, at best, inconsistent (and at worst, disingenuous) to me.
  22. So, to recap: She has (according to him) known about this for around 5 months. During this time of trying to repair their marriage, he evidently continued the affair? So, wanting to salvage some dignity, she asks him to move out with the goal of strengthening their marriage... and he heads to Argentina? Wow. How many times can you slap the same person in the face? I am awed by her grace and fortitude.
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