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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Right now we have "Signs Out of Time: Marija Gimbutas". In queue: Seven Pounds WKRP in Cincinnati Gandhi Snow Angels Little Children Notes on a Scandal Indiana Jones / Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Swing Vote The Dark Knight... I think my husband has been hacking the queue in an effort to balance the chick selections. :001_huh:
  2. Huh. I dunno. I guess, other factors such as our personal interaction notwithstanding, I would look at it (in the vein of your feeding desires comment) like eating a Snickers bar. The candy doesn't detract from my overall commitment to nutritious, whole foods. I wouldn't commence to measuring everything else I eat or serve against the Snickers. You know? And, frankly, after 12 years and birthing three babes, I think it's safe to say there isn't a whole lot of "mystery" left here. Love and attraction, yes. Mystery? Not so much. I completely agree, though, that if one spouse felt as if their moral foundation was being shaken, that is reason enough to put a stop to any behavior.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking. Gummy varnish isn't really something you can "fix". You either cover it or refinish it. (Oh, and don't use a nice, flannel backed vinyl tablecloth - you'll just end up with lint embedded in the gummy varnish. :ack2: )
  4. I wear a bracelet. It says "leap, and the net will appear" Good luck in your leap!
  5. Me, too. And it suddenly occurs to me that this may have saved me from having to answer to "D.W." (think Arthur's surly little sister) in retaliation. :D
  6. Yup. And I consciously remind myself that this is homeschool. We are not ahead or behind, just where we are, and that's fine because it is about learning the material thoroughly, not keeping to a preconceived, standardized schedule.
  7. I don't take exception to porn, per se. I would take exception to anything that caused my husband to interact with me in a negative way. I would also take exception to anything my husband felt he had to hide from me; that would be a huge red flag regarding the communication and respect in our marriage. I think doing anything you feel you have to hide from your spouse is a breech of trust. If I had strong feelings about it, I would expect him to respect that, just as I do in any other difference of opinion; we discuss and either come to a compromise or one of us agrees to defer to the other's position. Of course, I am the wife who, when my husband calls from a conference out of state and tells me some of the other guys were talking about going to a strip club, reminds him to tip the girls if he goes.
  8. I have LG Tromm front load washer/dryer from about the same vintage, though mine might be closer to 6 years old. I think we paid in the ballpark of $2400 for the pair. (I have more cycles, though - 7 on the washer and 9 on the dryer...) I'm not sure what the depreciation of appliances is, but $800 doesn't seem out of the realm of reality to me. I'd still try to talk her down, though. ;)
  9. Wow. I paid over $300 to have our piano tuned a few months ago. Of course, he was here for HOURS - it hadn't been tuned for a few years and is 110 year old concert upright with a few "issues". There was a lot of pounding. Hopefully, it will be a little less expensive going forward.
  10. I agree whole-heartedly. It is not as if anyone, including the OP, has suggested the young lady be benched without warning. It is unfortunate for her if her mother decides to ignore the letter and just drop her off, thinking the team has no recourse, but that is not something the OP should have to make up for. And, yes, I was thinking the same thing about financial hardship - if my children were interested in pursuing an activity we could not afford up front, I would be asking about payment plans, scholarships, work trade, whatever, and also having a conversation with the kids that it may just not be feasible.
  11. Oh, no, I'd totally want to hit her with a rock. I'm happy for you that the written report is favorable, but that doesn't negate the frustration she puts you through.
  12. Our Volvo has 180,000 - it had 112,000 when we bought it. (It is having an issue right now, though.) Our Odyssey only has about 50,000, but it's an '05. We replaced the engine on the Suburban at 72,000. :glare: The alternator before that, the radiator between them... While the Volvo is having its meltdown, my husband is driving my BIL's Jeep, that used to be mine. It has 130,000 on it, and the original clutch, despite my putting 110,000 on it commuting through DC/NoVA and my eldest learning to drive a manual shift on it. I love that Jeep. :001_wub:
  13. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt in these situations, and just assume they're high. :D Sounds like excellent news, though! (And, even better, the good news is the written version so she can't change her story again!)
  14. :iagree: The only training I see without letting the natural consequences happen is that mom will handle it. I remind my 4 year olds to take their pertinent stuff. I will ask my 8 year old if she has everything she needs before I lock the door. I also ask my husband, not because I'm the keeper of his stuff but because I'll just not lock the door if he's getting the kids in the car, intending to come back in for a cup of coffee, his wallet, etc. The starting to place the blame on mom would be a good indication that it's time to let the natural consequences take over.
  15. :iagree: That is exactly what I would do. She clearly knows her check was returned because her bank sent her notice, as well, and I'm sure she is notified of when fees are due in the same manner as everybody else. It seems as if it's simply not a priority for her.
  16. Yes, I got rid of recurring sinus infections and horrible permanent/seasonal allergies two springs ago. First, I used BioAllers Outdoor formula - it's homeopathic. Before that, I lived on Zyrtec for three or four years, with Flonase and the like in the spring/fall. I've been without antihistamines since then, and we've even had the windows wide open since late April, through tree pollen and grass pollen (both biggies for me). For sinus infections, I drank "tomato tea" - heat your favorite tomato/veggie juice in a pan, add 1-2 cloves of minced raw garlic (fresh), 1 tsp lemon juice, and as much hot sauce as you can take to a mug. Pour the hot tomato juice over it and sip like tea. The hot sauce opens up your sinuses and the steam works the garlic essences through (garlic is antimicrobial). The tomato and lemon give you a boost of vitamin C. I use my neti pot when I'm out in really high pollen for a long time, or when it's really dusty, just because my sinuses feel gritty, but I've not had any allergy related issues since using the BioAllers, and that includes living with a cat - when I was allergy tested, the cat protein site blew up like a golf ball.
  17. I usually re-wash, but that's because my veggies are fresh from the farm and, while their washed, there is sometimes some soil still clinging to them or an inchworm or something. For pre-washed packaged lettuce I don't though.
  18. We go for a couple of weeks in September and stay at Niboban. We used to stay at a private camp in Roxbury, but it has been sold. Niboban is beautiful, quiet, right on Rangeley Lake. We watch moose graze on the central lawn and listen to the loons. There is no tv except in the common room in the office/activity building. We head to the western mountains region because I grew up in Rumford and my dad lives in Byron, so I'm just parking myself "home" for a couple of weeks. There are a number of ski resorts in the area that have summer activities, fishing, canoeing on the lake, lots of hiking, and it's close to the Quebec border. That said, we're 2 hours from everything else - it's a running joke, actually - so we plan a few day trips to Portland/Freeport for the beach and shopping, hiking in my dad's favorite fishing spots, etc. We've also tent camped around, in Bar Harbor, Freeport, and Andover (where the space station is). It was great, but we were moving every few days and that was a pain.
  19. Bruce Haack? Joe Wise? It wasn't Shel Silverstein, was it? Pete Seeger? I'm intrigued. :D
  20. Library Thing has a "wish list" category, so you could catalog the books you already own, plus have a wish list. :001_smile: (I can retrieve my catalog on my phone, too, which is a nice feature to keep me from buying things I already own.)
  21. I think it also looks at tags in your profile description - I get other homeschoolers in my general area that I know in passing but do not have friends in common with.
  22. Yes. It's for skin and clothes (as opposed to the lotion that is only for skin, obviously) and I just spray it on the kids indiscriminately. (Their website is horrible, isn't it?) I just spritzed it on my dog's back, too, because she was snapping at mosquitoes hovering around her. She looked annoyed and walked away, but didn't feel compelled to roll in the dirt to get it off... I think she was just offended that I snuck up spritzed her. The Outdoor Extreme (in the purple trigger bottle) also works really well for mosquitoes and ticks, I just hate the smell. That can also be used on dogs. (They also have stuff specifically for dogs and horses.) I was just reading your thread about the Lyme. Thank goodness you saw that rash!
  23. Yup, I agree. There's really no use giving the probiotics only for them to be killed off in the gut. Have them on hand for when he stops the antibiotics, but wait until then. ETA: No. Even if he wasn't keeping a pretty constant level of the antibiotic in his system by taking it three times a day, he would simply put probiotics in, then kill them off with the next dose of antibiotics.
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