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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Me, too. Be your civil, proper self. Check (most of the time) Plant tongue firmly in cheek. Check Grow a thick skin. Check OK, I AM DONNING MY CAPE AND WATCHING MY POST COUNT APPROACH "Supreme Goddess of All Knowledge". :D (nice to see you, Colleen!)
  2. Um, isn't that perjury? I mean, you can't just check whatever boxes get you the best deal and file it with the court. (And, um, does she think nobody will tip the judge off to the vow renewal within the last 2 years? Hello? There's VIDEO!)
  3. Nah. "Then" there used to be this thing called "discretion". Nobody was talking and it would have been considered rude to ask. Now, that people talk about it. Alot. In press conferences. How vulgar.
  4. And, apparently, traveling internationally to do so? Who DOES that? Seriously, I haven't seen the press conference, but does anyone think maybe he may be having some sort of breakdown? I cannot imagine what sort of cognitive malfunction would make a person believe no one would notice he was missing. He's.the.governor.
  5. I LOVE when the Amazon fairy comes. Ours is named "Charlie". :001_wub: Even my husband cannot resist a man bearing boxes. :D
  6. Affairs aside, what's up with just leaving and not telling your staff how they can reach you?? I mean, honestly, isn't he supposed to be running a state? :001_huh:
  7. Opera for Everyone covers 4 operas and would be appropriate for that age group, I would think. What about Harmony Fine Art? Doesn't Barb hang around here?
  8. Yes, and perhaps an offering of baked goods (oh, my, I just typed "naked goods" - b and n should not be adjacent on the keyboard) for the neighbors.
  9. Yep, I either microwave them or throw them in the oven. Keep them covered either way or they tend to come out crunchy from the steam loss.
  10. I whine. I hate when it's so humid that you step out of an air conditioned building and the water from the air condensates on your person. :ack2: I keep my hair long specifically so I can keep it up. It's less work than fighting it. Maybe big, wide headbands?
  11. Hey, also, what about pumping WHILE she nurses? That should also trigger let down, make it less work for her, etc. I totally second calling your local LLL leader. I have several friends who are leaders - they are available to talk to you any time you need to talk. Really.
  12. Yep. Staph or strep, likeliness of one or the other depending on location. There could be a secondary bacterial infection due to the scratching. If it's fungal, antibiotics will just provide a better foothold for fungus to colonize, by killing off the bacteria that normally live on the skin. MRSA is methicillin-resistant staph aureus. It is no longer just hospital acquired; there have been a number of cases in the news over the past couple of years of "C-MRSA", community acquired meth-resistant staph a. Many, many people live with resistant staph a. on their bodies and don't know it until they have a trauma that breaks or otherwise damages the skin. I think a lot of it has to do with the area where you live - I live in chicken country. There is LOTS of resistant stuff floating around here because of the sub-theraputic doeses of antibiotics chickens are fed to promote faster growth. Nice.
  13. What about an SNS while she gets the whole latch thing down? That way, she won't be getting frustrated while she's learning to nurse efficiently. And, remember, she is only just at the point where she would be born, but without the extra reserves newborns generally have while they're learning this stuff. (Um, and it's ok that everything's a wreck. You have a newborn, not to mention one who was early and the stresses and sleep deprivation that are compounded by that.)
  14. The massage therapist will talk to you about your comfort level, any areas you would like worked on / avoided, what sort of scents you like, etc. She will continue to communicate about the touch pressure, etc, throughout the massage. During the massage itself you are always covered, except the part they're working on at the time. Most people do not find it relaxing to be naked in a room with a stranger, plus the sheet keeps you warm. The person doing your massage is a professional. I have never met a massage therapist whose conduct has suggested anything else. Some are more chatty or casual than others, but you are not an object of their expert action like a medical exam; it is, in fact, all about your comfort.
  15. I know, me too. And that Michelle makes me feel like the worst homeschooling mom, ever. I bow to her greatness. (Maybe she loses her cool OFF camera? Yes, that must be it. And even if she doesn't, I'm going to pretend. :D)
  16. Um, ok... impetigo is bacterial, not fungal. What are they treating you for? :001_huh: In any event, further irritating your scalp with harsh chemicals will probably only make it worse. It will certainly make it feel worse. Tea tree, lavender and oregano essential oils are antimicrobial, as is garlic. You can try rinsing your scalp with diluted apple cider vinegar, too. And, yes, I think this can be slated as reason #487 to avoid tanning beds.
  17. It has been my experience that the more you hear someone say "it's for the kids", the less they do for the kids. Those who actually put their children first don't think to comment on it. Comparatively, the Duggars are pretty normal. I see them as being centered and comfortable enough to say they'll do it as long as it works. However, I recall reading that Kate grew up in a trailer park (I am not slamming people's living arrangements) with the sole goal of getting out and never looking back. I think that is her point of reference for making decisions. The "stuff" makes her feel secure. The Duggars are already secure in the ways it counts. Know what I mean?
  18. WOW! That's a lot of water. I use long-grain brown jasmine rice and around 1 1/2 - 2 cups of water per cup of rice - a little more if I put dried lentils in it. (I believe Alton Brown has a formula for decreasing the water:rice ratio as you up the servings - you double the rice, but not the water because some of the water is just steam loss and that's the same for 1 cup or 2 cups of rice, you know?)
  19. Exactly. Except we didn't use the crib sidecar until the boys were born and we just naturally needed more space for 4 people. Even though I couldn't just roll over, latch baby on and go back to sleep with two of them, I can't imagine having to physically get out of bed multiple times a night and go to another location to feed the little one(s). I was sleep deprived enough just having to sit up and feed two of them.
  20. Our pediatrician recommended Lotimin, too. And I've used gentian violet with good success for thrush and diaper yeast rash. What I finally ended up using, which was great for all rashes, especially the yeast rashes the boys seemed prone to, was Miracle Salve Plus from Kerry's Herbals. I ended up making my own when I ran out, since I had all the ingredients here, but it was the most reliable thing I've found for keeping little bums happy. (And there are no petrochemicals or anything else I have concerns about)
  21. I got two of those in response to a couch I was trying to sell. In my case, the cost for the couch plus the cost of hiring "shippers" would have been more than just buying a new couch in the respondent's location, so it was pretty obvious that it was a scam. The wording was essentially the same, though. ETA: I missed the part about "excessive payment". That is always the tip-off. Money orders can bounce (if they're purchased with an invalid check) and can be counterfeit. The scam is that your bank has to credit your account within a certain amount of time after the deposit (48 hours, I think?) and so you pay the "shippers" and hand over the goods, then get a notice that the payment you deposited was no good.
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