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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. It may be. Honestly, I'm not sure how much steel we produce any more, let alone consumer goods. I had one de-anodize (the inside went to bare, pitted silver - it never had acidic food cooked in it), one was nonstick and the coating flaked off in chunks, one developed a rounded bottom. We aren't particularly hard on cookware; I actually have some Revereware pans I've had for nearly 20 years and a Finnish enameled pot my mother got in the 60s. Pots, knives and wooden implements are hand washed. I should also say that Calphalon was reticent about exchanging the pieces. Bed, Bath and Beyond, however, swapped them out without batting an eye.
  2. Calphalon has discontinued One. I traded my whole collection of One (100% failure rate) for their Tri-ply stainless and have been very pleased.
  3. Yup. I use it for dishwasher tabs, tortilla chips & stevia drops. I did have to adjust the delivery of the dishwasher tabs to every six months because we were up to our ears after a couple rounds at first. :001_smile:
  4. It's official. It is NEVER, EVER safe to open ANY thread while drinking something. I don't actually understand why people name their children so they can call them something else. That's weird to me. :001_huh:
  5. I never get that, either, particularly the underlined. On the website: could you tab or menu or otherwise arrange the category page links at the top? It looks a little busy/disjointed (I'm on Chrome)
  6. Not when you wear them with your high top Reebok "aerobics" shoes and 4 pairs of socks! (and, yes, I was in Reebok not too long ago and, looky there, the moon bounce high tops are baaaaack) I am wondering how the transition from pants belted under one's bum to hair band jeans is going to work here... this will not be good.
  7. I tend to break out the project management software, so I can see the trajectory of projects broken out in realistic time. (So, we mark school time as "unavailable" for everyone, my husband's work days as unavailable for him, etc) But, then, I need a spreadsheet to buy a dishwasher, so... :001_huh:
  8. I have a Trek Dreadlocks, which came with a mounting doohickey on the bike. It retains its coil and just clips in to the doohickey. (See "additional views" for doohickey) (sorry, I'm under caffeinated yet) eta: it's what the bike shop where I bought the bike uses for their rentals. They have a basket of locks that have been in use for years and still coil like new.
  9. Dragon stout. Alas, it's hard to find. I usually end up drinking some sort of mid to dark Sam Adams or Guinness. If I'm drinking something cheap and light, it's gotta be Rolling Rock or Labatt's, held at around 34 degrees (F). That's really rare, though.
  10. Just as my approach reflects my goal for my children to leave my home thoroughly prepared to pursue anything they desire, their approach reflects their desire that their children leave their home thoroughly prepared to live Godly lives in their defined roles as men and women. My role definition is much more blurred than theirs. That's ok. And, really, if any of the girls decides that is NOT the life for her, I feel pretty confident that she would have the foundation to pursue the life she wants. I am, frankly, more disturbed by parents who have no vision at all, the ones who just sort of float along, do the "accepted" thing without thought, and never question the whys and hows.
  11. She has a "Make TEA Not War" sticker on her car... I think it's even been transferred to her new car. :D
  12. Not to sound crazy but what on earth else would Michelle Duggar do but spend time with her children? I mean, she doesn't run the household single handedly (I mean everyone is involved not that she has staff), she's a stay at home, homeschooling mom... Her kids aren't off to school and daycare. She doesn't strike me as a high maintenance spa girl... I clearly have a very different lifestyle than theirs, but I think they walk their talk admirably.
  13. And I would point out that, unless you looked, you don't know he hasn't been talking amongst himself for, what, twelve pages?
  14. Yes, but they have not prevented the tacky shlumping of my bottom behind me. I may need a wetsuit for that.
  15. OR sensitive parts that chafe when I run. I was in a running store with my husband last year and was cracking up over the day-glo yellow-green "pasties". He suddenly developed an interest. :001_huh: Yeah, evidently, when you are a person without a jog b00kshelf there is chafing. Though no one has explained the color choice to me yet. You can't chafe without a shirt and you can see the neon pasties with one, so I remain confused.
  16. No ads, other than one or two for whatever I've just searched (as in, the current results list).
  17. I may just be surrounded by the tinfoil hat wearing kind of homeschoolers, but just about everyone I know is very "we don't want to put ourselves out there". I think studies are fascinating and valuable. I'd totally answer it. I was enjoying their extrapolation of the numbers in Table 5 for where people get curriculum, too... 854,000 of us use the library. :D
  18. That was my point. You say "study", homeschoolers (generally) give you the hairy eyeball and go the other way.
  19. I don't know. I don't think I really had anything to do with it. I think it was a defense mechanism. (I DO set the alarm on my phone for 5:30, but I'm generally up before that happens - sometimes long enough that the alarm goes off and scares me)
  20. 1.1 million homeschoolers. You can get 239 to talk to you. Yup, that seems about right. :lol:
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