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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. That seems like a slur. :glare: At least you're not a "covert evangelizer" :blink: http://www.gordonconwell.edu/sites/default/files/gd30.pdf
  2. If you've already decided to eBay them, and you haven't gotten around to that, it's time to bless somebody else with the items. Record them for tax purposes - I just take a picture so I can itemize them later - and get them out of the house. Keeping items because you paid good money for them doesn't work. If they're not being used, there is no value to them for you, and they are now costing you more in storing them, even if it's purely emotional cost.
  3. :iagree: that is, I think, the only word we have ever censored out of a read aloud. It's the only word that I can think of, actually, that I would be absolutely ashamed if my children said in public. Anything else I would correct, but that one, no matter how innocently they came in contact, I would just be horrified.
  4. I do the sandwich thing on Udi's gluten-free bread/rolls. Entirely edible. I also keep rice cakes in the house and like them with almond butter and jam, for tuna melts, with egg salad. We have nachos fairly regularly. Cheese would be a challenge there, but I know there are some really tasty vegan shreds out there (I gave up dairy when my 10yo was an infant, can't remember the good ones, but they weren't soy). Sometimes we have leftovers. GF pizza isn't as tasty cold as regular pizza, but it's good heated up. I like the Gluten-Free Goddess pizza crust recipe (and by the way, she is also dairy free, so you could probably find a whole lot on her blog.
  5. I'm one who falls asleep with the tv on. It keeps my mind from racing. Rarely, if I'm on an ironing binge or doing a huge cleaning of our bedroom, I might turn it on during the day and watch. I might put something whitefly in the morning. (I watched Miss Marple before the kids were up today, while I was doing dishes and laundry) I still don't come close to 4 hours a week. The kids may or may not watch a movie once a week. They develop behavioral issues with too much screen time. At one time, we had both cable and satellite, and we wondered how we'd manage when we cut the final tie to cable (satellite went years before). Turns out, there's not a whole lot on. We just thought there was because we had a bazillion channels. My in-laws have theirs on constantly. It's not background noise. I think they use it as a buffer to avoid conversation. With anyone. I know one family whose mother would proclaim to anyone and everyone that they didn't have television, in a very condescending tone. Ironically, her kids had a tv/DVD player in their room and a portable for the car, and would watch 8+ hours of Scooby-Doo and Disney Princess movies a day. (They didn't go outside. There was "nature" out there. :blink: )
  6. I have a vine around my left ankle. There will be another, probably on my back, but I have to somehow get my vision on paper first.
  7. My children have never commented on my tattoo or nose ring.
  8. My mother is 63, has always worked outside the home and couldn't care less if the kids stayed in their jammies all day. SHE has been known to stay in her jammies all day, if she doesn't have something to do. My grandmothers would have been mortified. They both did stay at home and working stints. My greats were stay at home and would have been mortified. My kids get dressed/brushed/washed as soon as they finish breakfast.
  9. :iagree: I don't watch news or read online blurbs anymore. It's too hyped with too little information. I do listen to WAMU (American University's NPR station) online while I make supper, though. All Things Considered is about 2 hours of all sorts of stories, not just the shocking headlines, and they take the time to flesh out stories when they can (not breaking news, obviously, but current events). And I love Marketplace. My dog knows it's time for her supper when she hears Kai Ryssdal, lol.
  10. Mmmmmm... Dutch baby. We sautee thinly sliced apples in the (cast iron) pan first, sprinkle on cinnamon & sugar, then pour the batter on and bake. One our favorite breakfast options during apple season.
  11. My mother's been trying to dye my hair since I was in my early 30s. I flat out refuse. At 40, I'm gray at the temples & have gray mixed in randomly throughout. I'm 40. I don't pretend to be 20, or perpetually "29". I refuse to send that message to my children. I also have a flop of extra skin around my middle from having regular sized twins (and all the extra stuff) stuffed into a 5'0" frame. Think extreme weight loss after pictures. That bothers me. But I cannot reconcile sending the message that our bodies have to be perfect to my children, either. Natural aging? No brainer.
  12. I don't use a recipe. Basically, I caramelize the onions, deglaze the pot with port, add an obscene amount of tarragon, cover with mushroom stock (beefier than beef) and simmer. Adjust the seasoning before you serve. I prefer using croutons and a sprinkling of cheese. It's just easier to eat. AB's works fine in a pot but between the natural sugar in the onion and the cider, I found it too sweet for my taste.
  13. Yup. If you love it, store it. If you don't, take it to the closest antiques consignment or put it on eBay for local pickup.
  14. In that case, I'd use a cooler that keeps stuff cold for 5 days (we have one from Walmart we camp with) and the rotating frozen milk jugs someone else mentioned. (if you don't have milk jugs - I know we don't - I'd just use gallon jugs of drinking water)
  15. I :001_wub: Barkeeper's Friend. If the stains still don't come clean with that, try leaving a paste of it to sit overnight. Also, if you can't find it in your area, Zud is another cleanser with oxalic acid (which is what makes BF so awesome).
  16. No, it's prescription. Well, Armour is. You can buy Naturthroid (bovine, I believe) from Amazon and I know people who feel they are not getting adequate treatment through their physician (or being summarily dismissed) have used it, but it's less potent. By the time you get yourself to a therapeutic dose, buying Armour from a (licensed) mail order pharmacy is much less expensive. (Like $30-40 for 100 tablets of your daily dose, last time I looked.) A compounding pharmacy can also make dessicated thyroid tablets to order. The bolded surprises me. Most people I've heard from have had to fight for testing to prove they're hypothyroid. At the very least, they've not been surprised since they had symptoms that strongly suggested it.
  17. Me, too. And it is also "ketchup" on the Muir Glen bottle. And Annie's. Weirdly, some Westbrae are catsup and some are ketchup. :blink:
  18. I would look at the various options. There are synthetic T4 and T3 replacements, and natural dessicated (porcine) thyroid. There is some good information at thyroid.about.com. (I rather enoy StopTheThyroidMadness, but there are some seriously angry people there, most rightfully so, but still.) Some people remain symptomatic regardless of their dose on T4 only and have to add T3. Some people have reported difficulty with natural thyroid. My personal preference is natural thyroid. It's been in use since the 19th century (or that just night be when Armour got into the picture) and, quite frankly, I am not a fan of replacing one isolated and synthetically duplicated hormone out of the many the thyroid makes.
  19. I second (third, fourth, whatever we're up to) having the Viking looked into. Otherwise, I have a mid-range Brother that I've had for several years and have had no problems with whatsoever. I almost immediately lost the manual, so I downloaded a new PDF one from their site. My mother, on the other hand, has a Pfaff that has to be professionally dealt with every.single.time she uses it. (which is thankfully not often) And, fwiw, my absolutely craftiest friend has a plastic, 20 year old Singer that does straight and maybe zigzag. She does amazing things with that machine.
  20. I just replaced my Calphalon anodized (One, which they've discontinued) because of a 100% failure rate, including the flaking off of nonstick on the one nonstick pot I had. It was always handwashed and we had it for less than 6 years. I replaced it with Calphalon Tri-Ply stainless. If money was no object, I would have gone with All-Clad. But Bed Bath & Beyond graciously exchanged it piece for piece at no cost to us. Ironically, we have a deep, nonstick, anodized skillet we got as a wedding gift 11+ years ago and that one's fine. It's Proline, which was the Macy's house brand then.
  21. :grouphug: I'm sorry. That stinks. (you don't have a dental school reasonably close, do you?)
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