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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Oh, oops. Tendons. And, really, I'd be much more comfortable training a pregnant client. Their looseness and other limitations are more predictable than the Cipro fallout appears to be. Not that I think pregnancy is a disability, just that you end up trying to bend over a beach ball, have pronounced lumbar curve, center of gravity changes, joints get loose... But it's all regular change and easily adapted. Unpredictable, spontaneous rupture doesn't scream "challenge me" or "work through it", especially with weight bearing joints. (Says the trainer who rehabbed a rotator cuff benching maxes, but wouldn't advise a client to do so. ;) In my defense, it didn't feel any worse than doing nothing or rehab type exercises)
  2. We use Cozi and it's nice to be able to add things on the computer & sync with my and my husband's Google calendar. You can also other things like school calendars, Fly Lady zone calendars and such (anything that is iCal). The shopping lists are great because I can add things from my iPhone and my husband sees them on his Droid in almost real time. You can email, too, and it sends me a weekly agenda via email on Sundays. I realize most of those don't apply for you but that's what we like about it.
  3. Series of Unfortunate Events? Little Women? A Little Princess? Tom Sawyer / Huck Finn? Oliver Twist? I'm struggling with the "no fantasy" clause, too... The Odyssey? That's fantasy. Alice in Wonderland? Hmmmm.
  4. Well, I didn't claim he was good at it. Just that it's sad that people seem to think he (or Rush Limbaugh) is the purveyor of educated opinions.
  5. Um, wait... You mean some people do not consider Bill Maher a political satirist? Because, you know, I think that may say more about the abysmal state of education in our society than anything Jay Leno (the obvious authority) films on the street. :lol: I am a <mostly> SAHM, sitting in my chair on the lacrosse field, surfing the 'net on my phone. And I really do not give a rat's behind what anyone thinks about that. :-P
  6. That's me. Summer is light dresses, skirts, t-shirts (not my husband's cast off t-shirts, fitted v-neck ones from Old Navy or Gap), tanks. I do sometimes roll up a couple favorite pairs of jeans to mid-calf, but only because those particular jeans work like that. Other than those and capri workout pants, I've not found any I like, either.
  7. I hate to be the wet blanket here but, after 23 years of parenting, I think 1-5 - and 7, quite frankly - are simply to abstract/high level for a 4 or 6 year old. Really. These are the "reminding" years, not the period where they can apply such concepts on their own, no matter how hard you try. 6 is task oriented, concrete, but, again, I don't think the remembering to use the facilities "before it's too late" is something that can be learned from someone else. I mean, I'm in my 40s, in good mental and physical condition and it gets a little dicey for me at times, when I'm involved in something. I like to think I have better forecasting ability than a 4 year old, too. ;)
  8. We have a Whirlpool. It was a convertible - portable until we remodeled the kitchen, then we installed it under the counter. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. We use Method or Seventh Generation detergent and both work well (the Method - or some other sort of - tablets might be a better option for full dispensing) but we sometimes have the grunge issue. I've taken to using Finish dishwasher cleaner every couple of months. Vinegar never worked for us. (we have extremely soft water, for reference)
  9. That's the point where I stopped. It was obvious at that point that I simply did not (do not) have the body of a ballerina, that I would never progress beyond ballet for sport and entertainment. I have no regrets. (After a year or so, I got the itch to get physically active again and played lacrosse and golf in HS.)
  10. Mmm... Could be. I'll look later. Oooooh, the waiting and wondering! :lol:
  11. Hmph. Didn't work for me. I had to install the coupon printers widgets, then both sites said my coupon had printed... No coupon. Printer has paper. It's on. :001_huh: I think this is why I don't have coupon printing widgets on my computer.
  12. I would agree with this except that, with the people you're talking about, their disability is stable. Joann is still at increased risk of injury (or re-injury) for some period of time after taking the Cipro, due to whatever insane, completely wrong, evil effect it has on ligaments. That's where the limitation lies. ;)
  13. No. No, NO, NO. Nope, sorry, usurping my access to my children is NOT for their safety, it is to exert control. Not knowing the staff/volunteers is NOT safe (or reasonable). No, there is no "partnering with parents" going on there. No. Just no. I would address it in our farewell letter. There is absolutely no way I would be ok with any organization whose leaders could make such bad decisions, whether they choose to correct them in response to complaints or not. In fact, I feel so strongly about wedging others between parents and children that I have been out of contact with my own mother for nearly two years due to her refusing to respect that boundary. (there is a long history of that and other boundary issues she ignores, but you get the point) Strangers? Good riddance.
  14. I'd go for more toning than cardio with a fresh injury that low. Keep from turning to mush while it heals, then add cardio back in as you rehab it. Other than swimming, you sort of need ankles and feet to be health for cardio activities. Pilates is definitely easy on the ankle. You can put any series of 7 exercises together in a tabata sequence (one exercise, maximum effort for 20 seconds, rest for 10, repeat 8x, then move on to the next one...). 4 minutes per exercise x 7 exercises is 28 minutes, and you'd be surprised how hard you can work. Those short days when I do something like that, I'm usually shaking and wondering if the trash can is nearby, in case I actually barf. :D I definitely work myself harder than I do teaching strength training or Pilates, and those are both hour classes. FitnessBlender.com has some good programs and videos to help you come up with something that will work with the heel limitation. Good luck!
  15. Oh he's so cute!! I love the pointy hat, too. Congratulations!
  16. My first thought was A. There are some cars and some parts that I would just always go with original parts for, because some of the differences aren't just make/model/year, but get down to VIN, as well, and aftermarket parts books don't necessarily reflect that. Ask me how I know. :D But C is definitely the easiest to rule out. I'd start there. :)
  17. Happy Birthday!!! Call it a trite tramp stamp if you want, but I think your butterfly is gorgeous. And, really, body art is for YOU, not for the rest of the world. You are happy for having done it. That's all the matters. :D
  18. Oh, my, LuvnMySvn! It does sound like you are stuck between the two groups. :grouphug: That's unfortunate. It's tacky, though, for the youngers to not include you in a mothering/wife group. I mean, you have littles at home. (not to mention the experience of having gone through all the stages before, with different children) Tackier still is that an exclusive little group uses the church directory to send invites to showers they throw for one another. Yes, every baby should be celebrated. Of course they should. But this is not about celebrating every baby. This about a private group wanting to throw a party and using access to a larger directory to make it a big event. When my best friend was getting married, and I was her matron of honor, her MIL (to be) decided she was going to throw the shower, completely ignoring that it was my honor to so, that the shower should not be thrown by family, etc. She refused to be talked out of it. Then, she got the contact information for the entire.fire.department (friend was my husband's partner at work) and invited wives and girlfriends that friend had never met! (And several of MIL's own friends) Friend was absolutely mortified. At her own shower. It was ghastly. All because MIL wanted to throw a party. I suspect that, if you took the "church family" bit out of your experience, it would be equally mortifying. It's somehow , in their minds, made ok" by that association. I would argue that it's not. I don't think you're being whiny. It think it's wrong to exclude members of a community from "community" events and celebrations, and only acknowledge them when they can do something for you. Eta: I'm generally of the "shower for the first" rule, and my circle definitely reflects that: we have blessingways in celebration of our friend and her changing motherhood role when subsequent babies are born. (regardless of which baby it is, we also provide meals for the family for the month after birth) But that is my "culture" and is clearly not the same tradition in the OP's circle, which is really the only tradition that should matter in this scenario. Kwim?
  19. No ideas for replacement but, in the meantime, you could probably just replace the battery in the laptop so you have portability.
  20. I always wonder what on earth it's been converted TO. :001_huh: I always use just regular rice, cooked appropriately for the recipe. E.g. If it calls for cooked converted rice, I just cook the rice and carry on. If I'm adding the rice to soup, I cook it longer than called for in the recipe. Otherwise, I'm not sure you need to make adjustments, but I could be wrong.
  21. Hmmmm. We live in town, regular "small town" lot sizes. There are dogs. There are cars. People play their radios. We keep our windows open pretty much all summer (at least until the heat and humidity are unbearable) and our bedroom faces the street. It's never occurred to me to be offended by the normal sounds of life. The cranked music, drunken, brawling parties at midnight? Sure. A dog barking outside all night? Yes, but only because I feel bad for the dog. (I don't let my dog go on barking jags outside at any time. A bark here and there is fine, but if she gets really barky, she has to come in.) Hearing someone else's dog bark a couple times from inside their house? Wouldn't even notice. People aren't too swift in identifying barking dogs, IMO. I got multiple letters from the HOA when I lived in a condo, demanding that I silence or re-home my barking dog... I had a cat. I finally sent a letter back saying if my cat's barking was disruptive to the neighbors, I probably had bigger issues to contend with, and never heard from them again.
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