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Everything posted by emzhengjiu

  1. My very basic bronze plan went from $16 / month last year to $112 / month this year for exactly the same plan with a very high deductible. That's an insane increase. I've moved to a Christian health sharing plan. I'm so very disappointed because we need a major overhaul of our health care system. This isn't it. ETA: The plan covers just myself. My daughters are on CHIPS.
  2. Being a single parent is tough but there are many of us who live that life successfully. As soon as you can begin to develop a support group of like-minded moms. When my girls were little, I was part of a babysitting exchange that even included taking and picking up kids from school and events. I had to put in time, but it was wonderful when I someone to keep my girls. Sick child care wasn't included though. I had some friends that I knew would watch my girls when they were sick, but since I worked from home it wasn't as much of an issue as it might be for you. Having no other adult to talk over major decisions has been hard for me. Thankfully, I now have a couple of trustworthy friends in similar situations when I need advice. I"m always tired, but I suspect many if not most of homeschooling moms are as well. Praying for you and for your family!
  3. I lost my job 4 years ago during the great depression. It was a scary situation as a single mom of 2 teens (now.) Mynyel, I would suggest looking carefully at your expenses and cut to the bone and more. Check to see if you qualify for any assistance. If you or others in your household can hold down additional work, do it. Cut your budget, then cut some more. Sell things if you can. If you can stay with family or friends for even a month or so, that can help a lot. I thought we were going to be homeless when I couldn't find a job. Thanks be to God, that didn't happen. It's tempting to want to hide away, but you can't. I think you should free up any money possible for a likely move first, then try to set up a payment plan with your landlord or with the court if that's possible. Regardless of mistakes that were made, you have to go forward now. Blessings and prayers for you and your situation.
  4. My daughter may be in a calculus class this fall that uses Saxon. We would appreciate reviews please. I know Saxon is incremental, but I know have a good understanding of how that works with calculus. Thanks so much.
  5. Landry Academy is offering Japanese 1 this fall, but not any higher levels unfortunately.
  6. I don't have any advice but will pray for an outcome that is just to you and to the landlord but is also merciful so you can start over if necessary in a new house or apartment. Financial problems are so draining and scary.
  7. Here it means there's nothing quick and easy to eat. Everything needs substantial preparation and cooking.
  8. When I worked in an office, we had a policy that all children under about 12 had to be with an adult. We had several problems with kids misbehaving when left alone. It took time from our work to deal with the kids. One time a child about 7 or 8 walked out the front door. The parent blamed the staff for not watching her child. Thankfully, the kid was nearby and fine, but the parent was so angry. My daughters are teens now, but when they were younger many of their classes required an adult be present during the class because several parents would be late picking up their children and the teachers or staff couldn't leave until the children were picked up.
  9. Maundy Thursday is important in our church. In general, I wouldn't attend a social event during Holy Week since we want to spend that time focusing on our Lord.
  10. My daughter is taking General Chemistry (for majors) at our local community college as a dual credit student. It's a tough class and moves very quickly. Some background in chemistry as well as strong math skills makes a huge difference.
  11. We're having beef pot pies and key lime pie! So tasty.
  12. My daughters are teens now, but I remember only too well how expensive dance costumes were. Both girls dropped out of dance when they would have had to commit to a much more intense schedule of classes. Both girls realized they enjoyed dance but didn't want the time commitment. I found some of their costumes a few months ago when I was cleaned out a closet. The costumes brought back such sweet memories. I have know idea why I'm saving them! Maybe for my grandchildren (assuming they will be girls) years in the future, but it was fun to remember back to days when they were dancing. So maybe they were worth the price, but I didn't think so at the time.
  13. The change DST messes up my sleep cycle for days. It's miserable. Living in Texas, I just don't see the advantage to very long and HOT summer evenings. If it cooled off in the evenings, I would feel differently, but it doesn't.
  14. What if it's been abandoned? Is it right to stop feeding an animal that's not used to living outside? I'm trying very hard to do what will be the best for the kitty.
  15. One of my daughter's friends was complaining that she has a single ten page physics lab report due each semester in her public high school. I was surprised that she only had to write one. She's in a Math, Science, Technology magnet program. I remember writing many lab reports when I was in high school. But my daughters remind me that I also remember having to walk miles to school through snow and ice. Not really, but they're sure I'm exaggerating.
  16. Saxon is too incremental for my daughter. It drives both of us crazy. She couldn't grasp the concepts with the small amount of information given at any one time. Also, the number and types of practice problems were numbing. She's solid in math, but it does't come as easy for her as it did for my older daughter who thrived on Singapore math. As of today, we're using an algebra text by Dolciani. My daughter is doing very well using it.
  17. I didn't know that. I'm not much of a Facebook user, but I'll get my daughters to check for me later today. Thanks.
  18. Yes, she was checked and doesn't have a chip. The place was very busy and didn't check to see if she was fixed. We've already put an ad on petfinder and have been talking to some of the nearer residents. I'm not sure how to handle posters. I don't want to put my phone number and I've been told we cannot put our work number on posters. Maybe I could direct interested people to the center instead. I'll talk to my boss. The area around where I work is not the safest. It's mixed zoning, residential and commercial area.
  19. I know what you mean! Both our cats were strays. The oldest was from a feral litter; our second was abandoned. If I lived in a house, we would keep her. Unfortunately, our apartment management is very strict with high pet deposits and "pet" rent. I understand the reason for pet deposits, but honestly pet rent is just a guise for making more money.
  20. My 14 yo daughter has good reading skills, but would rather do almost anything that read a book silently. She loves to read aloud and does so regularly. Her reading comprehension increasing significantly when she reads aloud either to herself or to others. I'm concerned for her when she takes standardized tests or tests later in college. What can I do to help her improve and perhaps even enjoy reading to herself?
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