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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. Just wondering how everyone else schedules AAS. I've tried really hard to "not" be a box checker, but things are falling through the cracks. So, now I've got to make some boxes to check. Could you please share how you plan out AAS? (fyi ... we are about to start AAS2). thanks Angela
  2. Hey! Why didn't I think of that??? :tongue_smilie: Angela
  3. You know, this would be a great time to do a little human anatomy. We don't have a little baby anymore (our youngest is 3), but my kids were fascinated with how the human body changes from infancy. If I had an itty bitty, I would read a human body book to the bigs and then let them compare their body part to the baby. (ie. let them gently feel the soft spot, fingers, toes, etc, etc). Loving the baby and learning.... my kind of school. congratulations! Angela
  4. I agree. I can't use MM, b/c there is tooooo much on the page for my eyes. That's one of the reason we stick with MUS. MUS = Plain Jane pages with room to work. Angela
  5. I have to agree with the pp about the SL LA. We used if for a few weeks, and then nicely put it away on the shelf and left it there. :001_smile: Angela
  6. This is not really an answer to your question, but my littles love Leading Little Ones to God. We read it at breakfast. I've read lots of different Bible books (including the Bible, :001_smile:), but this is the one my 5 year old ask for over and over again. Angela
  7. Have you looked into Growing with Grammar? I can't compare it to FLL, b/c I've never used FLL. My dd8 loves it, and ask to do it. Angela
  8. Hi, I think that Science would be one of the easiest to do cheaply, if you have a library card. Once, you pick which subject area you are planning on teaching (biology, earth science, etc, etc), you might want to look into a good science encyclopedia to use as a spine. You should look on here, ebay, or Goodwill for a cheap used one. I then start looking for great books to read or videos to watch about each subject. You can do internet searches to find experiments for you topics, and then have your kids keep a science journal. Just let the encylopedia be your guide, it will "tell" you which order to go in (kwim?). I do plan a year in advance, but I don't do any sort of "schedule." I write mine out in a simplified outline, ie "do the next thing." Subject, followed by books, experiments, videos, assignments, but about anything I can think of to do for that written in order that I want us to do them. I use the SL, VP,etc catalogs to gather ideas, and this board of course!:001_smile: Also, if you are work booky (is that a word?), and you have the time, there are tons of free science worksheets out there for the printing. You just have to search for them. Angela
  9. 2nd question --- It says "Crayola" colored chalk 8 colors. Is it really that brand sensitive, or will any colored chalk work? I've got a container of colored chalks for the chalk board, (not crayola) would these work? Angela
  10. Hi, I just got my Atelier 2 and am going through the supply list. It says that we will need wax crayons, a box of at least 16 colors. Are these just plain ol' Crayolas? I don't see the word "wax" written on the box anywhere. Or, are these something entirely different? thanks so much Angela
  11. I think you're absolutely right. It all comes down to personal preference. Angela
  12. I think I've talked myself into one of those fancy $10 containers from Walmart --- now if I only had the other $30 for my Amazon. :glare: Angela
  13. What subjects are you looking for? Angela
  14. the box --- It is and it isn't. I've got two. I'm glad I've got them, b/c well I've got them and we use them. They ain't fancy though. They are just plain wooden boxes with dividers with a piece of plexi (sp?)glass that slides into grooves on the side of the box. The convenience factor is that the colors stay all divided for ease when building math problems. The downfall is that the colors stay all divided in these heavy (not really, really heavy) wooden boxes with the breakable lids (I have a 3ds aka power ranger), so they stay put away unless specifically doing MUS. So, we never use them to build forts, castles, build extra math problems for fun, etc. I know a lot of other people "play" with their blocks which has lead to a greater understanding of math --- kwim? Anyway, I'm sure there are lots and lots of people out there who would beg to differ, but if I had to choose again I would take $10 to Walmart and pick me out a clear fancy lidded container. Then, I would take $30 to Amazon and get some of the stuff I have saved in my cart. I'm probably going to get another container anyway. The boxes take up a lot of room. Hope that helps --- They may be the perfect thing for you. I'm sure lots of people love them. :001_smile: I'm (as my kids say) just medium on them. Angela
  15. Did you know that REAL Science has a "try it before you buy it"? You can download like half of the program. GOOD LUCK Angela
  16. Oh my goodness! I did not even know this stuff existed! You have saved me tons and tons of time. Thank you so very, very much! Angela
  17. I don't know how you feel about tv, but for you littlest little have you looked into the leap frog videos? Letter Factor was one of the greatest things I ever bought. My now 5dd learned all her letters and their sounds from that video. She also liked the Kumon coloring book a whole bunch. I also bought I magnetic dry erase board from Target and foam magnet pattern blocks from RR. They have been a big hit with all the kids. just some ideas... Angela
  18. I'm looking at Sonlight Readers (2 int and adv) and wondering if anyone has written up a set of their own review questons to go along with them? I know Sonlight has the readers guide, but sometimes I find the question lacking or a bit confusing. thanks Angela
  19. Thanks for the info. Can you tell me if you used the "treasure chest" kits or some other? I've seen a couple others out there. thanks Angela
  20. Hi, Has anyone ever used any of those "history kits" out there? They seem to be a little box full of stuff to study a particular subject in history. (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Knights, etc) That seems like something nice to me, the "never wants to do crafts Mom". You just pull out the little box, do the stuff in the box and then put it away again. If you have used any, please tell me the brands and your opinions. thanks Angela
  21. You are WONDERFUL!!!! thank you Angela
  22. A while back someone listed in a post the order of the SL 2 intermediate readers. For the life of me I can't find that post. Does anyone have it marked, or the list? thanks Angela
  23. Step away from the DVD player. Run fast to the book store. The books are so much better. But be warned, once you start Twilight make sure you have nothing else to do for a few hours ---- b/c you won't want to stop until your done. Angela
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