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Everything posted by funschooler5

  1. Me too! But is it bad that I had to say the names together five times before I figured out what was so bad about it? :lol: How about Soda? :D
  2. Thanks for the comments! It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I've thought about deleting my FB account too. There just seems to be more negatives than positives lately. The only thing stopping me is it helps me stay in touch with my long-distance relatives. I used to rely on Christmas cards for updates, but it seems like nobody does that anymore.
  3. I feel stupid for feeling like this, but... I'm from a small town. There are people I've gone to school with from 1st grade through 12th grade on Facebook. A lot of them are my friends (on FB). One is not, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I was friends with this person in grade school and junior high. I've been to slumber parties at her house. We grew apart in high school, but remained friendly. I tried adding her as a friend several months ago, but she never accepted my request. We have several Facebook friends in common, from our grade school. She recently posted some photos from a grade school play (that I was in also) and tagged some of my friends in the photos (which is how I saw them). I just don't get why she didn't accept my request. I get that some people use Facebook for just close friends and family, but I know that several of our mutual friends aren't that close to her, they just went to the same school. I guess it just bothers me that she's sharing memories that I was a part of, but I'm not involved in the sharing...if that makes any sense. Does anyone else get bothered by things like this? I feel ridiculous even thinking about it...I'm 37 years old, for crying out loud. I guess this is another reason why we homeschool, so my kids won't be worrying about what other people think of them. :tongue_smilie: I'm just one of those people who has to be liked by everybody!
  4. Oh, that is so scary!! I'm glad your son is okay...he handled himself very well!:grouphug:
  5. Oh yeah, that drives me nuts! I don't think autocorrect has ever saved me time. The one mistake I make constantly (typing "tge" instead of "the") it won't catch, but it replaces everything else with some crazy word.:glare:
  6. :iagree: Oh, yes. Not just here on the forums, but at home doing schoolwork with the kids. History, especially...there's SO much I missed. We learned about American history in grade school and high school, had a couple of months of ancient history in 7th grade....and that's about it. Everything else is new to me! :iagree::lol:This is what keeps me going. I think I'm smart, then I come here and everybody raises the bar, so it keeps me on my toes. It's a nice balance.:D
  7. Want to be in a really uncomfortable situation? Get invited to a Passions party. I got invited to one as part of a bachelorette party....all of us, including the hostess were extremely shy. I don't know how the heck she got into that business. It would have been hilarious if it weren't so darned uncomfortable. And yet, by the end of the party, some people ended up spending hundreds of dollars (not me). :confused: I ended up buying a tiny bottle of perfume. I actually really like it, it's very mildly scented. But I don't envision myself going to another party to get another bottle. :lol:
  8. :iagree: I'm the biggest baby when it comes to going to the dentist, but getting my tooth pulled was the easiest procedure I ever had. It was so fast, and I didn't feel a thing!
  9. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm very sorry you're having to deal with all of this at the same time! That's a lot to go through all at once. Sending good thoughts your way, and hoping you're able to find time to take care of yourself.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  10. I'm 10 (almost 11) weeks now, and though I haven't been nauseous, this pregnancy has been the most exhausting so far. I've noticed a big change this week, though. I wouldn't say that I'm energetic or anything, but I don't feel like a need a nap every few hours. I know every pregnancy is different, but I just thought I'd throw that out there...I felt the worst at 8 weeks, so maybe this is the worst of it for you? I hope you're feeling better soon!:grouphug:
  11. DH and I celebrated our 15th anniversary on Wednesday. We went to a fondue restaurant, which we've never done before...the food was SO good. We really splurged...had a 4-course meal. First course was a cheddar cheese fondue, with various breads, vegetables, and green apples for dipping. Second course was a spinach salad with portabello mushrooms, bacon, tomatoes, and a vinagrette dressing. Third course was a meat course: chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, duck (which was new to both of us), and potstickers. We dipped this in a coq a vin broth to cook. The last course was a chocolate fondue, with bananas, strawberries, brownies, Rice Krispie treats, pound cake, and cheesecake to dip with. It was probably the best meal I've ever had. :001_smile:
  12. :iagree: There's a big difference between 1/2 glass a wine once or twice a week, and 1-3 drinks per day.
  13. Mine was an absolute surprise. Of course, #3 was too.:D It's taken me awhile to get used to the idea, especially with the big age gap between my kids. The whole family is getting excited about it now, especially since my belly popped out this week, all of a sudden. I don't remember showing this early before...must be because this is my 4th.
  14. Oops, I'm sorry about that! I was in a bit of a hurry when I did the poll...I should have posted more options. Glad you posted though...good luck to you! :grouphug:
  15. Too funny! We did this too, with the Playboy Bartender's Guide (DH had received it as a gift). We starting working our way through the drinks, but DH had strict rules. We had to use actual recommended brands, and the right glasses, mixing tools, etc. AND we had to work our way through the book in order, and finish one drink...the whole drink. Unfortunately for me, gin drinks were first. You would not believe how many martinis there are, with just slight changes. Gin, vermouth, twist of lemon. Gin, vermouth, olive. Gin vermouth, pickled onion. Aack! I burned out on gin pretty fast. :lol: A lot of the mixed drinks were way too sweet, but we did find a rum punch that was delicious, and we've made it at several get-togethers by request. I don't have the book in front of me, but I googled the recipe and this looks right (the block of ice is important, so it doesn't water down the punch. DH just freezes water in a medium-sized pot so it'll fit in the punch bowl): BARBADOS BOWL 12 oz dark rum 12 oz light rum 8 oz lime juice 12 oz mango nectar 1.75 qt pineapple juice 1 banana 2 limes 1 cup sugar Make sure you chill all your ingredients before starting. Blend 6 of the bananas, sugar and lime juice in a blender until smooth. Pour result over a block of ice in your punch bowl. Add the rums, mango nectar and pineapple juice and stir well. Refrigerate for at least an hour, then slice limes and remaining bananas and float the slices in the punch bowl. Serve in punch glasses!
  16. My DH was on a martini kick for awhile (traditional gin martinis, not vodka like a lot of people make them). Personally, I think gin is :ack2:. He also likes a Glenviddich on the rocks every now and then. I prefer a Jack (Daniels) and Coke ....when I'm not pregnant, that is. :D
  17. I've noticed lately that there seems to be a lot of Hive members who are pregnant (I'm probably noticing because I'm pregnant too :tongue_smilie:). Just wondering how far along everyone is. It seems like there's a lot of early pregnancies, and those ready to deliver (or just delivered). With my other pregnancies I used to hang out at pregnancy message boards, but I just can't relate to most of the people there. I thought it might be fun to post how far along everyone is. BTW, I'm 10 weeks pregnant with baby #4. I'm 37, so I guess I'm now in the "advanced maternal age" category. :D I'll post a poll shortly.
  18. To the bolded: Isn't that the truth? I would love to find a doctor who isn't completely condescending about everything. :glare:
  19. Oh, I totally agree with this. I frequented pregnancy message boards when I was pregnant with my first two kids. Anything that is outside current cultural thinking is automatically shunned, and people are made to feel like they are horrible mothers if they don't follow the "group-think." I had to bow out of going to those boards when I was pregnant with #3, as we were doing a homebirth, co-sleeping, (not to mention homeschooling...yeesh, I was attacked several times because I was a homeschooler). It was way to emotional for me. That, and I got tired of wading through unintelligible messages that seemed to be posted by people who were barely literate. :tongue_smilie:
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