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Everything posted by GraciebytheBay

  1. My daughter had a hot pink extension put in a couple months ago. It looked so cute and blended in perfectly. The hairdresser needed to use a special "crimper" to get it in tightly. It stayed in for a month, then fell out, but she was able to have it put back in easily.
  2. Hmmm...never heard it that way. My kids like this song. I think it's about not being afraid to be yourself. I hope. Otherwise, my 11 yodd is singing a :001_huh:suggestive song.
  3. Ugh, that really stinks. I have no advice, but I have to say that they sound like the Herdmans from The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! :tongue_smilie:
  4. We live in Western New York in a semi-rural suburb. Last night over the field, it looked like twinkly Christmas lights! They were amazing. There are way more this year than last year. Wonder why?:confused:
  5. I wouldn't have thought of that. It is pronounced Holly with a short o sound. I presume Shiftwell is supposed to be car lingo - as in the shifting of gears? I think you're being a bit too sensitive, but maybe I am just naive?
  6. I had gallstones and had the chest pain that you described. I did not have depression. I opted to have my gallbladder removed, and I am so glad I did! I had been having pain for years - terrifying pain that made me think I was going to die of a heart attack.This happened about twice a month. After the gallbladder came out - no pain. It was that simple. The surgery was simple. It was laparoscopic surgery, so there was no major incision - just three very small ones. I went in at 9 a.m. and was out by suppertime. Recovery was not bad. It took about a week before I felt like myself again, but recovering was not terribly painful. I hope your mil feels better soon and that whatever option she chooses will help!:001_smile:
  7. I read the description and posted a school-related question here the other day and only got two replies. I forgot about the K-8 board, which probably would have been a better place to post it. Thanks for the reminder.:)
  8. I love your story! It makes me :001_smile:!
  9. It should be: "For more information and a personal tour, please visit...." If it was a list, you would use commas to separate the items in the list: "For more information, a personal tour, and a free gift..." In the first case, there are only two items, so no comma until the end of the intro phrase.
  10. It does take much longer for yellows and reds. I've picked green peppers weeks before reds were ready. I've never planted yellow, though.
  11. The LEAH sale in Rochester a couple weeks ago was VERY well attended (always is!). I do see a lot of boxed curriculum left over, though - ABeka reading books and things like that. Btw, are you in WNY?
  12. I do not use this with my kids (yet), but several people in our co-op use this for math: http://www.aleks.com/ There is a free trial membership which I will probably try in the fall.
  13. Our co-op uses Latin for Children. Dd just finished LFC primer B and will move up to C in the fall. The problem is that she didn't do great with B. Her quiz scores were between 55-85 all year, but they definitely leaned more toward the lower end than the higher on average. I would like her to continue Latin through the summer, at least 2x/week. Should I have her simply repeat LFC B for reinforcement? We did not used the dvds - would that help? Not sure what the best course of action is here. Thanks for any input you can give!:001_smile:
  14. I would drive pretty far - up to an hour probably. We used to live in a small town of 6,000 (including college students and federal prisoners!). We drove 45 minutes to get to a great library but combined that trip with a few other things. It was SO worth it! Now we live where there are a bunch of great libraries and we still drive 30 minutes every so often to go to one that we really like. It is laid out nicely and seems to have more books the kids like as well as excellent dvds.
  15. Me too. Hmm...seems like a lot of people saw this statistic. Could it be that we should now head toward the other end??
  16. Extreme heat makes me crazy. Really. I get grumpy, impatient, anxious...badness all around. The funny thing is I lived in Oklahoma for eight years and then four more years in the midwest! Here in NY now, where it still gets pretty hot.
  17. Okay, so I'm hearing some great things: 1. Compromise - without making an extra meal, be sure to have a healthy side on the table that she will like. 2. Don't completely eliminate the "old" foods; serve them occasionally. 3. Do not make food into an issue. 4. Make sure there are healthy choices available at all times. 5. Keep the junk out of the house completely so it won't be a temptation (more difficult with the college boys home.) 6. Simplify. Buy fresh produce more often and don't have so much food in the house at one time. Thank you for all your thoughts and ideas! It is helpful to see them all in one place. Sure do love these boards. :thumbup: I'll let you know how it goes.
  18. I'm sure Anna would happily give up her seat at the table a few times a week - come on over!:lol:
  19. Love it! I am getting so many great ideas! I like the no nagging idea that goes along with this. Anna has never liked veggies much, although she'll eat baby carrots and broccoli happily (and potatoes, but I don't count starchy veggies as real veggies). The idea that vegetables can and should be part of the main meal and not just a lame microwaved dish of mushy canned vegetables as an obligatory addition (which would get thrown into the tupperware after supper because nobody liked them much - why would they?) is a problem for her. I don't overspice, so that is definitely not the problem.
  20. That is EXACTLY what she has said to me! And I understand - if someone kept serving me food I didn't like, I would not be happy either. I need to respect her taste without becoming a short-order cook!
  21. Exactly. How to find the balance between respecting her likes and dislikes AND eating healthy foods. That is the question! She is a sweet girl, not a little tyrant. I hope I didn't give that impression anywhere. She certainly doesn't dictate what I make but does vocalize her disappointment when she asks what we're having for supper, then finds out it is something she doesn't like for the third night in a row. Can't say I blame her for being disappointed, but would love for her palate to change so she can have good eating habits going into the teen years.
  22. I agree and do try to appeal to her taste preferences by keeping out some of the pasta, for example, and leaving off tomatoes and/or feta cheese or keeping some chicken out of the marinade if she doesn't like it. I'm not sure if there is a way to pinpoint the exact problem she has with Mediterranean food. She doesn't care for beans but will eat them if she has to. She doesn't like the strong taste of feta or goat cheese, but that's an easy fix (leave it out for her). She doesn't care for most vegetables, which I can't do anything about. She just has to keep trying them.
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