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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. My eyes are always dialated to different sizes. Sometimes the difference is very noticeable and other times, not so much. I pray it's true for your dh!
  2. Go to insuremytrip.com. I think you can choose just to insure the flight there. Their customer service is amazing!
  3. Yikes! It was that hot here and I had to sit through dd's gymnastics practice (non-airconditioned!). I was dripping just sitting there. Dd was fine!
  4. We've rented from Gary here: http://bestcondostay.com/ We rent from him once a year. His is a three bedroom condo. Walking distance to the club house and pool. Nice place - comfortable and clean. One time we got there and the cleaning company hadn't come. Gary made it right for us and it wasn't even his fault. I highly recommend him and his place!!!
  5. The notes are the best part!!!! History of women's underwear? Selling bras?!
  6. The notes are the best part!!!! History of women's underwear? Selling bras?!
  7. What a fun video! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm smiling ear to ear!!!
  8. We had one in our house a couple years ago. It was terrifying for me! We ended up calling "Batman" and he inspected our house. We had a colony of them living in our attic. ACK!!!! I still sleep with a tennis racket by my bed.
  9. I am relieved for you. I went through this last year with our FA kid. I couldn't ever get straight answers. Just a basic, "We deal with this all the time and don't worry!" Ugh. I sent dh with him last year just to make sure. They were WONDERFUL!!! Food was sent to each campsite and his was separate and labeled clearly. They even had separate cooking utensils for him when necessary. I was AMAZED. He just left today for the same camp. Dh went with him because he was such a big help last year. But, I'm MUCH more confident this year. Glad to hear your ds had a good time!!!
  10. I hope your son recovers fast. (hugs)) I posted a photo of my ds' helmet after he was in a bike accident last summer. His helmet was DENTED. I HUGE chunk was taken out. That would have been his head. He was absolutely fine other than bruises and scrapes. Thank God!!!!
  11. This. We got rid of cable tv a year ago. It stopped ALL the begging by my kids. They just aren't aware of the newest flavor in Trix yogurt or the latest breakfast cereal. Well, until they go to friend's houses!!! :)
  12. You know though - I'm seeing the start of this reversing in small ways. My dd takes snacks to gymnastics. I give her very healthy options - pepper slices, string cheese, etc. Sometimes she is there for a meal and I give her things that we usually eat at home - spaghetti with homemade meat sauce, stir fry, etc. People ask my dd to trade her for the healthy stuff! One day dd had peas. One other little girl was BEGGING her for the peas.
  13. I hope so too. But, getting people to change their tastes is going to be hard. I'm SO grateful that I grew up on real foods. At the time, I thought my mom was just an old fogie with old ideas! But, now? I do it to my kids too! :)
  14. My dd will eat the yogurt plain too! My boys? Nope. I've never tried it with maple syrup though! My dad's neighbor sells it to him by the gallon for $35!!! So, we have a TON.
  15. We buy cheese sticks for road travel. More expensive, but they don't stick together. Will you be needing lunches and/or dinners in the car too? I usually make up rolls with tortillas, mayo, meat, and cheese. Sometimes I cut them into pinwheels. Other times I leave them as whole rolls. They are good and filling! I make up little cups of yogurt. I don't like all the sugar in the premade kinds, so I buy the plain Greek yogurt and add honey or jam to it. I have individual serving size cups. Yum! I also found my kids will eat pasta cold! I cook it and put it in individual size Ziploc bags. Hand it back with a fork and, voila! A meal! Fresh fruit cut up and ready to eat in individual bags (easy to pass back). Blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, cantelopue, oranages.
  16. Awww. Poor thing. Honestly - I'd treat the child-leaving-in-the-middle-of-a-sleepover as a homesick child. There's nothing your daughter could have done to prevent it. Doesn't mean the other girl doesn't want to be friends. Sounds like you have a little extrovert on your hands!
  17. If you have red streaks, please go to the doctor soon. Could be cellulitis. And, yes. My daughter gets this with mosquito bites. She just had one on the side of her face that looked like she was sprouting a twin! It got HUGE and red and hot. I watched that thing carefully! I was SO scared it was infected. Nope. Just her typical bite. She now has three more bites. They are still small, but I expect they will swell soon. ((hugs)) I'm sorry!!!
  18. Rose. I haven't posted on this thread yet, but I wanted you to know how hard I'm praying for you and your family.
  19. For me, it was just as easy to scramble up some eggs as it was to pour cereal for three hungry pre-schoolers/toddlers. And, it kept them full MUCH longer. I think your 7 yo could be in charge of making toast. And, I might even freeze up some sausages to heat up in the morning. That keeps your prep work to a minimum and yet will fill them up a lot longer. Or, what about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? That's my dd's current breakfast fave!!!
  20. My poor dd had one about a month ago that we thought was a scab. Two days later, dd says, "Mom! The scab is GROWING!" She flicked it off and screams, "MOM!!!! The scab is ALIVE!!!!!" Ugh. Deer tick. She'd had it for three days. GROSSS. But, yes. I know that sometimes they come and go without you knowing!
  21. Yea. For 90 minutes, I'd drive home. We LOVE staying in hotels, but the thought of packing all our stuff for one night when we're that close to home doesn't appeal to me!
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