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Everything posted by scbusf

  1. Wow. I love her unit studies and that is an amazing price!
  2. Tell me your method for accelerating MM, please! Do you have your student do the Review pages and then move on if they get them correct? Or do you still go through each topic, but just move quickly? I'm asking because I'm realizing that DS is painfully bored. He is almost 8 years old, and just finished MM 3A, although he still needs to practice memorizing his times tables. I have Beast Academy 3A on the way, so I'm hoping that will help us to have a change of pace. Thank you! Sherry
  3. (Disclaimer: I teach math at the community college level.) I used Singapore Standards edition for my DS for first grade. I didn't like juggling so many books. So we switched to Math Mammoth and have never looked back. We will be adding in Beast Academy soon, but not because I think Math Mammoth needs any supplementing. It will be just extra because DS really likes math and is fairly advanced in it.
  4. Add me to the Get the HIGs group. I am a community college math instructor and I needed the HIGs when I was using SM for my 1st grader! I just wasn't used to teaching elementary math and the HIG really helped.
  5. We do family devotions at bedtime. In our history curriculum, the Bible comes up, but we don't have a separate Bible time during school.
  6. Right now, I'm teaching a World Geography class for 3rd-5th graders. I'm using a combo of Galloping the Globe, Trail Guide to World Geography, and whatever else interesting I find. I've also had some guest speakers come in that have lived or are from various countries and the kids LOVE that!
  7. Life of Fred - I bought 4 books before we even started Apples. It just wasn't for us. TruthQuest History - I paid to have the teacher's guide and the lapbooks printed (for both kids) and we all hated it. HATED it.
  8. Has anyone used Minecraft (Pocket Edition) in a homeschool co-op setting? Or know of one? I have gotten approval from my co-op director to teach a Minecraft class in the Fall! My plan is to use either Bible stories or Classic children's books as a jumping off point. We will use a router to create a local network because we don't have Wifi at our location. I've googled, but haven't come up with any similar situations. I'm curious if anyone else has done this.
  9. Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. I was thinking of the CogAT because we can't afford individual IQ testing right now.
  10. DS is currently 7, will be 8 in July. By age, I consider him to be in 2nd grade, but he is working ahead in Math (around the end of 3rd grade) and Reading (5th grade level). His writing is behind, because of Dysgraphia. My state requires standardized testing at the end of the school year. I also would like to give him the CogAT. In my state, I can't get the CogAT for 2nd grade. I can get it for 3rd grade (Level A). It's much cheaper to get it with the ITBS, also 3rd grade level (Level 9). Will this work? Giving him the ITBS and CogAT basically a year ahead of his age? Our state only requires him to be above something like the 24th percentile on the ITBS, so I'm not too worried about his "passing". But I also don't want this to be a waste of time. I'd like to get some helpful information and I figure since I have to test him anyway, I want to get the most bang for my buck!
  11. I get the aura and the usually no headache afterward. The spiky, silver aura lasts about 15 minutes for me. It still freaks me out.
  12. I usually go with 2 c of chicken being close to 1 pound. So: 5 pounds chicken 5 c celery 2 1/2 c mayo 5 T mustard 1 1/4 c onion 5 T tarragon 5 T lemon juice 2 1/2 t pepper
  13. We're not huge history people, so we are taking less than an hour each week on it. We read the chapter, then do the map, and sometimes an activity or getting books from the library if DS is interested.
  14. Yep, I'm almost done. I've been shopping sales and our local used bookstore to find good deals. Now I just need to stop looking so I can quit changing my mind!!!!!
  15. DS is 7.5. He can do 4th grade math, but writes like a first grader. He can't tie his shoes. He loves to go on and on about various astronomy topics that I don't have a clue about.
  16. DS will turn 8 this summer Math: finishing up MM 3A now, so we will just keep trucking along with that Also going to add Beast Academy Science: Doing BFSU now, will do Mr. Q Physics starting this summer Language Arts: Just started Write Shop Primary Level B and Dianne Craft's Writing 8 Exercise He reads and spells on a 4th grade level, so we are just doing lots of reading and focusing on catching up in Writing. History: Diana Waring's History Revealed - RRR w/ the Elementary Activity Book Latin: English From the Roots Up flashcards
  17. I looooooove MBtP! Right now, we are using the unit that goes with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I pick up random units whenever I can find them for a good price.
  18. I don't mind it so much. But I'd rather not think about the possibility that someone else's hands have touched my straw.
  19. Right now, DS takes Karate and DD takes gymnastics. Those are pretty much the only activities they do, but they would do those even if they were in school. As for actual curriculum, I spend about $200 a year total - maybe less. I bargain shop and even manage to find things in thrift stores occasionally. I have also won prizes on blogs and gotten some great stuff that way!! We have an amazing public library, and we do buy some books. I don't count buying books, though, because we'd buy them even if we weren't homeschooling.
  20. It depends on the book. For Explode the Code, I just let the kids write in them since they are fairly cheap to buy again. For more expensive books like our SOTW Activity Guide, I make copies. I also make copies if I'm not sure we're going to like something and I might want to resell it soon. I have an all-in-one printer that makes copies and I just use that for the most part.
  21. I will be using Diana Waring's History Revealed RRR next year with my 3rd grader (who reads on a 5th grade level). Is there enough Bible material in the curriculum or would a separate Bible curriculum be best? I like to combine subjects and kids (on their levels) as much as possible - next year, I'll have a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and 4 year old. I just want a solid Bible curriculum and if there's one that works well with HR, I'd love to hear about it! Thank you!!!
  22. I am the same way and it makes me crazy! I need to delete the bookmark to this site, honestly. I like the idea to focus on good books. I always need a "project", so I think finding good books to read will be my new thing!
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