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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Same difference. Its set up by lesson.
  2. Now that I've heard and read more about the incident I think its too disingenuous to suggest it has *nothing* to do with the "pitbull in lipstick" comment. It was a safe swipe since he could duck behind, "Well, McCain said it first!" I think they needed to get people talking about Obama again and negative attention is better than no attention. Especially since the responses are totally predictable and possibly, sort of, maybe calling Palin a 'pig' (which as the benefit of evoking the idea of pork, greed)wasn't going to shift many votes. Just get his base fired up defending him. They clearly loved it and were a hootin' and hollerin' and laughing and ooohing at the joke. I just don't know that its advisable to make these kind of references when you're already losing lady voters.
  3. So sorry to hear that. Ouch. And congratulations on the wee one.
  4. I would make you a 5 course meal that was, "Simply no trouble at all. I'm sure your headache is much worse than mine, Dear." Then I would proceed to tidy up your house right in front of you. Gingerly lifting things to look under them for mold or mushrooms while saying things like, "How long have you had that headache, Dear? You should have called me when it started. I wasn't that busy last year." Then I would sit down next to you and take your hand and give it a gentle pat and ask, "Now, tell me again, why did my son marry you instead of that beautiful woman he was dating before you." Oh no wait. That's not what *I* would do. That's someone else.
  5. Any "Friends" fans? I can't think about English food without thinking about Rachel's trifle. "Sugar, ladyfingers, cream, beef, peas, carrots, onions..." My kids would probably eat that.
  6. We use SOTW as our spine but my dd loves CHOW so we read that too. Not every single page but sections of particular interest. Its a lovely book.
  7. This made me think of something I often say, "Why don't women wear hats anymore? Why did they stop wearing hats?" I'm sure there was a good reason but, darn't, I like hats. Do you think people will be saying in 70 years, "Why don't people use cursive anymore? It was so pretty."
  8. I answered "I don't know" but that's not quite true b/c the question is "When do YOU BELIEVE..." and not, "When does...". I've typically felt that implantation was that point. But that's never affected how I feel about abortion. I think society sanctions many types of murder with mind-boggling inconsistency as to the standards. I've never really landed on one side or the other.
  9. I've told myself that I was biologically designed to want more children even though we might not be ideally suited to have more. I've decided I would probably always feel from time to time that I really, really want another but that it didn't mean I was "supposed" to. I find the desire does ebb and flow with no clear pattern. That's just me and how I deal with those stretches when I would love to have a baby or expand our brood.
  10. Maybe a low-rise stretch lace boy short? They're cute and forgiving.
  11. If I were his campaign manager I'd be apoplectic but I don't know that this was anything more than an unfortunate gaffe that at this point neither side can afford to make. It is always fun in a totally predictable way to see how the partisan pundits will react to this.
  12. You know, at our local public school they don't start cursive until 3rd grade when the kids are 8 and 9. They still do all of their other work in printing and just gradually move away from that. Why do we care what the public school does? I don't know that we do but I thought I'd throw that in for consideration.
  13. I'd hate to see cursive as a common writing form fall by the wayside trampled by technology. Its not like its calligraphy requiring special tools. It may not deserve hours every week but I think having it as part of your skill set makes learning it a worthwhile endeavor.
  14. 1. Yes. I don't know why anyone stopped showing it. One can always choose not watch it. I've seen JFK's assassination more times that I can count even though that is also devastating to the nation and his family. Historical events belong in the public domain. Not showing this is just politicizing it. 2. No. I'm not sure I even get the problem with this. I was confused by the MSNBC move. As a long time MSNBC watcher I thought what I'd been seeing over several months was a pointed move to being the FOX News of the Left. I was looking for a new news home but not in a pouty way. Just don't like my news so heavily tainted either way (I've never voluntarily watched FOX News). So when O & M got "shifted" for being too liberal I was confused because it seemed like that's what they were going for. When I say that I feel a liberal bias in the media I think I mean that the newspeople/journalists/pundits/bureau chiefs themselves are laregely biased toward the left. So everything comes through that filter. Its in the language even when its not a clear slap upside the head. FOX is an obvious exception and, no, in no way is it fair and unbiased. But I think its really just a cheeky rejoinder to the claims of the mainstream media.
  15. Oh, well...that is not what I pictured. That I would not have an issue showing to a typical 13-year old.
  16. I just read the Washington Post article on Olbermann and Matthews getting the heave-ho from election coverage. I was annoyed but also figured they were just trying to be Fox Left and I was going to have to find a new channel. I don't really get what they're doing over there. Russert was interesting because he certainly struck me as liberal but he certainly had to balance that with his deeply held Catholic faith. Balance is good for me. Tom Brokaw is a silver fox so I'd watch for that reason alone.
  17. Its not right. Did you read, "Angela's Ashes"? Didn't they feast on a boiled sheep's head once? That might make a potato look pretty darned yummy. Maybe that's the lesson we're looking for.
  18. Well, if the opportunity to ask the question ever presented itself I think my question would go something like, "Wow. I'm really in trouble aren't I?" And Queen Elizabeth (I) or Dorothy Parker. Please don't make me choose.
  19. Oh man, you got me. I thought it was from the Activity Guide and thought, "Seriously? Funny but so wrong." I think I will just reenact what my ancestors did whenever a famine hit. Move. We went from the Rhineland in the early 1700s to Ireland until the potato famine when we hauled it to Quebec and then later to Detroit. I don't think we were escaping a famine in Quebec though. I have a St. Patrick's Day baby that doesn't like potatoes. That chills my Irish genes. Her mn is even Bridget. So wrong.
  20. Do you remember having increased heartbeat sensation with pregnancy? Is it like that? Some people are more aware of heart beats than others. I had the EKG and holter monitor routine which didn't find anything. Did give some peace of mind so its worth looking into. Sometimes, anxiety over palpitations can increase them. You get in a worry cycle. Palpitations are not that uncommon but check it out.
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