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Rebel Yell

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Everything posted by Rebel Yell

  1. https://www.att.com/cellphones/lg/b470-prepaid.html#sku=sku8370388 ATT prepaid has a plan that is $0.25/minute or text, story can't find a link unless I'm logged in to my DDs account
  2. Will it be unmistakably clear that those are dog treats? I'm not a dog person, and I'm not sure what your "story" is ;) but if this is a conference intended for humans and you write stories about dogs, I might be dumb enough, and hungry enough, to think you were giving away cute people-treats shaped like dog-treats. So I vote for labeling it somehow. Because even for humans who wouldn't mistake a dog treat for a personal snack, they might have dogs on special diets, right?
  3. My child would have walked out. Maybe not after the first incident, giving some grace in case it was an unusually bad day, but as soon as it became a pattern then it's a deal breaker. Job things id put up with (but not like) would be rough language- in general, never directed at my child- as in, "The effing light is burnt out again" opposed to "What the eff is wrong with you, you stupid bleeping bleep?" or non-radio-edit music playing. Having the schedule come out late or last minute changes- annoying but not a deal breaker. But what you described is unacceptable. And I would hope that, if my child was asked why she was such an awful worker, she would answer "I'm not. You're an awful boss. I quit."
  4. I'm not sure if it's the same brand or not, but DH & Diamond use these for their lunches. They seem to love them for wrapping sandwiches. I can't check because they're both out of the house today. I've never used them for regular food storage like bread or cheese.
  5. OH MY GOSH my DH is a wonderful man, but I can be literally taking dinner out of the oven as he is walking in the door and he will reach in the fridge for a cheesestick or pepperoni. And there has only been one meal in 24 years that he didn't like, so I know it isn't because he doesn't like what's for dinner. Drives me nuts. Like he's going to starve on that 6-ft walk to the table? :lol:
  6. So, do you all despise those "What's for dinner?" posts here?
  7. (Please consider all of my "likes" as thanks for answering, not that I "like" whatever annoying thing is going on) This has been really interesting. I wish I could take all of the cooks out to dinner... I don't even mind if you ask "What's on the menu?" ;)
  8. In the threads about irrational hate and parental wisdom, it seems like being asked "What's for dinner" really bugs a lot of people. Just curious as to why? Maybe I don't get it because I plan menus for the week, so I always know or if I forget I can direct the asker to the menu plan/shopping list. I have to plan ahead because we have crazy work/activity/car sharing-driving schedules, with some food intolerances, strong preferences, and needs for meals at unusual times, such as before leaving for work at 4pm, or after returning from the gym at 9pm. So for me, "What's for dinner?" is almost always a reasonable question, and occasionally a deciding factor as to whether a BFF or BF will be joining us :D Maybe I also don't get it because my kids are much older (22, 17, & 15) If I had 10, 5, & 3yos repeatedly asking all day long I'd probably quit my day job, LOL!
  9. It will just be BabyBaby and me! Diamond is moving away to college, and SweetChild will be commuting to beauty school, so she'll be gone from about 8am-6pm M-F. One day/week BabyBaby will do some classes at the enrichment center. I'm meeting a new friend to talk about starting a high-school-only activity and field trip group. BabyBaby will learn to drive in December. She's restarting One Year Adventure Novel, continued wih Latin, continuing all of her martial arts.
  10. My fat fingers meant to hit five stars, but they hit two. I don't know how to change it, it won't let me. :( Anyway, I liked Dr. Sears' book. I *did* rely on WAB and LLL because they were the only source of encouragement I knew of in those rough early months. But mostly actual people from LLL. I hope you find what you need and have better support. I am saddened by your IBCLC experience.
  11. LOVE IT!!! I especially like the neckline- neat, but very feminine.
  12. The stores here have very narrow check out lanes. I am NOT very narrow. I have to go in front of my cart to get everything out if I'm buying more than I can fit in the top kid-seat space. I can't just walk around the cart to unload and then back, but I DO move my cart along and get out of the way. I'm thinking me plus my cart take up the same space whether I'm in front or behind, so I can't picture the problem, other than the person is an idiot doing something far stupider than I am by simply being as wide as a grocery lane and therefore they are fully deserving of your anger. :D
  13. Unless your own was a huge feathered quill pen, like for the wedding guest books of the 80s, or something equally out of the ordinary, then I would assume her comment was meant to be rude. If I did anything more than glare at her, probably just said "Excuse me? What is your problem?" When she made the comment to the person behind me in line I very likely would have told her off. It's not like you made a scene demanding that the hostess bring youna fresh packaged pen because some germy woman touched it, you quietly got out your own pen, signed in, and there was zero reason for anyone to comment on it
  14. "I am not your pack mule" whenever they ask me to carry something. Which they never do anymore. It really works! (NEVER would I say this to anyone with life-threatening allergies) "Just eat it. It won't kill you, and if it does, I'll never make you eat it again." And its newer version for young adults: "As long as we're paying for your health insurance, you WILL eat vegetables." "Bring a jacket (or sunscreen, snack, extra money, etc.) You don't have to use it, you can leave it in the car, but I am NOT going to buy you a jacket (etc.) if you decide you're cold later."
  15. That goes beyond hate into pure rage. The kind of rage they base episodes of Criminal Minds on. Also, people who use "I" when it should be "me". "Meet Kim and I at the restaurant."
  16. Anyone who refers to their male spouse and Hubbie, Hubs, or Hubster. For a brief second the horrible person in me wishes divorce upon them so I'll never have to hear them utter that word again. Seeing it written down, like in a blog or Facebook post, is almost always instant cause to block or unfollow. I also get so angry at the phrase "easy peasey." I think it is the stupidest sounding phrase ever. Probably because I almost always hear it said by someone explaining some overly complicated Pinterest nightmare way to do something that actually ISN'T so simple.
  17. Hmmmm I have all of those syptoms but I am absolutely 1million% certain that I am NOT pregnant LOL! CONGRATS!
  18. Kids are 22, 17, & 15. I do not have, actually never have had, a perfectly clean room anywhere in the house. I wish I did, but it just doesn't happen here. No food in the bedrooms other than water bottles. Trash cans get emptied on "Garbage Eve" or more often if its allergy season or cold season and they've gone through three boxes of tissues in a day. If they want the Benevolent Overlord to do their laundry, it needs to be in the hamper. If the Laundry Fairy sees clean laundry getting kicked around the floor then they will be kicked out of the Laundry Program. I will not hear complaints if things are lost in the mess. 99% of the time, putting things all the way away makes "lost" items magically appear. So basically, I'm not going to war over clutter, but filth is not tolerated.
  19. I'm with you on your first one... if I attempt to clean anything bigger than baby spit up I just end up adding to the mess in a catastrophic way. And that dinosaur... banned from my house as well. DD22 is somewhat familiar because her toddler buddy was a HUGE fan. He had all three characters at his 3rd birthday party. I wanted to beat them with the piñata bat.
  20. Taylor Swift. Seriously, CANNOT.STAND.HER.
  21. Are you serious? Oh my gosh... that is not OK. I hope your DD is all right, please update us when you can!
  22. Yes. I also hate clicking on recipes on Pinterest and ending up at some fan fiction nightmare where I have to wade through the illustrated story of their life just to get to the 8-ingredient recipe and instructions
  23. LOL, BabyBaby shares a room with SweetChild, and even for a petite 5'1" girl, yep- Judo gis smell horrible. Even with Under Armour underneath... I say it's good payback for four years of unwashable sweaty dance/show choir costumes that SweetChild kept in their bedroom There isn't enough Febreze in the world, and really, all you end up with is sweat stench and chemical stench combined. BabyBaby now puts her gym clothes directly in the wash when she gets home. I was going to suggest paying someone at the gym to wash it for them. I don't know why he won't aska. Club mate, but for us, I'd do it free as a ministry/favor to hpthe student. It wouldn't be weird to us. Good luck!
  24. Excellent point! Thank you! Personally, if a couple is walking along, holding hands, I'm fine with that. "hello!" And "good bye" hugs too... just like I'd be OK with it for a friend group. Groping and kissing beyond the "hello" peck on the cheek? ehhh no. I don't want to be the PDA police, but I also don't want field trips to be free for all make out sessions. I forget that people even do that. Anybody have suggestions for phrasing that nicely?
  25. Downtown Pittsburgh, or where outside the city are you staying? Many good ideas already mentioned... If you like amusement parks, https://www.kennywood.com You are actually allowed to bring in your own cooler/food. You can leave it sitting on a table in a picnic grove all day and no one will touch it. (At least, I have been doing this for 48 years and never lost anything). Do you want to just pay admission and walk around looking at things, or do stuff, like hiking, biking, glassblowing, dancing? Musicals, plays, ballets? Professional and community groups do some amazing shows. Carnegie Museums... one admission will get you into both Art and Natural History Idlewild is also a nice park, Not as many intense rides as Ken wood, but beautiful setting, and waterpark included in admission. https://www.idlewild.com
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