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Everything posted by hands-on-mama

  1. Is it okay to focus on the 3R's in 7th grade?? I don't want to steer them wrong, but I really think she needs the basics and then something enjoyable.
  2. Reading: If she could not lose attention while I am reading aloud, she might be able to comprehend more. She is very distracted. She feels she retains more if she reads silently or out loud on her own. We will play around with this though. Writing: Her handwriting is definitely super sloppy. She doesn't stay in the lines like you would expect with a typical 7th grader. Her BIGGEST issue is trying to form sentences and make sens of what she has read though.
  3. I'm not sure what materials she actually got through. I may try to get more information. She can ready very well and is fluent when reading aloud. She does have a hard time retaining what she reads though. She writes horrible run-on sentences. There is no end to a sentence that I have seen yet. She really just doesn't understand how to form a sentence correctly.
  4. I understand where you are coming from, but are you saying SOTW is too much for a 12 year old? I could see in some instances where it would be. I'm just not sure if you saw that this child is older.
  5. Okay, I will try to best answer your went through 3 years of Barton tutoring. She was in a private school that also has a very well known dyslexia tutoring program. She was in it for 3 years and graduated from their program. I don't believe she had an IEP last year but the teachers did work with her. I'm not sure who did the evaluations but I'm considering asking this week. She might even have dysgraphia from what I'm seeing. I can tell she is overwhelmed. Her mom doesn't want to put her back in school but realizes it could be a possibility come 9th grade. Her fears right now is that the school system will try too hold her back a grade after homeschooling. She is seriously terrified. She is currently learning to type. Not quite there yet. Yeah, audio books don't seem to help at this point. We tried that for about a month. Okay, How do I help her flesh out SOTW? Should I talk to them about switching out RSO? Her mom is truly worried about her doing middle school work. :( I will talk to her about IEW. If she needs it, the mom will spring for it. We're going to try a unit of Write Shop D and see how that goes as well.
  6. Hi all! I am helping tutor a newly homeschooled 7th grader this year. She is dyslexic but went through extensive OG remediation. She now struggles with Reading Comprehension, reading speed and getting thoughts onto paper. I also suspect some auditory processing issues as well. We started out the year trying various things and are having to change things up quickly. Here's what we have going for now. History: History Odyssey Ancients Level 2 - This is a major sore point for her. It's just a lot. She's having trouble extrapolating much from the text. I have toyed with just having her join in on SOTW with some supplements. Any suggestions for fleshing out SOTW 1?? Or maybe some other possible suggestions?? Bible: Reading from the Golden Children's Bible and devotional Math: MUS Zeta -This is going wonderfully! Perfect placement Reading/Lit - Reading lower level books and using lit guides. Narrating. She is currently reading The Hundred Dresses. Science: Real Science Odyssey Biology 2 - Doing much better since we are doing lectures and note taking with the chapters. Would be a stretch otherwise. Open to options if you have suggestions. Although, we do the activities with a homeschool friend and that has been good. Grammar: Growing with Grammar 7 Writing: Still trying to work through this. Someone has suggested WWE 2 for this year. I have Writing Strands and Write Shop D that we could try as well. Open to ANY suggestions since she is having so much issue. So she is definitely feeling overwhelmed at this point. Mom is worried about what happens if we put her back in school and they don't have proof of tons of work. Proof is not required here. I want to help this child's mental state at this point. I just gave mom a copy of TWTM today to help open her eyes to how homeschooling is different from "regular" school. Any help? Suggestions?
  7. I was just looking at the 1st grade enrichment guide. I think I might use that for my youngest. How are the lit guides for 3rd and up though? Do you like them? We read all kinds of books but I would love some help walking through books with them.
  8. Thank you so much for the feedback! I worry so much about what we should be doing in Writing. I'm currently wrestling between using Write Shop C or W&R Fable with her.
  9. Thank you all for the responses! She needs some writing remediation for sure. I'm thinking we might start from level 3 in writing strands. Her dyslexia seems to have a nice little road block there for us. I have a plan in place. We'll also add some Bravewriter/progeny press guides throughout the year as needed. Thank you all!
  10. Do you think this program would be enough for remediating a dyslexic 7th grader? I have the grammar portion downloaded already, so if I could use that would be great. The other option I am throwing around in my head is Growing with Grammar 7. Opinions? We would be doing this in tandem with Bravewriter units, progeny press guides and possibly Writing Strands. Thoughts?
  11. is the writing and lit in this course enough for a 7th grader? I'm just wondering others' opinions. It claims to be a full history, writing and lit program. I can definitely see the lit but is the writing enough??
  12. And yes, she has had wonderful intervention that was OG based. She graduated from that program and can read quite well. She does still have some hurdles to jump though.
  13. Thank you so much for the replies. I think part of the issue is jumping into very classic books and just not being ready for it. I think we need to start lower. I will definitely look into BJU English and also IEW some more! Thank you!
  14. Hi all! I am tutoring a 7th grade girl. She is dyslexic and struggles with comprehension with reading. We have been using audiobooks to help combat that. We have been using ELTL for 3 weeks. I might just need to give it more time but I have a feeling that it's just not going to be a good fit for her. She just came out of private school that used Abeka Grammar and composition. I think she needs something that gives more step by step directions for writing. I'm not really interested in IEW. I need something that suits my style. I was thinking maybe Writing & Rhetoric but I'm not sold on that for her either. If I do decide to move, I was thinking that Growing with Grammar might be a good spot to put her for grammar. The pages are very clean and I think the level would work nicely for her. Any input?
  15. This is my daughter's first written narration of the year. She did a few with MFW Adventures. I have no clue if she is performing close to grade level in this particular area. I also know that can vary a lot. Any input? How much should a 3rd grader write on their own? The narration is below. The photo was too big to load. Nomads killed Animals they roamed around and they had to pee in the woods. they loved hunting Animals. they had to move every week.
  16. That looks like Elemental Science's curriculum. I've never used that particular one but have heard good reviews of Elemental.
  17. Thank you so much for the Bible Road Trip suggestion! This looks so perfect for us. I really appreciate it!
  18. I am so undecided on Binle for these 3 girls. My current plans are to use the devotional Long Story Short with all 3, have them each read from their own age appropriate Bible and also discuss anything that comes up. I have Foundations and might include some drill from that. Or maybe just do Foundations in its entirety. The 7th grader will also do a book study with Mere Christianity. Thoughts on this? Is it enough for a 7th grader? I've been glancing at BSGFAA as well.
  19. I personally believe level 5 is plenty for a 7th grader. I will be using it with a 7th grader myself. You may have to cut the writing portion if your 7th grader will be doing WWS.
  20. You can't fall behind since you are the planner. 😜 Seriously though, what all are you doing? You can sit down and map out what you want to cover for the year, break that up Into quarters and then into weeks. For a lot of things, just do the next lesson each day. :)
  21. This is good to hear! My friend and I are using it with a 6th and 7th grader and the amount of work is quite intimidating!
  22. Let me know what you find. I love ELTL but still struggle with a little hesitation as well.
  23. I'll play! 3rd Grade DD Singapore 2A/2B (hopefully 3A) ELTL 2 or 3 (DD really wants to go ahead and jump to 3 but I am hesitant) AAS 3 Maybe some Bravewriter-either Jot it down or some Arrow issues RSO Life Science SOTW 1 Long Story Short and Bible readings Song School Latin 1 1st grade DD Miquon mixed with Singapore 1A/1B ELTL 1 AAR 2 Possibly Jot it Down with older sister RSO life Science SOTW 1 Long Story Short and Beginner's Bible Song School Latin 1 On a different note, we will have a 7th grader added to the mix this year. This should be interesting. 7th grade MUS Zeta ELTL 5 Possibly some Bravewriter thrown in RSO Biology Level 2 History Odyssey Ancients Level 2 Long Story Short and reading through the Bible Lots of reading
  24. Have you looked at Real Science Odyssey? We are using that this year and you can use one level for all three kids right now. It's straightforward and to the point. I think we will enjoy it and science will, at the very least, get done.
  25. Hi! We haven't done Chemistry here yet. I have been looking at the samples for future use though. It is meant to be done 2 days each week. I wish I could help with any of your other questions. I'm interested to hear what people think of it!
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