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Everything posted by Suzanne115

  1. I would guess coyote. There is a wooded area behind our house. We hear them regularly.
  2. Wow, that is an awesome story! I'm so glad everything turned out so well. Congratulations! Suzanne
  3. It sounds very much like a seizure. I'm sure it was very scary. Suzanne
  4. I pray that your daughter and your dad will both recover quickly. I will also pray for peace and strength for you. I am sorry for what you are going through. It sounds like a lot. My mom has been really sick so I understand the fear and worrythat you are facing. Suzanne
  5. I am so sorry for what you and your daughter are going through. It sounds like the bullying should have been dealt with a long time ago. Suzanne
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will pray for your family. Suzanne
  7. I would pick General Hospital. It is my guilty pleasure! I have watched in on and off for years. I enjoy watching it after the kids are put to bed. It is mindless entertainment for me. Suzanne
  8. I bought a Janome after some people on this board recommended it. I really like it. It is the Janome I ordered it and had it delivered without any problems. Suzanne
  9. I will pray for you and your dad. It is so hard to see a loved one so sick. My mom has been really sick recently and it it awful. Suzanne
  10. That's awesome. I pray that she continues to do well. Suzanne
  11. I am so sorry. It is incredibly hard. We had to put my 19 year old toy poodle to sleep several years ago and it was heartbreaking. Losing a pet is so hard. I lost my beloved Madeline a year and a half and I still miss her. Hugs, Suzanne
  12. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. It sounds unbelievably frustrating. I hope you find a positive resolution. It is just unthinkable. Suzanne
  13. I'm sorry your mom is sick. I will pray for her. My mom is really sick too so I know how you feel. Suzanne
  14. Thank you all so much. Your support and prayer really helps. My mom is continuing to do a little better each day. We are hopeful that she will make a full recovery. Suzanne
  15. Thank you so much for the prayers. I really appreciate it. My mom has improved a little bit, but we still have a long road ahead for us. Suzanne
  16. Please pray for my mother. She is 71 and in the hospital fighting meningitis. She is so sick. I am very scared. She is my rock. Thank you, Suzanne
  17. When our standard poodle was a puppy, we had the same problem. She slept in a pen beside me. She would cry and bark all night. After several sleepless nights and my husband sleeping upstairs to get away from her. I tried a spray bottle with water. When she would cry for attention, I would firmly say "quiet" and spray her in the face. After that, she did great. It still works now if she starts barking too much at visitors or other things that excite her. Good luck with your puppy. They are a lot of work, but oh so worth it! Suzanne
  18. I am so sorry. I had to have my 19 year old toy poodle put to sleep. It was one of the hardest things I ever did. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it was still heartbreaking. Suzanne
  19. I have used Name Bubbles and Mabel's Labels before. Both of them work really good. I slightly prefer the Name Bubbles labels. I always buy the stick on kind so I'm not sure about the quality of their other type of labels. My daughter still has clothes that she took to camp two years ago and the labels from Name Bubbles are still going strong. Suzanne
  20. Hi - We adopted our daughter from China at 13 months. At first, we thought she was really delayed too. She would just lay on her back and not do anything at first. She hardly made a sound the first 24 hours we had her. I was a bit terrified at first. After the first day, she bonded with me and only me. She would scream if I took a shower and if my husband or daughter tried to hold her. After having her a few days, we also noticed that she could move around a lot more than we thought. She had just sort of shut down due to the stress of everything. She opened up more every day in China as we gradually got to know her. I am happy to say that now she is a beautiful three year old and she has caught up on the few delays that she had. I wish you much joy and blessings on your new daughter! Suzanne
  21. I think it is a great idea. This year, I sent my two year old to preschool two days a week. I can really focus on my 10 year old on those days. For our family, it has been great. The two year old has loved preschool too so that helps. Suzanne
  22. It sounds like he needs to get to the vet. I agree the shaking is probably from pain and stress. Suzanne
  23. Congratulations! She is beautiful. Both of my daughters are adopted and it is a wonderful experience. Suzanne
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