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Everything posted by senunk

  1. I think it is the paren't responsibility, not yours. At least, that is how I would treat it if my child was hurt while at anyone's house. Accidents happen. It wasn't like you did it to him or that you caused it to happen. KWIM?
  2. It was the first thing I had read by the Pearls. I had not been fair to my girls insisting that they share with each other, include each other in everything, etc. After that, I read a bunch of stuff by the Pearls that appalled me, and I've never read anything since. But that first article helped me a bunch.
  3. My dd9 used apple cider vinegar twice a day on a bunch of little warts on her hand. She never complained that it hurt. It took about 3 weeks and they were gone. They haven't come back. A friend of mine said her daughter's warts cleared up after a few weeks of giving her a high quality multi-vitamin. I've also heard duct tape works, but haven't tried it. My older dd had one removed by the doctor, but it came back the size of a nickel! The doc had to remove it again and it finally went away. I hope you find something that works. Warts can be painful.
  4. Since I got my CA history books out to look through for you, I thought to myself, well, why not? I guess we could go through Our Golden California over the summer, too. We just finished reading the first chapter. My girls groaned, but afterward they said they liked it. I'm just going to read it to them and ask the review questions orally. At least I won't have state history hanging over my head anymore. I'll have to find something else to be rebellious about. Oh, and this isn't the only thing you've influenced me in....your avatar has made me realize that I need to dust off my P&P DVDs. I miss Mr. Darcy. :D
  5. and I'm only 36. While you could be suffering from any number of things, it sounds alot like my reactions to certain foods. I recently discovered that I am allergic/intolerant to sulfites and sulphur. My beginning symptoms were digestive and my face always looked red. It took me a long time to figure out what the culprit was because I couldn't pinpoint it on one thing. I can't eat all sorts of things like beans, eggs, garlic, onions, peppers, tortillas, corn syrup, grapes, french fries, dried fruit, vinegar, cheese, lettuce, vitamins, bleached flour/sugar, etc. I've had to make lots of dietary changes and I am now seeing a naturopath. Another thing to consider is gluten. If you are eating gluten with these other things, that could be it. I hope you find help for this.
  6. Do you think it will work in a co-op setting? Will there be enough to do in class? We meet once/week for 1 hour 15 minutes. I will have 5-6 graders. thanks!
  7. I have both of these. I haven't used either and I'm not sure I am ever going to. I'm kinda rebelling on the whole state history thing. If I were to use just one of these, I would choose Our Golden California. I think I just like the way it is written better, and I like the review questions for the student better, too. But, that is just my opinion. Another product I like, which we started, is a notebook called Chronicles of ----- (there is only one product that can be used for any state, you fill in the name) A State History Notebook by Gladys Whitted put out by Hewitt Homeschooling Resources. I purchased mine through Rainbow Resource. It has a variety of notebook pages to fill out. For example, the child draws various pictures relating to CA (flag, flower, seal, etc) and writes a bit about them, draw a map of CA with county borders shading in your own county, major industry flow chart, make line graph of average temps, you get the idea.
  8. I don't mind on message boards at all because I am probably the worst. I tend to type as if I were talking. If that makes sense. I saw a sign at our waterpark: 42" HEIGTH REQUIRED Aaagh! Where's a Sharpie??
  9. You're awesome, Lori! Thanks so much!
  10. Hey, great minds think alike. I will be using this with my dd along with bju english 5. I will also be teaching it in a co-op setting for 5-6th graders. I haven't gotten the materials yet, so I hope it works. I don't have any answers for you, but would like to see some replies to this.
  11. I start out the summer with a farmer's tan. It's laughable, I guess, since my friends all seem to make comments about it. After spending some time in a swimsuit, it all evens out. Then, my pasty friends are jealous!
  12. Just trying this out, with bells and whistles.
  13. Yes, that is true. There are just too many fires for the personnel. Although, they have brought in firefighters from other states. I even read that some are from Maryland! I know my dh has been on 6 different fires this week. As they get one controlled, they move to the next. We have a large one now close to Shasta Dam. I think the smaller ones, that are in remote areas, are the ones that are being left. I think a top priority is keeping some of these larger fires from connecting with each other. I don't get a lot of info from my dh. He works 24 on/ 24 off. He can't call while on, and he is exhausted while off, and we have better things to talk about. Did you hear about the giant water tanker plane coming from Canada? It holds 7,000 gallons of water. It is supposed to fill up at Shasta Lake. I would love to see that!
  14. Have you tried almond milk? It is very good. I like it better than soy, which I try to avoid.
  15. I know what you mean about the shadows and the orange color. Very strange. I feel like I should be all bundled up eating winter comfort food because it looks foggy outside. We actually had a light wind come through and it is better today. I can actually see some of the smoke columns from the fires now.
  16. I live smack in the middle of about 160 fires burning (Shasta County). It looks like thick fog outside and I guess today was the worst as far as air quality goes. We're trying to stay indoors as much as possible. I do have a garden that needs water. My dh works for CalFire, and when I saw him last he looked pretty wore out. I saw on the news that another storm is supposed to hit Saturday. Wasn't that an amazing lightning storm we had?
  17. Barnes & Noble has one for kids up through 6th grade. They read 8 books and get a free one. http://www.barnesandnobleinc.com/our_company/community/Summer_Reading/Summer_Reading_Program.html
  18. I was having the same problem. I am seeing a naturopath and did a hair analysis and an adrenal spit test. Came back that I am hypoglycemia, sluggish thyroid, adrenal fatigue, and a copper toxicity. I'm taking some supplements for these things and my energy levels have increased. Every time I went to the doctor, I would tell them my symptoms and they would do a thyroid test, but it always came back fine. I don't know why it didn't show in the blood tests, but it did in both of the other tests.
  19. I'm sorry. I don't like roaming dogs, either. I don't understand just letting your dog run around wild. I've lost chickens before, but to raccoons and possums. It aways made me sad. :grouphug:
  20. Oh, they're little. I used to live in a place where my slugs were 4-6 inches. Blech! But, they were fun to salt. I always gave the job to my then 4 yo. She loved it. It seems like they are harder to get when they are little, and more of them. I have those kind in my strawberries. The diatamaceous earth took care of them pretty good. I'll have to remember the sand idea.
  21. diatamaceous earth works good, but you have to reapply when it gets wet. A bowl of beer is supposed to draw them in and they die. I recently read that you can put down those spikey ball things that fall out of certain maple trees and they don't like those. I've seen copper strips that they aren't supposed to cross over. Are you talking big slugs, or the tiny ones? Oh, and ducks love them! You can get some ducks..:001_smile:
  22. See, that's what I did wrong, for us anyway, when I made the switch. We switched mid-year, but I started at the beginning of R&S 4, which put her behind, time-wise. I did it on the advice of someone else who said it would give us time to get used to the different format. But, my dd learned so much easier with R&S that we really didn't need to do that. I would definitely go through the s&s to see where he will fit with R&S and start there. R&S isn't pricey, so if you only use half the book, it's not so bad.
  23. I had the same problem with Horizons. I switched to R&S. Both my girls and I were relieved. It helped so much to have a teacher's manual with scripted instruction. We knew what we were supposed to be doing. I agree, Horizons seemed to be getting worse and worse. We made it halfway through level 4. My oldest is 12 and she just finished R&S 5 (we got behind when we switched, but that was my fault for starting her in a lower level of R&S than I should have). My younger one is almost 10 and finished R&S 4. Next year I am switching to Teaching Textbooks, not because I don't like R&S, we just have some more difficult subjects coming up and I like the idea of the teaching part being done on the computer. My 12yo will go to TT pre-alg. and my 9 you will go to TT 6.
  24. My kids use the eps books, too. They are very handy. They are easy to use and they can add new words to the list.
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