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Everything posted by Antonia

  1. BS in psychology with some extra sciences for nursing (which I didn't finish.)
  2. I really like the idea of having him read along with the "greats."
  3. Apparently, they are *very* heat intolerant. My cousin and her family were devastated and felt so guilty even though they had been unaware of the dog's intolerance for heat.
  4. Can you give me any suggestions for improving my son's "cold" reading? His singing and dancing are great, but he is not a strong reader in general, and he sometimes chokes when it comes to cold reading the script. Any experience and advice are appreciated!
  5. It seems almost every day on the news we hear of another shooting at a school, mall, office or restaurant. It seems that nowadays when people get angry or depressed, they have no problem blowing away a lot of people before doing away with themselves. I don't remember seeing this growing up, and we always watched the news.
  6. Ok, I'm from NY where black is all, but the easiest way I know to feel put together even when I'm just wearing jeans or shorts is to always wear a black top. In summer, it's black T's and blouses, and in winter, black sweaters and a black coat. (I know it sounds like funeral wear, but it really does look stylish.) I also always have a heel on my shoe. It makes me feel taller and thinner, and I just hold myself differently. A bit of makeup and a decent hair-day, and I'm good to go!
  7. He taught for 17 years, and *could not read*! He admits he faked his way through college and his job. Makes you wonder just how "expert" all those so-called experts are.
  8. "My child is not left behind. We homeschool".
  9. They do dances, bowling parties, science and art fairs, book clubs, and playdates at a local park. In addition, my kids are heavily involved in ballet, theater, ski club, and scouts. Sometimes I fear there is too much socializing going on and not enough schoolwork!
  10. Whenever I worry about my son being behind his ps friends, I have them over for a playdate, and invariably I feel much better! I have observed the kids playing games where knowlege or strategy are involved and my son is light years ahead, his reading ability is much better, and he will sit and watch a non action-oriented movie with interest and discuss it later, where the other kids are often bored and fidgeting and have nothing to say. I'm not saying these kids are unintelligent or that they have not done some things we may not have got to yet, but overall I am always impressed with how much more well-rounded and intellectually curious my son is in comparison.
  11. We have had Lizzy (original, I know) for two years, and she is the best pet we've ever had. She is sweet and sociable; ds holds her and she eats out of his hand. Her tank is in his room, and as long as we replace the sand every few months, there is no smell. She does need to be kept at around 80 degrees, so we use a heat lamp and rock. She eats kale and mealworms, so no crickets needed. Compared to our dog (huge, hyperactive lab who runs away on a daily basis), she is a pleasure!
  12. My dd, 14, is also a serious ballet dancer, taking 35 hours of class per week. She also takes one cc class per semester (this year it is english and US history), and she is working on algebra I and biology at home. To be truthful, she often does only two or three hours of schoolwork a day such as on Tuesdays when she starts her ballet classes at 10am, or on Monday and Wednesday when she has cc class and then goes directly to ballet. I am being very flexible with her as far as stretching out and fitting in what she needs to. For instance, she will almost certainly take biology into next year, she often works on schoolwork on the weekends, and she will be completing the Latin we started but had to put aside over the summer. (There are no summer vacations in this house!) I think you have to be very flexible with children who have such serious pursuits, and realize that high school classes can be scheduled around them. As long as all the requirements are met *eventually*, that's all that matters, not that they were done in a specific year or timetable. I try to always keep in mind that the main reason I homeschool is for this very purpose - so that my children can find their path, not one preordained by some arbitrary schoolboard. Whatever the passion, whether ballet or baseball, I believe a child should have the latitude to explore it and see where it leads them. hth.
  13. My daughter is using "America's History" by James Henretta in her cc class. She is 14 and can easily handle the book, and finds it interesting as well.
  14. for at least a week, whether it's clothes, toys, whatever. I only had to do this to my daughter once (favorite outfit). Ds, definitely the bigger slob, is taking a bit longer to get it, but I know it's only a matter of time before I find his ipod on the floor, and then he will feel the pain!
  15. so I may not be the best person to answer! My neglect is more of my own doing, however, as I do have a dh who works from home and is available if I need him. I just don't seem to get around to it. I would suggest forming an alliance with another homeschooling mom whom you trust, and swapping childcare so you can both get to your appointments. I did this when the kdis were much younger and dh was not available.
  16. Here in CT, our community colleges are very homeschool-friendly, so in my particular homeschool group many of the kids are starting college by age 13 or so. Lots of them are taking all their classes at cc by the time they're juniors in high school, so homeschooling per se effectively ends then.
  17. Oops, sorry. I need to actually *read* posts before I reply to them! My dh did not watch the movie with me. Although he has a gay brother with whom he is very close, they somehow do not talk about that aspect of his life, and I think the movie hit too close to home for him.
  18. Yes, and I loved it. I thought it was as beautiful a love story as I have ever seen. About halfway through I forgot it was even about two men; it was just a story about two *people* in love who couldn't be together. It stayed with me for days. Heath Ledger was terrific in it, as was Jake Gyllenhal.
  19. Lifting you up, Sandra. If it helps to know you're not alone, I had a mini-meltdown this morning: sat in my rocker and cried for an hour due to many of the same things you're experiencing - frustration at not getting done what I want, not getting enough help from the kids, the sheer meanness of some people... I could go on, but you know. I actually felt a bit better after - sometimes a good cry really does help! Hang in there.
  20. Dd in ninth grade is using: Teaching Textbooks Algebra I Apologia biology Cambridge Latin along with Vocabulary from Classical Roots She took an english class at cc last semester and will be taking US history next semester, and is a serious ballet student, so that rounds out her year.
  21. My soon-to-be 15yo dd is reading "The Historian." I let her have a 'fun' read after every classic (last one was "Siddhartha").
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