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Everything posted by zarabellesmom

  1. I already bought glue sticks, mechanical pencils, graph paper in abundance, regular lined paper, and some scissors for each girl. I'm going to go back and get new markers.
  2. I'm curious too. My MIL is our biggest homeschooling encouragement. She was a high school science teacher who retired early because of the decline she saw in student interest and crazy policies. She says the best thing I can do for my kids is homeschool them. Go figure.
  3. We haven't used either of those, (helpful, right?) but we have used Mark Kistler online. My daughter loves it. She's completely independent with it and her drawing ability has improved immensely.
  4. I'm excited about starting Zaccaro's Upper Elementary Challenge Math. We've done Beast Academy for the past two years, but we are about to run up against their publication schedule. Zacarro's looks like a new challenge that I think my daughter will really enjoy. I'm also looking forward to Nancy Larson Science, 1 and 3. We did 2 the year before last, we should have gone directly to 3, but we didn't. Now I've got a 1st and 4th grader and were going to do both levels. I've got my eye on Song School Spanish, but I'm waiting to see how much time our other schoolwork takes. I'm afraid we won't have time to add anything else without me feeling like we're always in a hurry to complete one thing to get to the next. All in all, I'm really excited about this year, we had a great last year, and we are keeping the things we really loved, like CAP's W&R and Miquon.
  5. Beast academy is never crazy! I say go for it! I've never seen it on sale, but it's been worth every penny to me at full price.
  6. I carry your heart with me by ee cummings is one of my favorites
  7. It depends on whether I'd be willing to use it again. I have two, 3 years apart in age. I'm selling AAS, not because I don't think my youngest could learn from it (even though it was a bad fit for my oldest) but because I can't stand the idea of shuffling all those tiles and cards again. Just ugh. I'm not a keeper though.
  8. I have a 1st grader and a 4th grader this year and they would both like to learn Spanish. They have already had a tiny amount of Spanish instruction from a native speaker at our Montessori co-op. Unfortunately, that's done, so I'm on my own. I do not speak Spanish. I had a year of Spanish in high school and we all know how useful that is! (Anyway, it was a million years ago and anything I did learn is long gone.) I know Song School Spanish is a little young for my 4th grader. But she's a little on the young side maturity and age wise, and she's usually game for anything. What do you think? And if you don't think so, can you think of something better. Thanks for all the help. Teresa
  9. Ok, this is going to sound completely nerdy, but you said you wished you knew all the spelling rules... I really enjoyed reading Uncovering the Logic of English by Denise Eide. I'm a good speller too, but I also wanted to understand all the rules so when I corrected DD's spelling in her personal writing and she asked why something was spelled a particular way then I would know the answer. It sounds like you've gotten some great advice. T
  10. Well, I'm trying to be better about including the fun stuff. Obviously learning math facts is a priority and I'd rather find a fun way to do it rather than just drilling them. I'm also trying to commit to Bravewriter Poetry teas. Our time will be a little more relaxed this year, so I think I won't feel so rushed to get to the next thing. That's my hope anyway.
  11. Without the rules, I'm not sure what the point would be. AAS is about using the rule to spell the word. Maybe a different program would better suit your needs. My daughter can't memorize to save her life. She is better with patterns. We are currently using Sequential Spelling. No rules to memorize, just figuring out patterns. I'm sure there are better, cheaper ways to get to your goal.
  12. Welllllllllllllll... I wish I could be helpful, but all I can really do is sympathize. I love the list of traits that describe gifted at the Hoagies Gifted Site: http://www.gifteddevelopment.com/What_is_Gifted/characgt.htm It makes gifted children sound so charming, sweet, and everything you could possibly want in a child. But our reality is that we are on an emotional roller coaster ride almost 100% of the time. My two are up and down and my youngest is incredibly defiant just to prove she can be, I guess. I wish you luck finding answers. Gifted doesn't necessarily equal reasonable. Teresa
  13. I loved that book! (Eats, Shoots and Leaves)
  14. I agree. I'm starting my 1st grader with Apples and Pears and then switching to SS in a year or two when she's ready. My 3rd grader had no problem with SS this year, but I don't think she could have handled it last year. She is kind of pencil-phobic though.
  15. Ok, boring games. :( That's too bad. I was hoping it would be a fun way to learn math facts. I keep hearing other people recommend them.
  16. This year I will have a first grader and we're going to do Miquon (and maybe some MIF). I was thinking of getting the kit of Right Start Math Games from RR when I place my order. $55... Is it worth it? And if I do get it, by 4th grader will want to play along. Do I need extras (like a second abacus)? Please help me decide! Teresa
  17. I pick based on whether the lessons are laid out well and the materials are easy to come by (if I can buy a kit, even better). These two factors decide whether it's likely to get done at my house. I don't want to say price is irrelevant, because obviously that's silly, but if it's cheap but doesn't get done then it was a wasted expense. I've never used either of those, so I'm no help there. Good luck with your decision. Teresa
  18. And, oh my goodness, just to be clear!!! My daughter was NOT drinking the champagne!
  19. Oh my goodness, it's so awful, but at least you can find some small amount of humor in it! :lol:
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