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Everything posted by zarabellesmom

  1. It's quite an expense, if you don't love it I wouldn't trudge through it. There are plenty of other curricula in the sea...or is it fish.? .
  2. Even if the computer won't power on, the data on the hard drive may still be ok. I'd take it in and find out. Hopefully they can salvage your data. We were celebrating my husbands new job (after some unemployment) and my daughter tipped a glass of champagne into my friends laptop. Sheesh! I have my fingers crossed for you.
  3. I hope you don't think I was trying to be mean. I was feeling silly and it was still early here. I really meant that in a very friendly way.
  4. So, if I teach spelling, my child won't go away to college as quickly! Perfect! I'm not anywhere near ready for them to move on. ;) in any case, that may work for other families, might even work for mine, but it's a gamble I'm not willing to take. My oldest's spelling was so bad that even she couldn't tell you what she had written. I can tell you must feel similarly, or you wouldn't be juggling all those AAS cards. LOL
  5. And the way they take their time before teaching the standard algorithm for multi digit multiplication really gives a good understanding of the distributive property, which will be so helpful once they get to prealgebra.
  6. I haven't used Elemental Science, but we have used Nancy Larson 2 in the past and I have 3 set for this year. It is the one science that actually gets done here because it's mostly put together already. All I have to do is show up. :) I like it a lot.
  7. They don't expressly teach algorithms in many cases. They do teach you how to think about things in a way that makes sense in a non-traditional way. That sounds clear as mud, right? I'm trying to think of a good example, but my husband won't quit blabbering. ;) I'll be back.
  8. I usually love bells and whistles... you know, because there so bell and whistly (this is a spelling thread, so please forgive my made up word). There's definitely no wow factor to Sequential Spelling. That said, it's the first thing for spelling that's actually worked for us.
  9. You wouldn't recognize my oldest daughter then. She probably wouldn't even make eye-contact with you. She's incredibly shy until you really get to know her and only then will she talk your ear off. She's bossy, has difficulty keeping her emotions under control, sensory issues (loud noises are a real problem here), a perfectionist, low tolerence for frustration. She's mathy. Very very mathy. And science too. My youngest, however, would fit your stereotype and she's the one I haven't had tested. She's the one who walked early, talked even earlier. Never stops talking, I mean, ever. Still very emotional. It's like riding a roller coaster over here. I guess what I would say is that you've identified some of the gifted and talented girls because of how that subgroup projects, but you didn't find all of them. I don't have any boys, besides my husband (ha!) and he's very much like my oldest daughter. It's probably why they get along so well.
  10. I agree. That's exactly how we use it, and I've no desire to add any extra busy work from the revised workbook.
  11. I found a peek inside the Sequential Spelling workbook: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product_slideshow?sku=943075&actual_sku=943075&slide=2&action=Previous
  12. Ok, I'm really going to try to be finished. 1st grade: Language Arts: LoE Essentials (if/when this fails, Apples and Pears, I own LoE so I really want it to work), HWoT, Bravewriter Math: Miquon and Math in Focus (alternating days) Science: Tagging along for Nancy Larson Science 3 and 4 Lots of practice reading and lots of read alouds She hates SOTW, so library books to follow along with sisters SOTW 4th grade: (most of these are continuation) Beast Academy and when that runs out Upper Elementary Challenge Math Nancy Larson 3 and 4 Writing and Rhetoric 2&3 HWoT cursive Sequential Spelling MCT Practice Island and Building Poems Caught Ya, Grammar with a Giggle for mechanics SOTW 3 Lots and lots of reading and read alouds That almost looks like a plan, right? The only sad part is that there's not much to buy and books on the porch are so much fun! ETA: I just ordered Apples and Pears, so I guess I have already changed my mind since posting this. :) Also, I forgot dance, music and soccer.
  13. Do I need both the TM and the student book? I'd like to save some money if I can.
  14. I don't have the revised edition, but in the edition I have, the workbook is just blank lines numbered to 25 where you right that days words. Each column is numbered for the day. I can't tell you what's is in the revised edition's workbook.
  15. Well, I like Sequential Spelling. I'm sorry you had a bad experience at the convention. I can't speak to your experiences with other programs, but all you really need for Sequential Spelling is the teacher text and some notebook paper. I think there is a placement test on the Avko website. Oh, here it is: http://www.avko.org/free/Rough%20Placement%20Test%20for%20SS.pdf Good luck to you. I find spelling really frustrating too.
  16. This would mean I was really finished, right??? I'm going to try... Nope! Can't do it! Must keep searching! :P
  17. She says she has changed her mind now. I'm thinking of trying to change it back. :)
  18. Why did it never occur to me to take a day off that wasn't a Friday???? Brilliant! You are never more than two days from a day off! I have to say that the idea of not losing ground over the summer really excites me. I thought I wanted time off, but we are just sitting around, bored. (Though that word is technically off limits.) We do activities during the school year, dance, soccer, and this year I hope music lessons, but those aren't Friday. Sadly, most of our school age friends are overbooked public school kids and that doesn't change year round. I'm really considering this. Keep the comments coming!
  19. My daughter wants to strike a deal, 4 days-a-week, year round vs. our current summers off 5 days-a-week plan. So the question is, do you school year round? If so, are you happy or burnt out. Frankly, we are only a couple of weeks into the summer and bored. Should I strike a deal?
  20. The cards are handy, but the book has all the info you need if you want to make your own.
  21. This (MotH) was my daughters favorite book of the series too. I didn't expect her to "get" as much as she did. I gave her the post-test out of curiosity and she got 100%. She got more than I did! I think it's a beautiful book. I don't plan on getting any other of the Town books, but I will get Building Poems for her. She really really loved (begged for) poetry time last year.
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