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Everything posted by bugs

  1. I'd let the grade stand. But then again I'm a hard a**. You did your part - put in time, offered extra credit, etc. Older kids need to learn sooner that poor performance, planning, etc has consequences. I never had a college professor who would have given me a "second" chance. Besides, giving a "redeeming" test who did poorly is unfair to those who took the time and effort to study. To me, it's similar to setting a date for a paper to be complete but then on the day it is due giving extra time to those who did not complete it.
  2. S.p.e.l.l.i.n.g. I am so ready for us to accept that we're genetically poor spellers and move on.
  3. Pippen, Thank you for your great explanations! Could it be useful to do Conceptual Physics in 9th grade, then a more math based Physics in 12th? DC are completing the Science Explorers - Chemical Interactions and Chemical Building Blocks - this year. The oldest will be 9th grade next year. I considered having her work on D.I.V.E. Physical Science next year but half of it will contain a lot of what she "learned" this year.
  4. Thanks for turning us on to this. I made my first order ever!
  5. I've really been enjoying the Prentice Hall Science Explorer textbooks. I bought a set of 10 for under $50 through e-bay (it included chemistry, physical science, earth science, etc books). There are plenty of experiments and demonstrations for kids to do.
  6. Thahk you for the help. I will revisit my dd's tentative schedule. I was going to have her just go along her merry way and complete history/lit TWTM way. But next year is early modern for us and she's not quite up to reading "Common Sense", "Federalist Papers" etc. That and we had decided to do Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings (she's most excited about). So, I thought this might be a good way to get Econ and Govt out of the way. But I will now reconsider.
  7. anybody do this or is Saturday just a poor day for a response? :)
  8. I wanted to give my dd a "break" from history for 9th grade by having her complete Gov't and Economics during this year. Many schedules (here and ps) show completing these two classes in 12th grade. So, now I'm second guessing myself. Is it more than possible that a 9th grader will grasp these concepts? She would be using Notgrass's American Gov't (I haven't figured out the Econ one yet.)
  9. My daughter was so comfortable and excited about this new phase of her life she told her dad, her aunts, her friends (female & male), my firiends, etc. It was just one week before her 13th birthday. I would have told my husband if she hadn't because he is her father. My mother was VERY open about all bodily functions that I then became very shy about them. I've worked on trying to strike up a balance with my kids by just being matter of fact. Because really, it is just a matter of fact.
  10. I wish I lived in (your town) California at this moment.:D
  11. CO-CO-NUT!!! :drool5: YUMMM! (that's my choice). I bet you're not surprised that the "chocolate" anything is coming up on top. Most people who post here are women after all.
  12. I received my LLf LOTR this past Thursday. Thank you!

  13. Maybe novels by Pearl S. Buck (she grew up in China) - i.e. The Good Earth.
  14. Does she actually walk in those shoes?! :eek: Sorry, a little off topic.
  15. I use the gym an average of 3.5 hours per week. I get my HR up into the 150's on average during that time (spinning, running, swimming). When I walk my dog I cannot get my HR to hit 120 for any sustainable time. Given that, I do believe that those people who consistently walk their dogs most days for 1/2 hour each day would be more fit than the average person who has a gym membership (just because people fall off the gym wagon but dogs always need to be walked).
  16. I haven't been yet (we are going in April!), but this is such a cool book! Lots of info. Including some of your questions and more! http://www.amazon.com/Unofficial-Guide-Disney-World-Guides/dp/0470460261/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267761059&sr=8-1 Have a good time!
  17. I'm nervous this "AAH" will just be one more resource I will not be able to "live without" - IYKWIM. We went to Boston in '08 - now that was cooool.
  18. I am a Dave Ramsey fan, so know that right off the bat. My kids are older than yours but we don't pay them tons; all jobs are part of being a member of the household. But, we want them to learn how to handle money. So some chores they do for "free" like take dishes out of the dishwasher and cleaning their rooms. But here are a couple of chores that pay $0.50 handwashing dishes, $0.25 cleaning toilets and bathroom sinks, $3 for vacuuming whole house, $3 for mopping and dusting whole house (just a 2100 sq. ft. home), $2.50 for pulling weeds (5 gal bucket worth), etc. The point is to teach them that in the real world to get paid you work. THey tithe and save 10 - 20%, then use the rest on whatever "junk" they want. They also have to pitch in to buy gifts for their friends. They normally earn a minimum of $5/week if they do my minimum requirements. My daughter has been know to rack up up to $20 in a week for doing other jobs. If your kids did do the work to earn money then I think that is something to celebrate. I wouldn't pay for the picking up of toys, etc. but maybe $1 for watering down the house, etc. It would be good to come up with a list with chores and their commission price (whatever your family can afford) ahead of time.
  19. Too many choices not enough time. I have a BS in Engineering, but half way through college I wished I could have changed to Poli Sci. Finished my engineering because Uncle Sam was paying for it. Started loving history as a young adult and more so since discovering WTM. I really do like math (just haven't used a lot since I started as a SAHM) - I enjoy reviewing it as my kids get older. Anyway, who knows what I'll feel like specializing once my kids have flown the coup - maybe I'll finally learn how to play my ukelele well.;)
  20. Glad to know I am not alone.... :lurk5:
  21. and including supplies such as paper and ink, science center memberships and field trips, in 2009 it was about $1400 for two kids. My oldest will begin HS next year - I suspect it will be higher then.
  22. The kids JUST finisned watching this today. I really liked it. The 8th grade boy (my friend's child) acted/said he was motivated by it. Woo-hoo! Unfortunately my kids acted somewhat apathetic - boo-hoo. Oh well, I know my daughter will take much of his advice to heart because she's quite organized. My 6th gr ds will watch it again in 2 - 3 years.
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