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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. He had the iPod Touch. You do not have to get that one. I think that the iPod Nano would be a good choice for you. I'd definitely stick with an iPod though.....I've found they have the most user friendly way to download or upload songs to put on it.
  2. Not sure if H1N1 is what we've had this week, but if it was, then it was a sudden onset of a fever of 102.5.
  3. This year I've decided to stop doing most of the "regular" toys that you see at stores. Which basically puts places like Toys R Us and Target out of the question for toy shopping. "Regular" toys seem to be the ones that get played with for a week and then ditched. And I end up selling it on craigslist 6 months later. :glare: This year my mission is less toys, and to make them much more useful. Some are not even "toys", but science kits and stuff like that.
  4. Ooooh, I've never heard of mini offices! I like it!!! DD5 years old is constantly asking me which way certain letters face, which way certain numbers face, etc. I could put the entire alphabet and numbers in a mini office. Thanks for this post!!
  5. Not sure, but I've seen that little guy in a catalog before and came sooooo close to ordering it. I'd love to hear your reviews on it if you decide to purchase it.
  6. I need some small game ideas for my 5 year old DD (non reader) that will fit into her stocking for Christmas. We already have Uno, Go Fish, and Phase 10 for Kids. I saw someone mention Go Nuts in another thread. Is that small enough to fit into a stocking? Other examples are LCR and Doodle Dice, both of which we do not have but I'm looking into. Any other ideas?
  7. Gilmore Girls is a great series.....funny, light hearted, love the mother/daughter relationship
  8. I feel your pain....I loathe shopping for jeans. It ranks right up there with shopping for swimsuits.
  9. My DD is 5 but cannot read yet......do you think that Go Nuts would still be okay for her to be able to play? I'd love to put this game in her stocking.
  10. Umm.....you want to know what's worse than that? I was around *ahem* 20 years old (already been married for a year and living on my own with my husband) and I look out our window and two dogs are mating in our front yard. I called my mom, who lived around the corner, and informed her that these two dogs were STUCK TOGETHER after finishing mating and I didn't know what to do! They looked miserable! I thought that some absolutely horrible mistake had occured with these two poor dogs! Needless to say, my mom had to have a little talk with *me* at 20 years old. :blushing: I had never EVER seen two dogs mating in my life.
  11. As far as the "gimmes" in the store, I try to curb that by a warning before entering the store..."We're only buying what's on the list and nothing else today." Also, DD5 receives an allowance for chores, helping, good behavior, etc. It has REALLY helped with the "gimmes." I just tell her that she has money, and if she wants something, she must purchase it. And if she does not have enough, she can save for it. It has really really helped. Another thing that really helps is telling her we will put it on her Christmas list or birthday list. She's always walking through the store and saying "Mommy, can you remember to put that on my list?" Thankfully, we do not have too much trouble with the gimmes in the store.
  12. My children are sheltered and that's exactly how I want it to be. I'd say something like "Really? I'm so glad you noticed because I have been wondering if it was evident enough. I mean, I've been trying to keep my kids away from all the crazy stuff this world has to offer them." Smile and nod. :D Okay....so I wouldn't *really* say that. I'm soooo not good with comebacks. I'd probably give them a blank stare and be like "Huh?" And then I would think in my mind the above comment but not voice it.
  13. If it is that much of a hassle, it is not worth doing. Like the pp said, it's supposed to be a joyful thing....and it sounds like it is not.
  14. Right now DD5 loves Trouble, Uno, and Mancala. We're hoping to get her some more games for Christmas.
  15. LOL, it would seem that way. Actually, I'm the neat freak though. I cannot stand clutter laying around. DH doesn't really mind, I just want it to look like I haven't been the lazy stay at home mom stereotype LOL. (which some days that stereotype does come true....not often, but it happens!)
  16. Is it Earth: Final Conflict? That's what I got from googling.
  17. I allow our family to choose one treat from the store to have on Saturday evenings. Of course, we have desserts at special events. And occasionally, if the dc are having a hard time with a particular dinner, I'll offer one small cookie as a reward for finishing their dinner.
  18. Ya'll are too nice. :D I may just have to take you up on giving you DH's number LOL :lol: I'm definitely taking DD back to the doc on Monday if she's running fever. And I may even seriously consider a clinic tomorrow....however, I don't think they will do as thorough of a job as her regular doctor. I'm keeping a close watch for anything out of the ordinary, but it seems to be just a fever and a cold right now.
  19. Thanks for the reassurance that it is common. And yes, I am VERY stressed out. Taking care of two sick kids along with being sick myself is getting really old, really quick. And as you know, I'm a worrier, and it's really taking a toll on me. DH is being *ahem* less than helpful. :glare: The man NEVER gets sick and doesn't really have a lot of sympathy when we get sick. And it really hurts my feelings because he is being selfish. :sad: So that's adding to my stress. I'm about to tell this little virus that it is banned from this household every again. :D I'm not even sure it's the flu......I don't know what it is. :confused:
  20. My DD is five. I posted on Tuesday about her running a 104 fever....she started on Monday. We went to the doc on Tuesday, got her checked out. Nothing unusual, ped said it was just a virus, lots of viruses are going around right now, some with high fevers. She said if she was still running a fever on Thursday to give her a call. Well, Thursday rolls around and she seems to be getting better. Her fever is running about 100.6, so I figure it is on its way out. I did not check her temp on Friday all day long because I figured it was probably gone (DD was acting fine, but she had also been acting fine most of the week too). Friday night (last night) she kept asking to sit with me a lot, which she never does. She felt a tad warm so I took her temp. It was 103.3! I used a different thermometer and it was still 103.3. I called her ped after hours. The nurse practicioner on call was very nice, talked to me a while, and told me that as long as DD was not showing any other symptoms then she was probably okay.....it was just taking a while to run its course. If she started coughing a lot or complaining of her ears and stuff like that, then we would need to take her to a clinic. She said that if she's still running it on Monday, we should bring her in. Today she's still running anywhere from 101 - 102.5. UGH!!! She has no other syptoms except a cold. She's very stuffed up. Not to mention, DD#2 is sick, and so am I. Has your kiddos ever run fever this long and it just be a virus? I'm also worried about giving her meds for this many days. I only give it about twice a day and I'm alternating Tylenol and Motrin when I do give her meds. What do you guys think?
  21. About a year ago, when DD was 4, we were at my parents house eating dinner (as we do every Thursday evening). DD lined up everyone's crocs (about 3 pair of them) and proceeded to fill each one with marbles. She spent a good 45 minutes moving the marbles from croc to croc and back again. I often ask myself why I purchase actual toys? :confused:
  22. There's no way to do it without getting that spam. I get it all the time. Like someone else said, just set up a seperate email account and sort through the spam.
  23. I haven't read all the other replies.... But personally, it would take ALOT for me to put my kids in school. I told DH we would just have to sell off our belongings, move into a one bedroom apt, and go from there. It's that important to me. I know that's probably easier said than done when you are actually living the situation though.
  24. Yeah, I'm really surprised your doc is worrying about it. With my first, I dropped around 30 weeks. UGH. :glare: With my second, I didn't drop until I was on pitocin and in labor at 38 weeks.
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