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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Wandering Wildlife Wranglers or Wayward Wildlife Wranglers Your motto: You can count of the Triple W's to return your home to its rightful owners. :D And I definitely would not use the word "pest." If I saw a company in the Yellow Pages or online with the word "pest" in it, I'd skip right over it because I'd only be thinking of bugs.
  2. I love the bento ideas too! We have to take a lunch each Wednesday to homeschool group....maybe I'll try to incorporate some of the bento ideas into that!
  3. Thanks for the help and all the info! That website is great!!!! We built our garden and planted the seeds the other day. I blogged about it with lots of pics if anyone is interested. The link is in my signature below.
  4. We rarely eat cereal, but when we do it's one of the following: Honey Nut Cheerios organic cinnamon crunch by Cascadian Farms yogurt burst cheerios
  5. We have an upright deep freezer in our garage and we didn't realize that the breaker had flipped in there yesterday evening. I brought home some food from the grocery store around 6 PM and opened the fridge.....and I didn't even realize that the light was off. :glare: We think the freezer shut off around 5 PM. I opened the door around 6 PM, which let some of the cold air out. We didn't realize that the freezer was turned off until about 10:30 this morning. So it was off for around 17 hours, with the door opened once. :glare: Thankfully, we don't have much meat in there....only a pack of organic hot dogs. Those do say to keep at 40 degrees or below at all times. I'm not exactly sure what the temp reached in there but everything was still very cold to the touch this morning. Nothing was frozen anymore though. We have a lot of frozen fruits and veggies in there.....broccolli, corn, green beans, peas, cherries, strawberries, etc. They were all soft to the touch, definitely not frozen. Do you think these are okay to eat? I'm thinking they are.....but I wasnt sure about them being thawed and then refrozen? And DH has a lot of frozen pancakes and waffles that he likes to eat. Those are all soft to the touch as well. Are those okay? There's also frozen organic pizzas with pepperonis on them. How about these? They were thawing. I'm so paranoid about food.....the thought of food poisoning freaks me out.....enough that when I eat a food that I *think* something could be wrong with, it makes me feel nauseous LOL. I thought I'd ask you guys since you are always a wealth of wisdom. :D
  6. I want to start thinking and shopping....but I just can't LOL. My girls change their minds so much between now and December. Right now they are loving Ariel and Alice and Wonderland, but that could wear off in a month LOL. But I have been brainstorming.... DD6 - pillow pet Stocking - Squinkies (whatever....she's been begging for them though), flashlight (strange, but my kids want their own) DD3 - pillow pet Stocking - flashlight Okay, seriously, that's as far as I've gotten. As far as all other people....I'm clueless LOL!
  7. I think that might be Raving Rabbids. We have all three of those but havent gotten to play them much. I've heard great things about them though!
  8. Also, Super Mario Brothers Wii. That game is a riot.....me, DH, and DD6 sat around playing it every evening after we got it. The best part is that everyone can play together. It is so fun!!
  9. Craigslist....start scouring NOW for their wants. By Christmas you may have many of their wants for a great price.
  10. You are already doing it LOL....surfing the boards! Aside from that, I'd probably digital scrapbook or organize my pictures into folders on my computer.
  11. Yes, Mario Kart is a great family game! And if you get it, grab a few steerin wheels too...much easier to steer using those. Carnival Games is a fun one too. We enjoy it.
  12. Wow, that is crazy!! I would severely limit contact. Your DD (or you) doesn't need to be treated like that.
  13. Definitely get more memory. 8GB will get eaten up quickly. Even my small kids each have 16GB Touches and they are 3/4 full. And a Touch is way better than a Palm in my opinion. Sooooo many apps to choose from!
  14. My first inclination would be HECK NO!!!! LOL But then you said your husband is a carpenter. Has your son spent a lot of time with your husband helping build things? Has your husband trained your son on thse tools, trained him on safety, and overseen him a lot? If so, your son may be able to safely use them. I'd let him know that he needs to TELL you when he's using them, but maybe he can do them safely if he's been around them and been trained.
  15. I guess I don't understand why it is not proper to just use the word black. I sure don't mind if they refer to me as being white. African American just doesn't make sense.....I don't refer to white people as Americans, or Australians, or any other country term. And there are black people from those countries as well. When you are describing someone, you want to describe them in the least amount of terms as possible. I could stand there and say "Hey, do you remember the lady in the red dress? Wait, there were lots of those. She had brown hair. Oh, that doesn't narrow it down much, does it? Well, she was wearing black shoes and was standing beside the guy with the striped tie who talked a lot. Yeah, that lady." OR.... I could say "You know the black lady in the red dress? Yeah, that's her." I don't see what's wrong with just saying black. It's not derogatory. It's not condemning. It is what it is. Just like describing a heavy set person by saying they are heavy set. You are not making fun of them. You are describing them so that someone else will know who you are referring to. Just as you would refer to someone as having red hair, or a man as being tall, or someone having curly hair.
  16. I'm not sure I could do it LOL! There's just more ruckus when DH is home during the day.....which is not a bad thing unless I'm trying to do school. He likes to have the TV on and watch it at various times, etc. The kids would talk to him and ask him to play when they were supposed to be schooling. It would be crazy.
  17. I just went and bought everything I need to make a small (4x4) raised bed garden. I got the soil to go in it....or so I thought. I want my garden to be organic....I already have organic seeds, I'm not going to use any pesticides, and so I purchased this: http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2772291&CAWELAID=109394911 For one, I didn't realize it was by Miracle Gro till I got it home. For two, it got horrible reviews online. People said their plants did not grow well, some people found pieces of glass and plastic in it, etc. For three, the package said that it is meant to be used in addition to native soil. I want to fill my whole raised bed up with soil. I don't have extra soil laying around to mix with it. I want something that I can just dump into my raised bed and fill it up. Can I find something like that?
  18. Math U See has a great way of teaching place value.
  19. Thanks everyone!! I'm down here in FL where it's still hot.....so can I grow all of those now? Sadly, I don't know which ones are summer crops, winter crops, etc. See, I told you I know nothing!
  20. Me....the person with the black thumb....is going to plant a raised bed garden. I want to plant the following but know nothing (absolutely NOTHING) about gardening....so forgive me for any stupid questions that may follow. Do these do well being planted from seeds? Or would they need to be transplanted (which is too late to begin)? broccolli bush beans carrots lettuce strawberries tomatoes That's all I'll start with for my first time. Also....do I have to buy organic seeds in order for my veggies/fruits to be organic? Or can I just get any ol' seeds?
  21. I wish I could sew!! That would solve all my issues LOL! But, I can't even sew a button on. :001_huh: I'll check out the stores you guys mentioned that I haven't looked at yet. And I'll check out Etsy too.....maybe I can find some for decent prices. Thanks everyone!!
  22. I've checked Target, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, Children's Place, Kohls.....I can't find anything other than ones that are above the knee. Sorry, I just don't want my girls wearing those. My girls each have one skirt that we found at Target about a year ago that go right below their knee. I wish I could find more like that. I like the Hanna Andersson ones.....they look like they are right about at the knee, but they are so pricey.
  23. Dd6 doesn't think about boys this way at all. One time she told me that if she has to get married when she grows up, then she wants to marry Shaggy from the Scooby Doo cartoon. :001_huh: But other than that, no talk of boys, romantic, etc. I was the same way as DD....at this age I had boys as best friends and nothing more.
  24. Personally, I wouldn't do it. You mentioned the ungodly influences and that's exactly what I'd be worried about. Kids that age know SO much more than they used to....they know about sex, some of them say cuss words, and they just seem so much older now. I'd worry about the influences. But I know it would take some stress off of you though!
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