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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. They have the game called Cooking Mama as an app. I've heard it is lots of fun but I don't own it. Some neat games are.... Angry Birds Cut The Rope Word Warp Bounce On Bookworm Tetris I bet your dd will love having it charged, loaded, and ready to go. We got our two dd's iTouches for Christmas last year. We had them charged and loaded with TV shows, a movie, home videos, kid songs, games, and family photos. It was their favorite gift ever!
  2. How do you make yourself NOT vomit? I can do it for a while....but if it's going to happen, then I usually cannot stop it. I despise throwing up though. I'll lie there and do everything that I can in order to stop it. My dad is always like "why don't you just go in there and stick your finger down your throat?" Ewww....I just cannot do that. Just. can't. do. it.
  3. I would email them again, basically pleading your case....." Dear so-and-so, if possible, I would really like to meet you to get the rest of the Sweet Street pieces. My daughter is really hoping to get these for Christmas and she will be so excited when she sees them. I'd love to be able to give her this great surprise on Christmas morning. Please contact me as soon as possible....I am flexible and can meet you at your convenience. Thanks so much!" Hopefully they will see/hear that you are trying to give your daughter a great surprise on Christmas morning. I know that at the holidays I get so busy....maybe that's the case with them? As for the cell phone number, I never give mine out to craigslist people. They always offer theirs, but I just don't give mine. I hope this works out for you! My mom has a bunch of Sweet Street houses at her house for my girls to play with when they go over. My girls absolutely love them!
  4. We buy either a 10 day pass or a seasonal pass (these are to Disney....we rarely do Sea World and when we did, we just paid the FL resident's price). On a 10 day pass, we added the "no expiration" option and it averaged out to about $40 per day. For the seasonal pass (not the annual one, it was more expensive), we figured up the number of days we hoped to go to Disney and it averaged out to be less than $40 per day, so we did those this year. The seasonal pass is less because it has black out dates, but we knew we wouldn't want to go during those dates anyways (which was summer time...waaaay too hot....and major holidays....waaaay to crowded). We do Disney during the off season times.
  5. When DD#2 was born 3.5 years ago (and DD#1 was 2, just about to turn 3), we bought the Phil & Ted's Sport Buggy with the doubles kit. And I'd buy it again in a heartbeat. I love that stroller. You can carry two kids without the the width of a side by side (which is difficult to fit through the clothing section of a store) or the legnth of a front/back which is hard to manuever because it is so long. Our stroller literally pushes like a dream....you can push it with your pinky finger. We still use it and my kids are now 3.5 and 6.5 years old....both can still fit in it. My 6.5 year old even enjoys riding in the back sometimes, despite the fact that it's a tight squeeze for her now.
  6. The only neighbors I borrow from are my parents....they live right around the corner. But we don't replace what was borrowed....we both know that the other will need something at some point so it's all even.
  7. All I know is that my little sister had her two front teeth knocked out when she was around 6 years old. Blood everywhere. We will never have a trampoline.
  8. I hope that my kids will want to come to my house. I'd love to see my grandchildren on Christmas morning. My parents (who live right around the corner) get up bright and early (like 6 AM) and come to my house to see our kids open gifts. Right now, my two kids are their only grandchildren. DH and I decided two years ago that we were no longer going places on Christmas Day. We used to go to my grandparents house, as well as his aunt's house.....it was too much stress and the kids didn't get to play with their new toys, and the real reason of Christmas was overlooked. Now we stay home....and my family has decided to come over to our house on Christmas Day, which I am fine with. His family we just see sometime after the holidays are over.
  9. When movie theaters begin selling organic things with no high fructose corn syrup, food dyes, and additives, then I will stop bringing snacks into the theater for my kids. Until then, I'm not buying their junk.
  10. I've had something like that before. It happened a few days after I injured my neck when turning it much too quickly. I didn't connect the two at first. Then, about a year later, it happened again. I then connected the fact that I had hurt my neck a few days before and then those weird head pains happened. It was strange, but those were the only two times that it has happened.
  11. I'm a worrier by nature and this thread is totally freaking me out!! When DD was just a couple of months old, I put her in the infant seat because we were just about to leave the house, but I didn't buckle her in yet because we were not getting in the car right away. On the way out the door I forgot something and I sat DD on the washing machine in the infant seat. She was still very small and immobile so I knew she would be fine. But I buckled the top buckle for good measure anyways. I ran (literally) to the back of the house for only a split second. I heard a thump, then silence. I figured DD3 was doing something with toys. In a flash, DD3 (a very young 3) rounds the corner and says "baby fall." I was like "huh?" Then I was like "BABY FALL??!!!!" I bolted through the house towards infant DD. She was lying upside down in her infant seat, the top buckle strangling her because I hadn't fastened the bottom buckle. She wasn't crying, wasn't inhaling. I snatched her up and undid the buckle. She started screaming. I was so relieved!!! God was really watching over her. She had tipped head first onto a pile of towels that were lying in front of the washer, waiting to be washed. If she hadn't fallen onto them, she would have smacked her forehead on the tile floor. And DD3 was the hero who came and got me. So yeah, umm, never put your baby on the washing machine, no matter how much they don't move.
  12. I despise unleashed dogs. I'm not afraid of dogs in general....I have two of my own. But I'm very afraid of dogs that are not under an owner's control. Especailly mean ones. I've become so afraid of them that I will not go walking or biking around my neighborhood for fear of being approached by a loose dog. Once I was out jogging years ago (before I became too afraid to do so) and a large dog approached me growling. I always carried pepper spray (which apparantly wouldn't have protected me anyhow LOL) but for this particular dog I just lowered my eyes and kept walking. I paid the dog no attention whatsoever. My heart was racing and I was scared to death, but I just kept going at my same pace without looking at it and eventually it wandered away. A few months ago new neighbors moved in behind us. They have two large dogs that growl and bark when we are in the backyard. They have begun digging and pushing on the fence in attempt to get into our yard when we are back there. I am terrified of them! I won't even allow my kids to play back there alone anymore. Seriously, I despise mean dogs.
  13. I got DD3 a pair of bright red Jessie (from Toy Story) cowgirl boots from the Disney store for Christmas. She'll love them!! I need something equally cute and neat for DD6. Both my girls love receiving things like shoes and clothing as long as it is to their liking. I found some really cute unicorn Crocs for DD6, but it didn't come in her size. It went up to size 12/13. She really needs more like a 13 or a 1. She has a pair of Scooby Doo crocs that she greatly loves. I'm looking for something neat along these lines, but they do not have to be Crocs. Any ideas? Links would be great! She's still very much into kiddish type things so she would love anything pertaining to the preschool age as well.
  14. I don't care for him. He may have some good advice at times, but he comes across as snide and condescending.
  15. To come at it from a different angle, it sounds like tic/obsession that my daughter used to do. She is also 6 and she did this particular thing when she was 5. Any time she would brush by anything or hit it accidently, she would say "ouch."'she would continue to repeat it until I said "it's okay." I couldn't say anything besides that phrase or else she wouldn't accept it. She would get very frustrated if I didn't do it "right." she literally said ouch at least 75 times a day and I would have to say "its okay." it got old really quickly for me. One day she just stopped doing it.
  16. Our church doesn't push that one. I always write a little note in the margin of the book saying that my child doesn't have any friends that they can bring.....the teachers always just signs off on that week with no problem.
  17. I did this last year when DD was 5. She was very into art then....and still is to a degree. She was younger than your son, but we included the following: pipe cleaners lots of tape lots of wooden things to paint from places like Michael's, AC Moore, etc. nice new set of colored pencils, crayons, and markers (just Crayola) sketch pad blank book so that she could make her own book watercolors (Crayola) I know there is more, but I can't remember off the top of my head
  18. Here's what I try to keep on hand.... organic yogurt bars (Barbara's) organic granola bars (Cascadian Farms) organic fruit (usually grapes, apples, bananas, strawberries, and watermelon) organic apple cinnamon mini muffins that I bake squirrel wedges (grind up organic nuts of all kinds in the blender...mix with natural peanut butter, Nutella, honey, and cinnamon until it forms a chunky paste....spread between two whole wheat tortilla shells and slice like a pizza) whole wheat dinner rolls organic yogurt strawberry applesauce organic cheddar bunnies (like goldfish) organic graham sticks or cinnamon graham crackers organic butter crackers I'm always looking for more healthy snacks so I will be watching this thread.
  19. Yes, this LOL. I have no idea whether it is self cleaning, what I should use to clean it, or how to do it. I'm sure it needs cleaning since the last time I cleaned it was....oh....never.
  20. I usually spell it gray....but when I do, I always wonder if I should be spelling it grey. :D
  21. My 3 year old DD got glasses back in June. Honestly, after she got glasses, I didn't really notice any changes. She's probably too young to notice if she's seeing better. However, a few months ago she began asking for her glasses if I didn't put them on right away in the morning. So perhaps she's noticing that she can see better. Plus, we have to patch her eye for 5 hours a day, so we do that in addition to the glasses. As for taking care of them, I just tell DD that she's not allowed to take them off. There's no need for them to ever come off unless I'm putting her in the tub or putting her to bed. We've never lost a pair....and she's never broken a pair. An arm got bent one time, but it was fixable. For 3 years old, I'm pretty happy with how she does with them.
  22. My parents live right around the corner from us (along with my two younger sisters who are 17 and 26). I ask my parents to watch the kids when I have a doctor/dentist appointment. But I rarely ask them at times other than that. However, they invite the kids over often if I haven't had some sort of appointment that week when they have seen them. So my kids usually go to their grandparents house for at least a few hours a week.
  23. When dealing with my child's health, I just do what it takes to let the doctor do his/her job efficiently and thoroughly. If that means holding my child down, then so be it. Of course, I'd rather avoid the screaming/crying/holding down, but I have had to do it. A few days prior, I usually calmy discuss what will happen during the visit. I continue reminding about what's upcoming....trying to make it sound as "normal" as possible. I'll just say "Hey, sweetie, remember we go to the doctor in two days to get your eyes looked at. Remember how we talked about cooperating with the doctor? I know you are a big girl and can do it!" Sometimes it helps calm them....sometimes it does not LOL. We have to visit the eye doctor every few months because DD3 has esotriopa in one of her eyes. The first time the entire appointment went fine until it was time to dilate her eyes. After that, there was just no convincing her to cooperate. I don't blame her LOL, I can't stand having my eyes dilated either. The nurse and I held her down while the doctor examined her eyes because it had to be done....right then, while her eyes were dilated. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
  24. Yep, sounds like an auditory processing disorder to me. Usually the processing disorder and the auditory processing disorder go hand in hand. DD6 just got "diagnosed" with both disorders and we just began therapy last week. ETA: We were blessed because we have a family member whose children have the same issue and we are seeing the same specialist for my daughter's issues. So we didn't have to search for one. This therapist uses a computer program for a lot of the auditory therapy. It's called Fast ForWord. It is EXPENSIVE. But I've heard great things about it. You have to go through a licensed specialist to use it though so that they can keep tabs on the progress. Here's the website if you want to check it out....and you can also see if there are any licensed specialists in your area (just click on parents at the top right, scroll down till you see Fast ForWord, click on Find Providers): http://www.scilearn.com/products/fast-forword-language-series/
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