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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I have to say....I have no idea what you mean LOL. Is this to be a reminder to people that even though we, as a Christian society, may "overlook" these verses in the Bible, they are still verses that should be followed? Or are you saying we shouldn't believe those verses? Or YOU don't believe those verses? Or.....I'm just confused LOL.
  2. That's so strange....I have never been a milk drinker. Then I got pregnant with this babe and I'm drinking several glasses of milk per day. Weird!
  3. Poor baby!! What a long night for her. Did the nurse not know what sort of splint she was supposed to use?
  4. I am laughing so hard LOL!! That totally sounds like something I would do!
  5. Yes, it is VERY expensive. DD6 is in the midst of it now. Actually, she just finished her vision therapy and we're now doing auditory therapy. If you are looking to see if your quote is "reasonable", I can PM you what we pay if you want.
  6. I'm sorry that you've had such a bad day!! Today I feel good that.... My morning sickness seems to be a bit better than it has been in the last month and I actually washed dishes, tidied up, did laundry, did DD's therapy with her, and wiped down the kitchen counters! That's waaaaay more than all the laying on the couch that I've been doing! DH may fall over when he walks in the door.
  7. I really wish that we had an Ikea close by! The nearest one is almost 3 hours away. Maybe next time we go down to Orlando we can hit it.
  8. "Out for delivery" is one of my favorite phrases ever!!
  9. My girls (6 and 4) sound about the same. They LOVE imagination things. With Play Doh, they bring their people and animals to the table and make things for them (hats, food, blankets). They do color sometimes though. I wouldn't force them to do it....imagination is good for them.
  10. We keep shirts, skirts, and dresses hanging in the closet. But pants, shorts, play clothes, swimsuits, undies, jammies, and socks we keep in drawers. Right now they are in the changing table....which is overflowing from 2 kids. And within the next few months we'll be moving the changing table into the baby's new room for his/her arrival in October. So I need something else. I know that I want two seperate areas...one for each kid. Sharing drawers is getting too confusing. But I'd also like for it to be cost effective. I won't spend hundreds and hundreds on dresser, chest, or drawers. But I also don't want it to look awful since it will be in the room and not hidden in a closet. What do you use? I didn't know whether to go this route: DRAWERS . And possibly stack another drawer or two on top of it. Or maybe something like this: CHEST . Or maybe something that I haven't thought of yet?
  11. I do wonder why they took him off. I'm wondering if the actor who plays him just wanted off of the show for some reason. I mean, he had already been through an entire ordeal with his friend being killed, then he was suicidal, and he just had a new fiance....it seemed sort of weird to suddenly kill him off.
  12. I use http://www.kids-in-mind.com/ . They explain every single questionable thing in a movie. I don't like my kids to see movies with a lot of name calling and such....because it can carry over into real life and I don't want my kids to think it's okay. I think this is working well for us because my kids are 4 and 6 and have never, ever called each other, or anyone else, a mean name. So I mainly use it to see how much name calling there is. For DH and I, I don't use it as much, but if I think the movie may be questionable then I will look at it. I don't like a lot of crude, sexual humor in movies so I will use it to see if it has that.
  13. We never, ever make bed. I just don't see the need. You make them, then a few hours later you mess them up again.
  14. Desks and tables seem to be catch alls for the kids toys. They use every empty surface in the house to set up their houses, villages, and people! So now, we just use the train table as their school desk....they'd rather be on their knees anyways.
  15. When I grow up, can I be you? :D After I have this baby (which isn't until October), I'm going to have to start doing something. I've had to quit exercising due to this morning sickness. You rock though!!
  16. Surely you must be talking about my almost 7 year old because it sounds exactly like her.
  17. My husband loves the show as well. And yes, he's usually the one with tears in his eyes instead of me. :D
  18. I had a feeling that it would be him. I was hoping it would be an unknown person on the show since there were a bunch of ladies gathered at Claudia Joys house, but I had a feeling it was him. :crying:
  19. You can turn the internet off. Just go to settings....then general....then restrictions. You can turn on/off whatever you want to and set a pass code for altering the restrictions. Set your own pass code and then your son cannot access the internet.
  20. It's a common thing for front loaders. It has happened to mine twice in the two years we've had it. I run a small amount of bleach through an empty cycle and it takes care of the smell.
  21. My daughter does AWANA and I kind of say the verses in a sing-songy voice to help her remember them. I try to add a tune to it if I can. Plus, they have a short verse to memorize each week for Sunday School. Our school work has memory work as well, but I just skip that because it all gets to be too much for her.
  22. My kids want to see this, but like you, I'm very wary of movies. I don't like movies with a lot of name calling and a lot of kids movies seem to have that. Not to mention, innuendo that's intended to be over kids heads so that it can appeal to parents too. On the day the movie is released, it should have a really good write up here: http://www.kids-in-mind.com/ . They list EVERY SINGLE questionable thing in movies. LOVE that site!
  23. I do too! Add some wind outside and it's perfect!
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