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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Honestly....I don't care how old the earth is and haven't really pondered it. I just know that God created it.
  2. I planted a 4x4 foot raised bed last September and I think it cost around $100 or right over to get it started.....maybe $120. I bought lumber from Lowe's and had them cut it to size for me. Here's what I started out with.... lumber wood screws organic weed barrier (this is really just a roll of biodegradeable paper) seeds organic garden soil a few small clearanced spades/gloves for the kids I wrote a whole blog post about it, complete with photos, when I did you. So you can see what our garden looked like. I wanted to plant a spring garden this year, but with this morning sickness, I'm just not up to it. Hopefully in the fall, but then again, that's when the baby is due. ::sigh::: I think the garden is going to have to wait. Here's the blog post.
  3. I sort of pictured Peeta as a little more "pretty" than that.....you know, softer features, etc. I always pictured him as someone that didn't look like much of a tough guy. As for Katniss, yeah, I hope they dye her hair and make her more "average" looking. Like someone else mentioned, I definitely picked her as more of the "girl next door" type. I think they picked Gale pretty well. I pictured him as rugged, tough, tanned, etc. That guy does the rugged look pretty well. Who have the chosen for Haymitch? I looked around for the official casting for him and didn't see anything. I know they were considering House (Hugh Laurie) and a few others. I think that House would be PERFECT for the role of Haymitch. I can't wait to see this movie, but I'll probably be let down as I usually am. I read Harry Potter and then saw the movie and thought it was horrible. It was missing so many chunks of time.
  4. Will you be getting an inground pool or above ground? Inground pools are EXPENSIVE. We have one, but we did not install it. It was here when we moved in. I'm glad that we have it, but we would not have paid to have one installed. We live in Florida so we can use our pool for many months out of the year. Our kids just went swimming the last weekend of March for the first time this year. If you hire a pool service, it's not difficult to maintain. DH started out doing it but we quickly realized that it would be easier for us to leave it to people who deal with it all the time. So we have a guy that comes once a week. It's a bit expensive though. Basically all we have to do is skim it from time to time. Trees and pools do not mix well. Our backyard is small and does not have any trees (I love trees but there was none when we moved in 6 years ago and adding trees would mean LOTS more pool work). You would be skimming forever if there were trees close by.
  5. I cannot stand when people post things like that.
  6. Cool! We have one of those that hang around our house! It's amazing to see!
  7. My daughter turned 4 at the beginning of March and is still not potty trained. She did well at peeing in the potty for a while and she still CAN do well if she really tries. Peeing is not my main issue though. After using undies for a while, I finally put her back into pull ups because I was so tired of cleaning out 4 pair of poopy underwear per day. It's just gross. When I put her back into pull ups, she regressed on the peeing and began peeing in her pull up most of the time. Again, I'm not worried about the peeing because I know that she CAN do it. I'm frustrated with the pooping. She absolutely WILL NOT go to the potty or tell us when she has to poop. She hides and does it in her pants. Most of the time this is when she's playing in the playroom and we're not aware that she's doing it. And she doesn't mind sitting in it either. A few weeks ago she got a really bad rash because she pooped and did not tell us for a while. She cried and cried because of this rash and I explained to her that she got it because she pooped in her underwear and then sat in it for a while. I thought that may be a turning point for her.....but it wasn't. :glare: I'm not really sure what to do anymore. I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy and the thought of washing poopy underwear again and again makes me want to hurl. I've tried incentives. I told her we could go to the toy store and choose ANYTHING that she wanted. She's stubborn....she told me she doesn't want anything. :001_huh: ANY advice would be appreciated. I've tried "ignoring" the whole thing for the past month. She doesn't care. I have her change her pee pee pull ups and then I help her with the poop ones. UGH. This has to end soon.
  8. I just looked up Persons Unknown online and it looks like there's only one season and a second season is doubtful. Does season 1 wrap it up well? Or will it be one of those like Jericho that was really good but didn't wrap up very well?
  9. Fringe has 3 seasons....the third is currently on TV so there's two seasons on DVD. Oh, and Prison Break! I loved that one!
  10. Your likes/dislikes seem to be very similar to mine. Here are shows that my husband and I have enjoyed: Fringe The 4400 Friday Night Lights Army Wives Lie To Me Lost And I TOTALLY know what you mean about having to watch a TV show while using an exercise machine. If I don't have something to watch, I literally cannot make it through my exercise time LOL.
  11. I tend to think it's okay. Whenever I'm listening to the pastor preach, I take notes and doodle around the page. It helps me to concentrate. I think crocheting is probably the same. A video game would totally distract my attention away from the speaker.
  12. How does this look on me? Answer: Well, your belly pokes out like there's a baby in it (yes, there's a baby in it now, but when I asked this question, there was no baby in there LOL).
  13. WOW! That is really a lot of money. Do you know if they get many participants?
  14. What do you mean by accept? In my faith (Christian - Baptist) we are taught to witness to others. I can understand that there are different beliefs in the world, but of course I believe that mine is going to get me to Heaven....and I don't want to see anyone left behind. So if I truly believe that, shouldn't I be witnessing to others? Or should I just put on a "don't care about others" attitude? That would completely go against everything I believe. Can I GET ALONG with people of other faiths? Of course! I can get along with them without arguing. Do I pray for them? Of course!
  15. I *would* pay the $20 if I had to....just cause I know how much fun VBS is and because my DD enjoys it....but I have NEVER heard of a church charging for VBS.
  16. Really? I didn't know that....why would it be illegal?
  17. Hmmm....maybe that's what's wrong with me here lately? I just went off on the kids because they never keep the playroom clean....and they want to whine when I put new rules into play BECAUSE they will not keep the playroom clean. I think I'll start telling them I'm grumpy because I'm pregnant. :D
  18. Well....I thought about doing this.... My husband has absolutely no clue when I see my doctor for my OB appointments. I might just email him something along the lines of "Hey Babe, I forgot to let you know that I had another OB appointment this morning. They actually gave me another ultrasound! I was excited to be able to see the baby again. Check out the pic....don't pass out!" And then attach an ultrasound picture of twins (gotten from somewhere on the internet). I may send it this afternoon....not sure if he remembers that today is April 1st!
  19. Oooh, I like this!! I think I might try it with my girls. However, I already know what they are going to say...."Can we leave our village set up so that we can play with it in the morning???"
  20. We have this ear thermometer: http://www.amazon.com/Braun-Thermoscan-Thermometer-ExacTemp-Technology/dp/B001FWXKMM I did a lot of research before buying one and this one got awesome reviews. It's been great!! I was tired of waking small kids in the middle of the night to use a rectal thermometer. This has been SOOO much easier. It's very accurate too. I found ours at Publix. We've had it for probably two years and it's still going strong.
  21. Extended rear facing is not a new thing.....the experts have just finally been clued in to the fact that it actually IS safer. I have always left my kids rear facing till nearing two. I've always heard that a car seat is safer than an integrated seat. Just be absolutely sure that you have yours installed correctly. The reason rear facing is safer is because a toddler's neck muscles are still developing. If in a car accident and their head snaps forward, it could do major damage to a still developing little neck.
  22. My girls do respect our home to a degree. They know we eat at the kitchen table and that's it. They know that when they are finished eating, they wash their hands so there are not crumbs and stickiness around the house. I do allow them cups (with lids) of chocolate milk on the couch while watching TV and if they happen to drip some out, they either clean it up or ask me to help them. For the most part they put their dirty clothes in their own hampers and their shoes in their bins. They are absolutely not allowed to eat breakfast until I am up or watch TV without asking. Our biggest issue is toys. The playroom constantly looks like a tornado blew through no matter how many times I help them or set new rules. I don't know...maybe it just comes with the territory of being a kid. I remember my room being a disaster as a kid. Each night, part of my bedtime ritual was clearing a path to my bed so my parents could get through to kiss me goodnight and pray with me. :D It sounds like you are going to have to take major action....take away the PlayStation so they cannot access games or Netflix. Tell them that if you wake up and find a mess, THEY will clean it and have extra chores/work/sentence writing piled on top of it. Make this their problem and not yours. However, I do have two girls.....and I know that there's a definite difference between boys and girls. And I'm also in my first trimester of pregnancy and sleeping in in the mornings is just heavenly. My kids and I haven't been getting up till 9 or after....I'm just. so. tired.
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