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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. I don't associate the name April with either being dim witted or being to slutty. Hmmm...it is not like you are naming the kid Bambi or Precious. ETA: I never got to use my little girl names. :( Oh...and might I add that when I first read your post, I thought you were choosing this name for an actual cactus.
  2. No, I teach my kids that there are other religions - and my older knows since his dad is athiest. However, I teach them also what we believe and why we believe it. AND, I know that, ultimately, my kids will one day decide for themselves what they believe. I try to lay the foundation and pray they will follow our faith, but I am realistic enough to know that may not be the case in the end. I do my best.
  3. I will be honest, it would be hard. I would die in place of or for my children in a heartbeat. But when I think of dying rather than go against Jesus/God in word only, I am not sure. I mean, I think I could bring myself to say whatever I needed to say to live in order to continue to care for my children...because God knows my heart. Words are just words. If it came to being, in some way, completely unable to worship Christ (even in private), then I am not sure that I would want to live in that kind of world anyway (one that took away even my most personal freedoms). ETA: It so not something I can easily type and would not do in the case of my children. If I could give MY life to save theirs, I would. No question. I would not allow my children to be killed or harmed if I can stop it...and if I die trying, then so be it. I have lived some of my life. My kids deserve to live theirs. There is just no doubt in my mind. I pray it never comes to that decision...but if it ever does, I know, without a doubt what I would do.
  4. hmmm...does that apply to adults too (cause if so, I am guilty) :sneaky2: (I have always wanted to use the "sneaky" smiley!)
  5. I think it is PRECIOUS! Maybe it is because I never had a dad to do things like that with me. How could it ever be creepy? I don't consider my kids' interactions with my dh to be creepy EVER. If I did, he would not be my dh.
  6. I think if you do all 8 books, then you have a very good foundation for phonics. My older son was taught with sight words in ps and he is remediating with ETC Books 6-8 right now. Book 6 is "easy" for him. Book 7 gets more complicated, and book 8 makes him scratch his head right now. So, he needs this! I agree, it has to be the pacing. It has limited my 5.5 year old. We are learning phonics with ETC and LLATL Blue. It is taking FOREVER. My son can read really well. He picks up on the reading really quickly, but because he is only to silent e in ETC and working on the long a and e sounds in LLATL, he is frustrated and so am I. We are going to switch and use CLE Learning to Read (starting at LightUnit 106) along with CLE LA 1. This program teaches all phonics in 1 year and then allows him to practice, practice, practice with the reader, and then later with the reading programs.
  7. Think of the 1 pound chocolate bunnies they had at walmart this season! Wow...that is a LOT of chocolate and even that much would only be poison to a 20 pound dog.
  8. He will be fine. He needs more than that to really be in danger. My friend has a 80 pound lab who ate entire Russell Stover box of assorted chocolates and she was fine...a bit of diarrhea for a day or two...but no lasting effects. :)
  9. HOD is very hands on. Example...Unit 1, Day 1 in Beyond... Outline a huge circle on the floor with masking tape. Say, This circle is Earth. Earth has 7 continents. A continent is a large body of land surrounded by water. On separate pieces of paper write these continent names: Asia, Africa, Antarctica, North America, South America, Australia, and Europe. Help students tape each continent name on Earth in the correct place. Give students actions to follow using the continent names (i.e. Hop on one foot from Africa to Asia). Other actions might be to walk backward, tiptoe, crawl, twirl, stomp, or gallop. Last, have students use p. viii in American Pioneers and Patriots as a guide while they scoot on a pillow to show Columbus’ route and Magellan’s route.
  10. I am not sure I am understanding you correctly. The woman said that it cost the library $2 if you reserve a book and get it through interlibrary loan? BAh. That sounds like a load of hooey. Sorry, but interlibrary loan is something that will run whether you have a book there or not. I mean, our library is a small town one with a very limited selection, but they can get about anything from surrounding libraries. They also send out books each week. A courier comes on Friday and delivers/picks up the books. It costs NOTHING in my area. The courier comes whether I have a book there or not. I think that woman was irritated with having to "process" your large order...but I think she might be mistaken in her "facts." Don't sweat it one bit! That is what the library is there for!
  11. What type of readers did you use? Did you get the TM with the ETC? Up till now, it wasn't the spine for us, so I did not get the TM. Does it make the program richer?
  12. I used it with my son who was barely 5 when we started. However, he did know all the letters and their sounds. He was also starting to blend 3 letter CVC words when we started.
  13. I am really wondering here. I use so much english with my kids, it is getting ridiculous. I am trying to cut back and use one program for phonics, but I am not sure that ETC stands alone well. Of course, that would not be our LA - we are also using HOD which includes copywork, spelling, and gentle grammar instruction. We will read the level 1 and 2 readers as well.
  14. Check the placement chart on the HOD site and see where they best fit. Your dd is between levels at age 7 and she could go either way. Read the scope and seqence, and decide which is a better fit for her. My yonger son was the same way. He is also 5.5, but he is reading very well, doing copywork, and finishing book 3, starting book 4 in ETC. After a lot of deliberating, I went with Beyond because it was just the perfect fit for him. With your youngers, I would do your 4 and 5 year old together in Little Hearts. They have an option, when you go to check out where you can either get the 1st grade package or the Kindergarten package (Look at this link, under "Basic Pacakge" http://www.heartofdakota.com/little-hearts-packages.php). With yours, I would get one of each and work with them separately in those areas. Sounds like you have phonics and math covered, so those are not an issue. The Science and History In Little Hearts is appropriate for both Kindergarten and 1st grade.
  15. That is so great! And the oldest son sure is handsome. :)
  16. I did not do CWP for grade 1 (even though I did do some in IP) because I tended to use it a grade behind. My older ds was doing CWP 2 and Singapore 3A and 3B. My younger would not start CWP 1 until he was doing Singapore PM 2A and 2B. HTH
  17. If man did not have free will, wouldn't we all be Christians? If you believe in God and believe that he is a loving God, then why would he let someone chose not to follow him and perish without everlasting life in Heaven? My answer is that he lets US choose. He wants us to love him and worship him. He never gives up, even when someone gives up on Him.
  18. Wouldn't you know I just bought it...with the TEACHER Book. GAH!
  19. My older son has ADHD, but was also labeled "gifted" when he was in ps. We struggle with handwriting and spelling. However, now that he is home, I really don't consider him "gifted" beyond just being really a smart kiddo. :) However, what I wanted to share with you was that, when I was searching for information on giftedness, I came across the term "asynchronous development." My son totally fit...and I think most kids do. It just describes how kids who are really advanced are also often lacking in maturity...sometimes even in deficit of other kids their ages. My son is 9. At times, it is hard to tell the difference between him and my 5 year old in behavior. Other times, I feel like I am conversing with a 17 year old. It is totally bizarre, but apparently totally normal for gifted children...and the more "gifted" they are, the more of this you will see.
  20. If you want some of the "other side" of the free will "argument," read some Nietzsche. In some books, he will vehemently deny free will could exist (while he contridicts himself to a degree in other texts...but oh well :rolleyes:). I had to read a lot (more than I ever wanted or cared to read) of Nietzsche in college.
  21. I didn't read the other posts because I just want to say what I believe and that is all. I do think God gave us free will. Just because he KNOWS the choices we will make does not mean that he predestined us to make those choices. He lets us screw up and fail - we are humans. I am sure that, in God's perfect will for me, I was not meant to marry my ex husband, fight with him like animals, and get divorced at 21 years old. However, God let me make those choices and He knew I would make those choices. He was also there for me each step of the way - never leaving or forsaking me. I just didn't bother, at that time in my life, to pray and ask for His will to be done. In selfishness and arrogance, I felt I knew what was best and I did what *I* wanted to do. Then, it ended badly...as it most often does when I try to take over the drivers seat. My 2 cents.
  22. Call the dr on call tonight and ask. Always better safe than sorry...and the fact that you are posting it here means that your mommy instincts have kicked in and let you know this is NOT normal for your baby. You didn't pay attention to his heartrate before...but if it had never changed, you would not have a reason to pay attention to it now either. IMO, call the doc.
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