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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. The best way to describe my reading for the past week is that I have been working rather diligently to read several urban fantasy’s that all came off of hold’s rather unexpectedly about 3 weeks ago.........fortunately the majority of them can be used to spell Rabbi David Small. I am getting close.😉 One of my most anticipated books so far this year was Storm of Locustshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37920490-storm-of-locusts?ac=1&from_search=true as I really loved the first book in this new Urban Fantasy series. The second left me disappointed, I found a bit of a slog and ended up giving it three stars. The first book struck me as fresh and rather creative this one not so much. Magic Shifts https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17333171-magic-shifts is the eighth book in Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniels series which I have been meandering through for about 3 years. I just realized these books need to be read much more closely together to have them be page turners. This one was great because I fell into their world quickly because I read number 7 last month. You guessed it, I will try and read the next one soon. Arm of the Sphinx https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35959733-arm-of-the-sphinx and Patricia Brigg’s Burn Bright on audio were my other books for the week. Both were good but not great. I am currently relaxing with The UnHoneymooners https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42201431-the-unhoneymooners?ac=1&from_search=true which Kareni has already read. Best described as fun modern romance with adult situations. Because the couple in this book go on their sibling’s non returnable all expenses paid honeymoon in the modern world I keep wondering if it could seriously happen in today’s world. They bought new airline tickets........but I have spent significant time thinking if this switch could actually work.....😂 I am listening to Diana Valere’s Mad for Mod cozieshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34503995-the-decorator-who-knew-too-much for a V in the spelling challenge. If you are a fan of Doris Day and retro these books are potentially fun. I enjoy them but haven’t listened much the last couple of days as I slipped and landed hard. A certain part of my body much prefers reclining when I can. Not injured but bruised.....it I lay down and listen I sleep. Planning to start The Rabbi who Slept Late https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39349875-friday-the-rabbi-slept-late later tonight. Looking forward to it.
  2. I think there is supposed to be but I also think the politics have been kicking up about it. This summer I am really noticing it......I have a email so I get the headlines from my hometown newspaper and I can’t actually read the articles anymore which is irritating. The Puffin poem made me think of another interesting Puffling fact.........Pufflings need to be fed 5 to 8 times a day, 10 fish per feeding.
  3. We do try to do something slightly out of the ordinary, dinner out etc. Our anniversary is also DH’s birthday so for years we celebrated Daddy’s birthday because that’s what the kids understood. Present wise I tend to get a new appliance right around our anniversary so we joke that it’s my anniversary present ...... this year it was a new refrigerator which I am so pleased with!🤣
  4. On my way out for the day but many sites that I am used to using when in the US are giving me a message that because of EU internet rules I can’t access content.. Most are things like grocery stores etc. Where the expense for compliance would be to high I guess....but I know that I have been unable to use a couple of links from you all too.
  5. They will be gone from Bempton really soon which is why we had to go last week. I know there are several places to see Puffins in Scotland and I think some are not necessarily breeding areas, so more year around I believe. We are actually going to be with some of our Scottish friends tomorrow so I will ask. You might want to investigate the Scottish Wildlife Trust Website for more information and ideas https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/about-us/our-partners-and-supporters/scottish-natural-heritage/. Hopefully you can get in.......I am a bit frustrated with EU laws blocking internet usage right now......I tried to see if Publix carried something earlier today and got blocked. Their magazines are beautiful......we used to be members.
  6. This week’s Saturday Brit Tripping photos....... Over the years my family has made a few visits to Bempton Cliffs https://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves-and-events/reserves-a-z/bempton-cliffs/to see puffins. Until last week we had one (as in one puffin, once) confirmed sighting so our odds weren’t great and let’s just say my family loves me because it is a pretty boring 2 1/2 hours each way........but totally worth it this time, lots of puffins. They are tiny(8inches) and nest inside the cliffs as opposed to on the cliff sides. On the way to the cliffs I happened to read a sign that said their wings move 400 times per minute and managed to spot one by its’s super fast wings and orange feet almost instantly. Here are a couple of photos of my puffins......The one I circled per experienced people was a baby who was terrified of the huge gannets outside his nest. He spent about 15 minutes building up the courage to come out and fly. So sweet!
  7. Definitely start with the first, which I loved. I haven’t made it through the second one yet.
  8. I started the “Scotland project” but quickly gave it up because my books didn’t have detailed enough descriptions and I have a basic lack of real clarity regarding the geography there. Most of my mysteries seem to be Edinburgh or Glasgow so 10 counties was going to be way too much work! Amy and I had so much fun! Both families really enjoyed themselves. Btw, The look on the kind woman’s face who took the group photo for us was hilarious when we told her we met online.
  9. Last week there were mobiles when William went to visit Dianna’s fans memorial birthday event https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1147837/Princess-diana-birthday-prince-william-kensington-palace-royal-news. He is higher if it really matters. Not going to hunt more. Kate mixes her couture and doesn’t pre announce her outfit than apparently refuse to show it. Whatever I read, people were waiting to see her in that dress for the publicity value. Yes, people were insulted and M&S is a British company fighting to stay in business.
  10. I’m not going to bother to find quotes........I started this earlier and went out for the day........pure memory and I refuse to hunt, pretty sure I am close to the right figures....... The huge number of empty seats make me really sad. I hadn’t read the press the first time I commented because I quit reading her press because I find it a bit embarrassing from the American POV. MM had to know people were being prevented from watching the game and sitting in those seats. As someone in the press recently said about her “ Get over yourself, luv”. Which I think is the attitude towards her.....if she wants to be private get off the internet and do your basic job. She recently self defined herself as Princess, she receives a whole lot of goodies like security, housing expenses, transport from the taxpayers. Charles foots the bill for her clothing. Someone maybe the Queen pays them. Before they quit the military and went on payroll Harry and William both officially lived off their military (ambulance service £) and their trusts. Both Meghan and Kate are oddly each worth about £7 million. I think the guys are both closer to 35. The Royals except MM live tax free in the U.K. MM needs to pay the IRS. The real point here is I have absolutely no desire to support her lifestyle as a Global Humanitarian. No desire to pay for security.....if she wants to pay, or Charles, or the Queen, or Oprah😂, I wish them well. Happy to have her support hospitals, schools, regiments.......attend garden parties......Take an occasional foreign trip.......Be a Princess on the taxpayers. Not being allowed to take ANY photos because you have the misfortune to be seated near her........just wow. She purposely went to an event where most people in that box want their photograph taken. They dress to be seen. She has been before, she had to know. As I said before watch it on tv, if she was under extreme risk why didn’t she stay home. No need for her to go and ruin people’s day. Selfish. As a side note.......You all do know that when a Royal family member rewears or buys from common high street and press comment the British people where I live admire them for it. Frugality is a highly praised virtue. For instance people love that K and W used an on sale Cath Kidston bag as a diaper bag ( teen girl experts in my life figured they went on tour with a bag they may have spent £50 ish on) and that Kate’s boots are 15 yo.....etc. They relate,,,,,,,Wearing high street brands to public appearances is expected when appropriate. A little M&S etc goes a long way......MM wore it once I believe but refused to take off the coat. Kind of a slam in the face to all the common folks. Kate goes to sales and stocks up.....wonder why people like her more! Also Princess Anne recently commented .......totally paraphrasing.....that she was sick of mobiles in her face that she would rather just have a lovely time meeting the people. To my knowledge she doesn’t do anything to people with phones. I don’t think it’s considered an active threat by other Royals.
  11. I don’t think being American helps her popularity but the fact that she doesn’t even really try to fit in is what really hurts her. She doesn’t want to know how to be British or Royal unless it’s on her terms. Also she somehow pushed a royal wedding through way to fast........the whole thing has been odd and the public noticed. People were really happy for Harry and now I think the feeling is more a concern for Harry.
  12. I don’t think anyone expects the royals to always be on when in public. Over the years I have heard several stories of Royal encounters at grocery stores, corgi walking etc. I have read (no pictures) that Kate uses buses frequently with George and Charlotte. I think they frequently live normal lives for people with their own security team. 😂 A part of me wonders if there wasn’t enough press on her first visit to Wimbledon last week and this media ban created way more than just going. I think she is seriously in personal competition with Kate who had a great deal of positive coverage at Wimbledon on the first day. I also think people give Harry more attention........
  13. It’s televised.......seriously she would have stayed home if she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. Other members of the Royal family who outrank her seem to be attending without the media blackout......
  14. I have just been looking at DC Smith descriptions and need to make sure these are set in Norfolk.......Brit Tripping😉 and my Scotland 10x10. The first one with the North Sea oil riggs made me think Scotland..........
  15. I over edited the quote but you would definitely enjoy Inspector Galileo. I don’t think there is any need to read these books in any particular order beyond the fact that Suspect X is the popular one......... Thanks for the recommendation, I just added Almost Sisters to my stack.......I think I looked at it when it was first released but I tend to avoid sagas also. The search engine also coughed up Almost Amish about reality tv contestants which I couldn’t resist. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12963151-almost-amish?ac=1&from_search=true So the stack increased 😂 Dh was gone all day yesterday and my dc’s have started writing their Capstone papers so all was silent at my house and I binge listened to the entire The Sentence is Death while doing chores and knitting. I started knitting a scarf out of recently located beautiful yarn I have saved for a special project and had lost in the house years ago. I loved the book and was happy to have a chance to get my knitting abilities reestablished so peacefully......it’s been over a year since I picked up my needles. @Pen I think the book Inspector Gamache carries from his father is Meditations but am not sure. I found this website and interesting book related blurb http://www.gamacheseries.com/cultural-inspirations-from-the-long-way-home/when I tried to confirm. It doesn’t answer our question at all but as a rabbit trail it’s fun. @Junie My Dd loved Dickens and came close to reading them all. I also found them long and in need of serious editing. I quit prereading when Dickens entered the picture............ @Kareni Thanks for all the great links. I just “bought” the Pickett book. At one point I had it checked out and had to return it unopened so now I will have my own next time I decide I want to give that series a try.....so many BaWers seem to love that series!
  16. I stayed up late and woke up early because of the Salvation of a Saint https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13506866-salvation-of-a-saint?ac=1&from_search=true my Asian detective mystery that I mentioned yesterday. That book accomplished quite a bit considering it answers “The Who Did It” question before the murder even happens.......”The How” ended up being what kept me reading. Essentially the victim is poisoned by coffee he made.......the question is how did the killer poison the coffee? This series has a physics professor who consults with the police. I read the Devotion of Suspect X by the same author and loved it (can’t really remember it 😂beyond the fact that I believe it made my top 10 list that year......) so this book has been on my list every since. I have access to at least one more by this author but am not sure that I want read it immediately, wondering if I should save it.....I am hoping to have 10 different Asian detectives for my 10 x10 challenge and I now have 5 read with more planned.
  17. @Negin Beautiful picture, my family has visited that church and had a really nice time chatting with the volunteers there. We had fun imagining Tristan ringing the bells! You asked about the weather, the first part of June was a constant drizzle but the last couple of week have been lovely. This won’t be a surprise because of all the recent Department Q discussion but The Absent Oneis being set aside for now. The audiobook for The Sentence is Death arrived from my hold’s list and I also have Patricia Brigg’s Burn Bright on audio. My family and the great clean out seem to have limited my audiobook time greatly. Today we did books in the garage and managed to turn 4 boxes into 3 with a large box for a homeschool family we know. Considering the 3 remaining include dd’s Notebooks which are legendary in their volume I feel pretty good about the sort. Crazy Rich Asians is being set aside too because I found it too much like the movie and it is long. 😂. I plan to read Salvation of a Saint by Keigo Higashino https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13506866-salvation-of-a-saint for my Asian Detective 10x10 next but might end up distracted. For Ancients I am a bit torn, I just checked out Keeper of the Flame https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19737926-keeper-of-the-flame from one of my rabbit trails off the fun links Robin provided. I already have Lionors https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/654401.Lionors?ac=1&from_search=true planned for that space on the Bingo card. Lionors is technically a reread but as I read it when I was about 13 😂 when I removed it from my sil’s bookshelf and fell in love with Arthur I may still go with Lionors even if the print is a bit small in the ancient copy I found to buy.
  18. Since I have photos from last week with a Brit Tripping BaW connection I am going to post them at the end of the week again. Last Sunday we visited Whitby with all it’s Bram Stoker connections............in the first picture at the foot of the hill under the church you can see a small beach. According to local lore Bram Stoker got the idea for Dracula while sitting on that beach. In the second picture you can see the Abbey and St. Mary’s Church on top of the hill. The third picture is a small portion of the 199 steps to the top of the hill and St Mary’s......one point of confusion in the book has always been how Lucy, in a trance, went down the West Cliff steps and up those.
  19. Also in the stack! I finished a few romances in the car today including The Bride Test and The Kiss Quotient which were enjoyable and different. Both books had main characters on the spectrum and quite a bit of blush worthy adult scenes. I also read a new one called Fix Her Up which was also good. I read a couple of these during Brit Tripping and enjoyed them. I set them aside because of the unidentifiable county locations. Thanks for the reminder....... I think that might be my problem with the book also. I only have a couple of days before it returns itself and 9 hours to go. I think I may let it go for now and concentrate on other audio books that I am a bit more excited about.
  20. I seem to be feeling rather particular about the quality of my 10x10’s too. I have completed a couple technically but because of rereading or binge reading refuse to call them done.😉 I have finished a couple of good books by favorite authors this week. Why Slay the Wicked by CS Harris was great in the context of the entire storyline but I suspect if someone here starts with that book they will be disappointed. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40786920-who-slays-the-wicked I also read The Scholar https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42482181-the-scholar which I found very different from the first book in the series. In the first book the main character didn’t feel like the detective to me so I wasn’t really ready to read this book where the detective was the focus. I liked the story and it could definitely stand alone. Set in Galway it was sort of big pharma meets university campus. I hate to say more because it was quite good and I can’t remember what was known at the start of the book! I am listening to the second in the Department Q........not loving it quite as much. Trying to remember if people liked it better?
  21. mumto2


    Sending prayers to your family. A broken leg in a younger person leading to death is so unbelievably sad. Going to be honest and say I am not a good funeral person and generally do my best to excuse myself but it sounds like your cousin might be really grateful for your support. She sounds like she is rather alone............
  22. 👏 @Violet Crown Great list! @tuesdayschild and @Pen Glad to see the Rabbi Small love. I have the first one checked out because I need to read in order........ @Kareni Our stacks seem to be looking pretty similar these days as The Unhoneymooners is in my Overdrive too. The Kiss Quotient actually showed up this morning so I will stop there. @Liz CA I have another potential author for you Elly Griffiths. She has two series that I enjoy........the first starts with The Zig Zag Girl https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22838934-the-zig-zag-girl?ac=1&from_search=true I listen to these on audio, the other is the Ruth Galloway series which I actually love but realize the main character has some major character flaws that I normally would dislike (ongoing adulterous relationship is the basis for the ongoing storyline). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6688087-the-crossing-places I just started reading the latest in the Ruth Galloway series and loving it. The Stone Circle is an awesome follow up book (10 books later) to the first in the series. I clicked on the book on my kindle by accident and read a couple of sentences, totally hooked. I actually set St. Cyr aside for this book....🤣
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