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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Dd does latin on her own, very self guided. Last year we did not carry her Henle materials to the States because the library there had a new copy of Wheelocks which she wanted to try. She enjoyed it with some free online support. She did at least a third of the book in a six week period and is looking forward to getting another chunk done this year. Different vocab words and the translation was from actual roman texts is what she liked about Wheelocks per dd. FWIW she has done some of Cambridge on her own. Stopped someplace in second book for a trip to the States again. That time she switched to Henle and liked it. She wants to finish CL at some point too because that is what her friends in school here take -- she is still ahead of them so no motivation yet. ;) This http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/latin/wheelock/index.htm dd used with Wheelocks. She really liked it. I think she had the 7th edition book and had no problems with it being created for the 6th edition.
  2. Nothing is great here. I can drive 5 miles and have dramatically different weather so I can't blame weather.com. It is what I normally use just because of the computer app. I can check on our frequent destinations and friends and family around the world easily. If it is a day where I really care I compare to bbc then pray for clear skys!
  3. I love my mom. We talk for at least an hour most days. She is in the States. Really the only thing I miss.
  4. :grouphug: I'm sorry. I wish I could cook for you.
  5. I know a few students who have gone there. All loved it. All were/are in the honor's college which I have heard is a wonderful experience.
  6. I finished my kindle book this morning "Death of a Cozy Writer" which which won an Agatha Award a few years ago. It is by GM Malliet who wrote another series that is high on my wish list but can't find at a library here. The conclusion was great, worthy of the award but the first fifty percent of the book was blah. If I hadn't been reading it on my kindle and hadn't been curious how it was Agatha worthy it would have been returned to a library unfinished most likely. I think the biggest problem was I didn't "like" or "care about" any of the main characters not even the detective. On a happy note "A Tale for the Time Being " renewed easily this morning so I am now able to concentrate on "The Goldfinch". Edited: I just glanced at my post and discovered spelling errors in book titles. All fixed.
  7. Robin, I am so glad your mom is doing well. Happy Early Birthday! Have fun playing with your new toy. :)
  8. I finished "The Rosie Project" by Graeme Simsion this morning. It was really entertaining. I requested it because of the Goodread's Best of 2013 list, it was in the fiction category. One of my favorite tv shows is Doc Martin which this reminded me of in many ways. Here is a pretty detailed review.... http://www.npr.org/2013/10/03/228508828/the-rosie-project-will-charm-you-with-science Next up is either a Tale for the Time Being or The Goldfinch. Both need to be returned soon and can't be renewed. Both look good. I started Tale but am hoping to be able to renew it tomorrow when the library opens and the system clears a bit. It is really scary to think I am now able to tell that there should be one extra copy as soon as the latest hold is processed. Somebody spends way too much time on library sites! :lol:
  9. I read the first Dexter book and enjoyed it. It seemed to match the tv show pretty closely. Do you watch the show and do they continue to be quite similar?
  10. Flavia is wonderful! Agatha Christie is another possibility.
  11. In the cold weather it can be really gusty. I always thought piglet blowing away was an impossible bit of fiction until we moved here. When dc's were smaller it really felt like they could take flight. I linked the Regatta because it was the only jacket similar to what we have design wise and the price was really good. I was on the phone with my mom and Lands End was being difficult. I like the removable fleece lining. Normally in winter I wear that plus a couple more (sweater and hoody) if I need to be waterproof. One layer being attached makes life easier imo. Technically he does just need the shell but from now on he will want more. We keep shells in the trunk of the car in case of weather changes year around. Laura is right it has been unusually warm and sunny -- we were hiking in shirtsleeves yesterday.
  12. Robin, Thank you for the update. I have checked the board a few times today wondering how your mom was doing. Glad she came through the procedure so well. Praying that all continues to go well.
  13. This is similar to what I wear most of the time. Apparently on sale too... http://www.regattaoutlet.co.uk/mens/pinegar-3-in-1-jacket-black.html Mine is Lands End but we have several Regatta jackets with just the outer shell and like them.
  14. This thread has been pretty entertainig. I haven't carried my knitting with me as much as I used to. I think I will start again. I went to many meetings with a dear friend (now deceased) who brought her knitting too. I do agree that an adult should be able to sit through a meeting without other "entertainment" but I have to say that I wonder how an adult could be honestly distracted by someone knitting several seats away. Assuming that the knitter is simply quietly knitting. That distracted adult will always find something to be distracted by I suspect. I always bring a tiny project just cast on, one skein of wool, on circular needles. Normally a baby sweater in 4ply. Aim is to fit in a quart size zip lock in my purse. I finish the project at home but do the boring bits while out.
  15. It depends on the meeting because I am a bit sensitive about reactions by others but an easy knitting project that stays easily on my lap helps me to focus on what is being said in the meeting. Many of us who knit normally watch tv or listen to audiobooks while knitting so when we pick up our knitting we are prepared to listen!
  16. Stacia -- I can find a kindle version of Monuments ...but haven't located a hard copy. Should I keep looking or wait on the kindle list? I finished "The Shrouded Walls" by Susan Howatch. It was a good gothic romance. I enjoyed it greatly. Also finished my kindle book "Tall,Dark, and Hungry" by Lysay Sands. It was a good humorous vampire romance. It had several funny but unbelievable scenes which had apparently happened to the author irl while dating her husband.
  17. No idea if this is true but a friend who should know has said on numerous occasions that they have never paid anyone. I want to be clear a say this could be only in regards to autism but she makes a blanket statement.
  18. I am so glad she came through the surgery well. :grouphug:
  19. :grouphug: Robin, still praying for your mom and family!
  20. I just put put my request in for Still Life. Since everybody is talking about these and they look good might as well join in! Negin, I hope your Dd has a great time on her holiday! Fall colors and Thanksgiving are great new experiences--make sure she eats some candy corn! Dh just surprised me with a bag he ordered yesterday, yummy. :grouphug: to you.
  21. In England they are bring and shares. We have been to more then our fair share. Dh does not enjoy them -- very picky. I have to bring what he eats. On the otherhand he loves BBQ's, meat and potato chips are his all he needs....
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