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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Happy Halloween!!! Thanks for the links Robin.
  2. I read The Game and the Governess by Kate Noble today.http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-4767-4938-9#path/978-1-4767-4938-9. It was Ok. An Earl and his personal secretary switch places after a bet is made, the Earl needs too woo a lady without having his title in order to attract them. Good idea that went on forever without the satifying conclusion.
  3. In England (at least in our village) many graves receive fresh flowers quite often. When walking by the cemetery I frequently see someone tending a grave. Generally just flowers from gardens that the loved one enjoyed not big formal arrangements.
  4. Maybe something on this long thread will help.http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/109114-free-curriculum-list/page-6?hl=free+curriculum&do=findComment&comment=5889719
  5. Just ran into this article about MC Beatonhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/bookreviews/9855458/The-mystery-of-crime-writer-MC-Beaton.html author of Hamish MacBeth and Agatha Raison after discovering she also is a pretty prolific regency romance writer. I will edit a link to those at the end, can only do one link at a time! Anyway they don't look bad. Has anyone read any of them? ETA http://www.mcbeaton.com/uk//books/romances/ There are lots of these romances, not all recency......
  6. I was just browsing and came accross this thread. Obviously, if you notice my siggy, my kids are teens so I am not up on the current beginning math favorites. We used minquin and liked it but we did go through another math program that we liked and I thought did a great job with the mental regrouping that the op was describing -- Professor B http://www.profb.com/productslist.aspx?Subject=Arithmetic&CategoryID=14&cat=Books. At the point I used it just the books were availiable and I normally talked to the author (lovely man now deceased) when ordering. I see they have a 30 day free trial. Might be worth looking into......
  7. Micro is the traditional first. Many Macro units are probably a bit easier if you have already taken Micro.
  8. Last year for Spooky October I read Stoker's Dracula, The Historian, and finished my Dracula study with a factual history book Stacia found (can look it up if someone wants it). Also read Frankenstein. After all that I have been feeling a bit like a slacker with the paranormal buffet (otherwords a bit of this and that)I have been playing with for this year's Spooky until I realized I have had just about every kind of spooky creature I can think of in that buffet. My books haven't been the most serious, I seem to only be able to handle fluff these days, but vampires, witches, were creatures, demons, necromancers, and ghouls have all made an appearance. So not too bad overall. ;)
  9. In England it has become quite popular. It coincides with fall half term so lots of Halloween trails etc. Costumes tend to be on the scary side, lots of skeletons and monsters. I could probably find a place to do all ten items but sugar skulls would be because scary, no Day of the Dead tie in. ;) Trick or Treating is a bit hit and miss. Easier on Estates(subdivisions) if you really feel you must. We have a party at a friends each year instead of going out.
  10. Completely agree, boiling it sounds yucky. Cucumber and cream cheese, pretty good. Finally had a chance to finish Mercy Blade, the third in Faith Hunter's Skinwalker series. I really like this series. It took me a couple of chapter's to get back into it but after I remembered some formerly minor characters who became more central it moved along well.
  11. I have always been able to take fresh food on board, I just leave my extra on the plane before going to customs. I also take whatever cheese I have left with crackers. We have always gotten adult meals for the kids. That way they get a choice and do much better.
  12. April and May are my favorite months of the year in England. Lots of beautiful flowers in bloom......Out of curiosity I went looking and found this chart for Dublin http://www.met.ie/climate-ireland/1961-1990/dublin.html. We have always found the temperature similar in Ireland but Ireland has more rain.
  13. I am cheking in to mark the thread. Glad Robin was able to get our new week started even though her internet is down. I did read a historical romance out of my library stack today, Mine til Midnight by Lisa Kleypas. It was pretty good. Not quite to formula, the couple consisted of a gypsy and the sister of a Lord who was not a titled Lady. Not the Dukes and multiple titles of my recent reads. ;) I also started the third in Faith Hunter's Skinwalker series. No comments so far, still trying to remember who the characters are because it has been a year. :lol:
  14. Do what your husband wants you to do. Be supportive of his decisions no matter if you personally agree with them or not. For me that meant not going to mil's funeral because he wanted me to stay with the dc's. He has never regretted that decision so it was the right one for us.
  15. Just wanted to say we used Elementary Greek and liked it. Went well and was pretty easy to use from the perspective of a mom who isn't good at languages.
  16. I have driven an hour for birthday party in the UK so voted that I would. I admit the early start time would give me pause. If they had to start early because it is a popular activity like laser tag I would be OK with it. Especially something that my kids need a group of friends assembled in order to have the experience. I hope he has a great time at the party!
  17. Stacia, Sounds like you had a great time at the signing. I would have loved that one! I love Molly Harper's Nice Girls don't have Fangs. Funny light paranormal. My best friend liked it so much she sent it to me as a birthday book a couple of years ago. I have read Kevin Hearne but need to try the other two authors.
  18. We definitely have a dawn chorus at our house. Remember though, we are in the country. When we were near a city center we didn't have little birds. We also have a substantial number of rook nests in the trees accross the street. Morning and night at least a hundred rooks(crow family) calling to each other is not particularly lovely, especially in the spring. Remember I love birds, I even love crows, they are loud!
  19. Kareni--I just attempted to find the original Beau Crusoe by Carla Kelly and the search function didn't want to work. I have now finished it and am total agreement, after reading I suspect literally thousands of romance novels, I have never encountered that subject in one. Even more amazing it was actually a good romance. Just want to add that I am pretty sure many of our romance reading friends here would not enjoy this one. I think a certain enjoyment of the paranormal genre (although the book isn't) is probably required.
  20. Did you think it was as good as the Rosie Project?
  21. Just googled Terry Prachett and ran into these lovely illustrations.http://www.theguardian.com/childrens-books-site/gallery/2014/sep/12/terry-pratchett-dragons-at-crumbling-castle-gallery-mark-beech Anyone read the book to thier dc's?
  22. The whole bell tower fiasco happened about two years before we arrived here. Environmental health was actually going to make the church stop ringing. It is a closely held secret which newcomer actually filed the compliant but apparently all newcomers were politely told to list thier house and leave or live with the noise because everyone else loved it. No homes sold and the compliant withdrawn. It must not have really been that disturbing. Living by music clubs and not expecting noise is beyond me. I would think you would buy there in order to hear the music for free. We got to listen to Elton John for free at our first flat here. Tickets were sold out and I was disappointed. Quickly realized we saved tons of money and had cheap great refreshments! Dc's were still somewhat little and had a blast at their concert! :lol:
  23. Pam, I just saw this. :) So very happy for you! Love the name Benjamin. I think Benjamin Matthew is nice.
  24. I read the first chapter or two maybe two weeks ago and set it aside because several of my library books had holds put on them. I started where I left off today. I remember the first few pages being about what a whiz at IT the main character was and the courtship, try to get to the first church council meeting before you give up. I hope you will enjoy it after that point. Admittedly part of my enjoyment was it was all so familar. A village newcomer here wanted our church bells to stop disturbing them.....in our village they ring every quarter of an hour. How could you not know about them when buying a house? Seriously, I asked first.....
  25. I know I posted about this book, Death in Elysium, when I discovered it but I just read it and absolutely loved it!http://classicmystery.wordpress.com/2014/07/11/death-in-elysium-by-judith-cutler/ Have to admit that I totally agree with that review, the mystery was not great but everything else about the book was. The descriptions of the inner workings of the village church and organizations were spot on. Same for the social commentary imo. Loved the main character. Ladydusk, pretty sure you already have it on hold and am pretty sure you will enjoy it.
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