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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Stacia :grouphug: Thinking about you. If you see this pop in and wave at us so we know you are fine! Shukriyya, you need to check in too! Negin, you aren't forgotten but have simply already checked in. ;)
  2. You can create your own bookshelves. I have one for both years in which I have done BaW, one for each dc, AP, and abandoned. I also keep short stories in one by year to keep my count right. After you click that your book is finished you have an opportunity to do your shelves. You can also edit them later if needed. You can put a book on as many shelves as you want. My St. Cyr appears to have worked on both my 2013 and 2014 shelves. Not sure how my total read count is because shorts would go in that total too. I hope that was sort of clear and what you were asking.
  3. Blush, I knew what he looked like. Same for Scott.
  4. Beautiful picture Jenn. Yeah! Amy has her avitar back. :) Question for Goodreads people..... what do you do for a reread? I finally figured out that I could use the same book(wouldn't let me switch editions) and put it on both 2013 and 2014 bookshelves. It works so I am happy. If I continue my St.Cyr reread it will be twice in the same year but months apart so I would like to list it again for my records within my 2014 bookshelf. I don't think there is a way......please don't spend much time on this because I suspect one was enough for now. This is a curiosity type question.
  5. Angel, forgot to say I hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:
  6. Just wanted to send hugs to Stacia, Shukriyya, and Negin. Your pictures have given me many giggles and smiles. I hope that a less time consuming method is found soon. Just because we could all use something non delete related I am going to fill you in on my Scottish Party. We had a great time eating shortbread, Scottish pancakes, oatcakes, and cheese. No haggis......darn! :lol: Did a quiz filled with images which made me shudder. The result was I am rubbish at Scottish trivia unless actors or royalty are involved. I also knew Burns and Scott so can do old author. On the book front I started a CS Harris reread in honor of Amy and others currently reading that series. Picking up much that had been forgotten.
  7. Carola Dunn writes what dd and I call Nancy Drews for older people. Her heroine is a post WWI Nancy by the name of Daisy Dalrymple.
  8. Just went through and deleted book covers. I have left a couple of YouTube links quoted. Pretty sure these are fine but if they need to go no problem. I didn't go through whole threads but where I saw any image on others posts I liked you. Please do the same for me because I am only back in October 2013. One very sad discovery is I have noticed who is missing from our current threads. :( I knew some were taking a break but more than I realised.
  9. Okay, I have been back through my easy posts that sort for me and edited my quotes and removed all pictures to sometime in October 2013. Question about author photos.....can they stay or not? I have a quote with a Borges that I left thinking books and we are BaW.....
  10. One of the dc's took my avatar photo so that doesn't need to change. Fortunately I never learned learned to post images but I know I have quoted some and they appear to live on as quotes. I will start hunting later tonight......
  11. Well I have read two from the short list. Not overly impressed thus far. Have to say I am glad the two of you were able to meet but I would have loved to be there too. Beautiful setting....very appropriate for my current read. Yes still plugging slowly through the Midnight in the Garden ;) When I read many simultaneously I frequently read to a point where it must be finished and finish one off pretty quickly. Try to read a few pages a day on the others so I don't forget. Huge Tippi fan here. Odd fact.....she is Melanie Griffiths mom. Sorry this is disjointed. We are traveling again.
  12. :lol: let's just say I understand......
  13. I finished a Mary Balogh that I have been reading a page at a time for weeks. It was actually really good, I just needed to read a few pages consecutively! :lol: Started Third Grave Dead Ahead. It is part of a quick fun paranormal series by Daryna Jones.
  14. JP Beaumont is one of my favourite mystery series. I am doing a very slow reread. Made it through the first two or three so far. :grouphup: to the running injury. I enjoyed Dust also. I thought it was a bit of a return to the style of some of the first books in the Scarpetta series. :lol: I found it in my overdrive account last night and downloaded it. Good emergency reading....the pile grows, and overdrive adds to it with time limits! Still waiting on the third Tana French so that I can read the Secret Place eventually. Glad to know that it is really good. Have to say this series is one of this years favourites.... And another author I meant to return to for spooky reads. Both series are excellent. Roughly halfway through both. Kareni, do the Mercy Thompson short stories stand alone or are they something that need to be fit in with the books orderwise? If it wouldn't make me lose this whole multiquote masterpiece ;) a blushing character belongs here. I gave up on City of Bones quite a ways in.....I was never going to finish it. Agree with Stacia read Bad Monkey's or something else that you are looking forward to. :grouphug: Eliana, I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your little boy today.
  15. Sixty hours a week and living in a hotel room will definately be a test of his devotion. We spent a few days as volunteers on a dig here this summer. Fascinating imo, still waiting for the results summary. But it is hard work! My ds decided Archeology was not for him partway through laying the grid out in a huge field. I admit it was boring.....I know because when he and his friend quit to explore I ended up finishing with dd and another mom. Repetitively measuring each position three ways(triangulation) was well really boring ..... definitely need to love the whole experience enough to do the boring bits. Couldn't let the man leading the project down, ds knew we would do it for him. Grrrrr Ds loves the dirty digging part though......dd is more a measurer then a getting dirty person. Probably not the best fit for either of mine. Suspect I would enjoy it! ;) Definitely enjoying hearing about your son's adventures.
  16. We used and loved Pathway readers also. Geography songs was also a huge hit! My kids still know them years later. :lol: I hope all goes well. Many of the SL read aloud literature really are great so if one becomes available from the library do try it.
  17. Now for my update.... Very behind in HotAW. Somewhere in the early 30s. Maybe late in the week. I did finish Tears of a Pearl by Tasha Alexander. I took me almost all week to get through it. The third book in my Lady Emily series which I will continue reading but am hoping they improve! Dd liked it quite a bit. ;) Not sur what I am reading yet. Everything in the stack looks good but nothing is calling to me. I will continue to read Midnight......but as it is on my kindle I need to start a hardcopy too, stack reduction!
  18. Good luck to your son and his new job. Very exciting times for both him and you. I suspect the girlfriend is missing him greatly. I hope you enjoy the Coursera class. My dd especially loves to try the new classes offered there. She is too busy for more things right now but we did look at that one. Please keep us updated. There is a new Vampire one coming out this fall entitled Lestat. Apparently Anne Rice is taking the series back to it's origins. Somewhere, after six or so I lost interest. Looking forward to the new one. Already on the list. ;) Thought a reread would be a good idea first. I agree that Robin would like the Vampire series. I have read the witch series also. Parts of it I loved but they also contain one of my most disliked story lines ever... that pregnancy was too creepy for me. So not going there again. Can I be both? Great article but not sure what I am. I like my series consistent but have no real problems with new styles in other non series books.
  19. Thus far I am thinking it is fine to have a free certificate. :)
  20. Tom's Midnight Garden is a lovely story. The title always reminds me of the other. In Midnight in the Garden....there is a murder coming in case that matters to your interest level, I have just been reading so slowly that I only get through a character description or two a day. At the beginning of the book the author simply tells stories of all the locals the main character meets. Love it.
  21. For most courses that we have taken a verified certificate costs around $40. You have roughly 2 weeks after a class starts to register. We have only paid the one time for the second Calculus class dd has taken because the credits were availiable for an advanced Calculus class. They have taken a fairly large assortment of classes with Coursera. Everything from several programing and economics classes to chemistry and dinosaurs earning free certificates in all. Their Coursera transcript is available when you log into their account. Generally it gives a percentage earned in the class when the certificate was completed. Are these of any real value? I am not 100% clear but taking and surviving a chem class taught by Duke University where only approximately 400 certificates were given at the end is not a bad talking point for interviews if Coursera comes up. ;) I have simply been packaging them on the transcripts with other at home work. My dc's can't go the Community College route because of where we live. Although the calculus class she took and passed is AP level CD it is doubtful she will be able to take the CD AP and will have to do the AB level in the spring because of availability. I am happy she will have a little bit extra to show, honestly don't expect the credits to transfer but since the price was relatively cheap it seemed worth the effort.
  22. We were just doing the free options until dd wanted to do University of Pennsylvania's Calculus class. That one can be upgraded to receive 3 credit hours through ACE for roughly $130. We went ahead and paid for that one. She just finished last week and did well. Overall it was a good experience for her. Until we paid for the final she was doing the verified certificate route. It was surprisingly easy so would do it again if they start a specialization track with the intention of finishing it.
  23. Robin, Rather a coincidence that you should mention Dean Koontz Frankenstein series. I ran into it yesterday and put the first on hold. It looks good. I used to love Dean Koontz many years ago until one of his books scared me greatly. I didn't read the next. ;( I think I am probably ready to read him again after 20 plus years! :lol: I never got to Jekyll and Hyde last year. I keep seeing a spin off called Hyde http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/books/daniel-levines-hyde-reanimates-robert-louis-stevensons-infamous-bipolar-doctor/2014/04/06/24fb7fd6-b99f-11e3-899e-bb708e3539dd_story.html would like to read them both back to back. My plans for spooky are becoming rather impossible so am willing to do any read alongs. Pretty sure rereading the Kim Harrison series, the Anita Blakes, and Anne Rice's Vampires can't be done in a month.
  24. Looking forward to hearing what you think of this. The description is very intriguing but not at my library....Did you read The Girl who Circumnavigated Fairyland? I think someone here did recently and the library has it. I think dd would probably like either since she loves myths and fairytLes. Wondering if it would be appropriate.... Dd took this https://www.coursera.org/course/fantasysf coursera course last fall. Most of the reading could be done in the public domain so it might be a good place to start. She really loved the Poe and has gone on to read more. If you want her favorites I can have her post them later. Both my overdrive and hardcopy of Colorless Tsukura arrived this morning. I feel rather pressured to get started. So many books and not enough time.... Shukriyya, I have been meaning to tell you that I am doing a very slow reread of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. It really is a lovely descriptive visit to Savannah. I feel like I am there. I do think you would enjoy it.
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