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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Yes I would and am actually in the process of doing so, sort of. Small space with older fridge that is having issues. Dh and I have done our research and know which one we want when we have to order one. Not really worried. All my appliances have needed to be smaller in this house and chosen online. I am satisfied with all of them so far.
  2. I started a new book this morning. It has a long wait list so I needed to give it a try. So far it is intriguing, the WWI portion at least is very near where I live. So interesting after seeing so much in museums etc. to have the daily bits of real life being depicted in a book. The other portion is about a bookstore so I may place it in my "books about books" category if it continues to have ideas like this link contains.http://www.knighthallagency.com/book/mrs-sinclairs-suitcase-by-louise-walters/ I had never really thought about the lives of people being reflected in the books they read by the objects slipped into books......occasionally I find an odd scribble or brochure but nothing like the letter found by the main character.
  3. Eliana, Your granddaughter is beautiful! I hope your have a wonderful time while they are with you. Wow!!! Thats all I can say to your home library. Definitely gets my vote for largest and best organized.
  4. I think they should have been there but not positive I will check the next time I go to Morrison's. I shop at all of the big three TESCO, Morrison's, and Sainsbury, and not everything is standard in the biscuit line, especially when it comes to what we call crackers. Also since you were where oat cakes come from they may have had local stuff instead of national if you weren't at a superstore. If you ever get a chance to go to a Waitrose go in and look. Lovely store, rather posh and their prepackaged ready to cook things are so good. As you can guess I don't have a Waitrose nearby but wish I did. :lol: The first thing that popped into my head when I read this is could be worse, Elizabeth 1's collar would be really hard to make!!!! Needless to say we will need photos. Glad to see you back. I recently thought of you while I was on my Julia Quinn reading spree. Hopefully I will have more of those this week.....the interlibrary loans haven't been delivered in over a week in a half. Can't decide which is sadder that they haven't or that I am aware of it. :lol: Anyway welcome back. I agree with Amy btw, we could use a couple of favorite recommends from the flufferton reading spree.
  5. I finished The Silkworm earlier today. Really good detective novel. I wasn't t crazy about the first one in this series and thought the release of the Harry Potter connection a bit ratings contrived but this one was really good. :) Currently reading The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness, the last of the Discovery of Witches series. Enjoying this one too. I am only 25% in so far from a final verdict but so far it is good. Finally back reading White Wedding by Milly Johnson. To be honest I almost gave up but decided if I am going to go and hear her speak I should read her book. Glad I continued as it is a pleasant read with some humorous moments. Not sure how popular her books are in the US as it strikes me as quite a British bit of chick lit. Lots of hen parties and snogging going on. :lol:
  6. I love Nairn's Oat Cakes. No idea if the ones I buy are gluten free but they are yummy. :)
  7. I am in the variety of calculus books club also. We have an older version of Stewart's and the Lial's Calculus with Applications at our house along with a couple of others. Dd loved Lial's. Really enjoyed seeing how calculus was used in the real world. Not sure that it is as difficult as the others but it does serve a useful purpose. We haven't done much with Stewart's but it is useful. I might be tempted to sell that one if you can get a significant portion of what you paid for it back since it is the current edition and pick up a cheap old edition somewhere when needed for your younger children.
  8. I would explain to your sister that if she wants you to make 3 trips over the next 3 months ds needs to come also. I think it would be a shame for him to miss spending time with his grandmother plus you deserve to at least have company on those long journeys. Quite frankly he needs to come even if shopping and shower get combined just because you prefer it and you are going way out of your way for her.
  9. First, I actually think I own the pattern for that reindeer!!!! Never knitted it but I think ds said the last time the patterns were out he wouldn't mind that one, but he actually likes it when I knit him stuff. Especially unusual stuff like a vest (waistcoat here) with a huge red dragon. Roundabouts are actually being replaced here in places for traffic control supposedly. The only problem is those intersections seem to have light posts all over and are very unforgiving in terms of lane control. Over the years I have grown very fond of roundabouts, I like the fact that when I have no idea which road to turn onto I can just go completely around once in the middle lane then pull off the second time around after I have looked at all the signs and know which is the right exit. I gave up on Tampa already. Somewhere I had seen a warning that it was sexually explicit. I thought it meant certain scenes but it seemed to be somewhat continual. Too far out of my comfort zone to continue with considering the size of my stack. Farewell young female author, I tried. ;)
  10. Interesting link Stacia. All I can contribute to the discussion is I have discovered that a couple of my fluffy books are actually male authors using a female pen name. Miranda James who wrote the Cat in the Stacks series that I enjoyed is a man. Several authors also have rather ambiguous first names that surprise me when I discover that their gender doesn't match my perception of them from the book. I have spent the past few hours happily reading Daniel Silva's An English Girl. I know, totally inappropriate for the current discussion. It was a really good thriller, rather James Bondish. All sorts of intelligence agencies involved and great pacing. Very hard to get bored and take a nap! ;) I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I have read some of this series in the past and like the main character quite a bit. I had forgotten who the author was so never continued reading them. I appear to have missed a couple..... :lol: Next up is Tampa by Alissa Nutting which I had already planned to read or at least try!
  11. Discovering libraries discarding classic books or the first in a popular ongoing series is a huge pet peeve of mine. Our library has a policy of removing the last copy from active circulation and putting it in storage but making it available upon request. Sounds good but many times it doesn't seem to happen in practice. I had an incredibly hard time sitting through the part of my volunteer training regarding on how to mark books for removal and future removal from circulation. Apparently yellowed pages although undamaged is a removable offence. I am going to be really bad at that part of the job. One thing I didn't realize is reading in the bath sucessfully (as in you don't get the book wet) is still really bad for paperbacks because the humid damp dissolves the glue. Heat from reading paperbacks in the sun is also damaging. These and a couple other factors mean our library's paperbacks frequently only survive 6 checkouts before they need to be pulled from circulation due to poor condition.
  12. Just finished reading The Likeness by Tana French. It was good but so soon after In The Woods was probably a bit too much of that author. Definately taking a break from the series although I will go back eventually I read the rest.
  13. I am so glad both your and Onceuponatime's (sorry I missed that quote) dads are doing better. My mom is also doing much better memory wise so we think we will be able to get her back to her own home soon with a bit more home help. Still have the back pain issue unfortunately. I can't even express what a thrill it is to be able to speak to her again and have her be her. Such a relief--she reacted very badly to pain meds and was not herself for way longer than the norm.
  14. Happy Birthday to James! My ds just read my Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore and really liked it. Since I think you mentioned it was in your stack, at some point it might be a good one for James.
  15. [They are served with cheese frequently. I helped with some community lunches last fall where we served a nice homemade soup and fresh bread followed by a cheese board complete with digestives. Profits to a different charity each week and we were packed every single week, ran out of soup normally. Personally I like them plain with tea or coffee. Prefer something less sweet with cheese.
  16. Totally agree that they are not graham crackers but can be used for many of the same things......pie crusts, smores, eating with peanut butter.....but they have a higher sugar and fat content therefore way more filling. Very similar to eating a cookie and here the term biscut means cookie. Not sure that that explains it better but thought I would try. :)
  17. Thanks for posting the "official" date for the next Flavia. My dd will be very happy to hear that in the morning! :) We knew that they were supposed to continue but had no firm indications. FYI for Shukriyya who will notice that it is 4am in my part of the world -- I am not in the States ( most likely spending part of September there) but may very well be back to my old insomniac ways. Big sigh........... Almost done with Aunt Dimity's Death. Hopefully will finish and go to back to sleep. Big yawn. This one is more of an introduction I think to the main event, the rest of the series. I am 76% in and feel like the book is still out there waiting to be read but like the premise of the series and enjoy the characters so will continue with the next.
  18. Thank you, I just put a request in for the first in the Hathaway series. I also picked up White Wedding by Milly Johnson today because I am going to go hear her speak in about a month. A friend heard her recently and really enjoyed her. Anyway I have been told I need to read one of her books first. ;) Jenn, I agree JD Robb is best started at (or very near) the beginning and read sequentially. There are some really enjoyable characters in this series so their lives need to be read in order!
  19. I have read three historical 's by Julia Quinn recently. I am completely hooked and am anxiously awaiting the library transfer van! I am waiting for the last of both the Bevelstoke and the Smythe/Smith series(thank you Kareni). I also finished the next book in the Ian Pears series, The Last Judgement. This was an improvement from the Bernini Bust which was my last one so am a bit enthused about the series again.:) Currently reading The Likeness by Tana French and am enjoying it. I do think my knowledge of the main character from In the Woods is helping me. Also reading Aunt Dimity's Death on my kindle, it's good. Thank you to many of you who have recommended these over the years.
  20. Both my children enjoy life of fred and have done well with it. They are quite mathy. For some subjects like trig and geometry lof is all dd has used other than the NEM books and she tests well. She did lof calculus with a copy of calculus for dummies by her side. Anything she didn't quite understand she did in the dummies book also. She describes her Fred overview as a fabulous introduction which gave her a huge amount of confidence but fully admits she was not ready for the AP exam afterwards. She is currently finishing a Coursera calculus class and plans to start a serious study of Statistics afterwards by using the lof book first. I hope this helps your decision somewhat. Personally I think Fred would be a good way to self study if your dd enjoys the humour. There are samples available and I would have her try reading some of the samples just to make sure she finds them funny. We have a lot of discussions about the oddities of Fred's life around my house. I would also make sure she has another text of some sort available if she wants to explore a bit further or look something up. Occasionally a term is mentioned but not explained in lof which dd finds a bit irritating even though she doesn't need to know it.
  21. I went ahead and finished We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves. I can't say it is Booker Prize worthy it was a far better book then I was expecting for awhile there. Totally agree that it is a light book which I read through quickly and didn't skim -- there was no need to slow down. I think a large part of my disappointment with this book was the fact that it was on the Booker list. My next Booker Prize List book is The Lives of Others which looks a bit intimidating to be honest. Probably will wait a couple of days to start this one.
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